After physio and tens referred to a consultant who recommend a shoulder in replacement.Has any one had this op? Does any one what Pontefract Hospital is like.
Hi Everyone hope you are all having a more manageable... - NRAS
Hi Everyone hope you are all having a more manageable day.Well I have been to the hospital because of the pain in my right shoulder .
What did they say or more importantly what did they do? I get bad pains in my shoulders that last for days and I feel like toting the axe out lol. I hope your feeling a good deal better today.
Hi Philip,The x-ray showed that there was no cartilage in the shoulder joint .So they have offered me a shoulder joint replacement.Have you had any injections into your shoulder or physio? I find applying heat helps my pain and stiffness. Hope you are not to bad today.try to keep smiling.
Hi Janice, sounds like you have hit on a good medic, I hope all works out for you and the replacement shoulder,, hopefully painfree too lol
I had a steroid injection but it hurt like heck and I didnt get any relief from the pain lol just so typical for me lol.
Im always smiling cos it helps me keep get through the day.
Brilliant news though for you and lets hope its sooner than later.
Hi Janice,
You may find this link about shoulder surgery useful.
Hi Janice,
I was told the same thing although I had a large full thickness tear in the cuff as well so they want to do a reverse one. Then I got a second opinion with an ortho who specializes in shoulders and knees and he felt I could put off having the replacement by having some repairs and scrapes and take out the synovium and bursa so thats what I did. Lots say the cuff repair is a horrible op but I didnt find it bad and he said he did quite a lot ... the sling for 6 weeks was the hardest. That was only in Nov 2013 but theres no cartilage, it is bone on bone so I wont know how long this op stalls having a replacement till time passes. I also need the other side doing so thats next. Sorry you need this, good luck with it all.
Hi Netbuddy,
Thanks for your response. I have had both knees replaced and they are fine.Different surgeon will be doing shoulder op.I am seeing my Gp next week for further information and I will take it from there.Although shoulder x-ray showed bone on bone.