Weight loss on Leflonomide: Can anyone tell me wot... - NRAS


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Weight loss on Leflonomide

Megan2005 profile image
22 Replies

Can anyone tell me wot causes weight loss on Leflunomide. Is it just the side effects of possible sickness and diarrhoea. Due to start this on Monday. Also does it cause hair loss too like Mx.

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Megan2005 profile image
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22 Replies

I have been taking this drug for a couple of years now and have not noticed any weight loss other than what I have had tried to do myself. As to the tummy upsets I only had these for a short time (week or two), then they settled down, but as I have IBS-D I took it to be that rather than any side effects to the drug. I had more hair loss with MTX than I do with Leflunomide, the upside is you don't have to shave your legs so much!

Megan2005 profile image
Megan2005 in reply to

Thanks Georje. Just keep telling myself that it can't be any worse than Mx. X Less leg shaving does sound good though!

skinnycappuccino profile image

Hello Megan ! I've been taking Leflunomide for almost a year now. I think weight loss is also caused by a random loss of appetite. When I restarted Leflunomide last autumn, I had no appetite at all for about a week and I'd experienced this before on Leflunomide for a much longer period of time. My rheumy lowered the dose (I'm on 10mg now) and I've not experieced side effects since then. As for the hair loss, like Georje I've had that much more when I was still on MTX (also acne and terrible nausea!).

I MUCH prefer Leflunomide to MTX and I wish you the best of luck with it!!

All the best, Christine

Megan2005 profile image
Megan2005 in reply to skinnycappuccino

Thanks Christine. I'm also on 10mg to start with, Ra Doc wants to see how I go on it as I had such adverse effects on Mx. X

Hello BOB here

All very much the same, take advice of GP or RA Nurse

All the best

Megan2005 profile image
Megan2005 in reply to

Thanks Bob. You're right , got to be led by docs. Good Luck to you too.

I've been on Leflunomide for 5 weeks now without any problems whatsoever. I still have thick hair and haven't lost weight. I think you just have to go for it and think positive - good luck!

Megan2005 profile image
Megan2005 in reply to

Thanks. In such pain at moment, will be glad of any relief. Have just been on Naproxen whilst waiting for RA docs to decide wot to prescribe, and that has brought me out in a horrible bumpy rash on my face

Someonesmother profile image

I think it has a different affect on each person so what they say may happen as side effects may not. I took it for a while and I unfortunately had a rare side effect so had to stop, but that is just me I seem to get that. There are lots here who take it and have no problems and I am sure they will respond in time. Good luck.

JuneRose profile image

I've been on it for 2 years no side effects as such the only weight I've lost is by healthy eating the weight loss can only be good for our joints unless that is if we are at a good weight for our height if so monitor weekly and speak to your consultant. It took approx 10 weeks before I felt any benifits. They tried me on MXT a few months ago to top it up but I felt so ill after 3 weeks it was stopped so I'm back to 10 and 20ng alternate days . It's worth a go x

lilianisaac profile image

I've been taking leflunomide since 2000, have few side effects, and not lost any weight. I still have a good head of hair also! Try not to worry, chances are you'll be fine and feeling a lot better after a couple of months. Good luck. Pat x

Hi ya I've only been on it 3 wks , after 4 days felt very sick and dizzy but stuck with it and now no side effects but still waiting for any pain relief etc . MTX didn't work for me I'm also on hydrox and sulphalazine . If this was to make me loose weight I would be elated really need to shift a couple stone lol . But obviously some people can't afford to loose weight . You will need blood tests to monitor for a while and also blood pressure can raise I've been told 2 weekly bloods for 3 months then 6 weekly . Good luck with it let us know how you get on . X

Hoping4GoodHealth profile image

Hi Megan,

I did not lose any weight while on Leflunomide . I do have loose stools as a side effect.

I was at SHANDS on Friday & the Dr said I should get off of it.

This Tuesday, I see my Rheumy here in town & I will see what she says. I would prefer to get off of it ASAP.

I will most likely be starting Methotrexate injections soon. This will be a topic of discussion on Tuesday .

It sure is interesting trying to find the right med with the least amount of side effects.

I wish you the best !

sagil profile image

I was only on it for 1 month and lost 10% of my body weight or 15 lbs. I couldn't afford to loose so now off of it.Never had any side effects

except the weight loss. Good luck to all.

bethf profile image

I lost weight but it was the hard way - nausea and diarrhea. I needed to lose weight though, and even after those symptoms went away I haven't gained it back. My hair has gotten much thicker since I stopped Mtx and started leflunomide. Good luck to you!

Susiej38 profile image

I took Leflunomide for 2 wks and lost 10 pounds. The thought of food made me nauseated and when I did eat I could only eat small amounts. When I started vomiting after eating I knew that particular medication was not going to work for me. I know a lot of people have success with it and strangely enough my RA seemed better, but the nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting I could not tolerate. I didn't take it long enough to experience any hair loss. I do wish you luck and success with it. It just didn't work for me.

Megan2005 profile image

Hi Susie - Thanks for your reply. I guess I just have to go for it and see what happens. xx

Susiej38 profile image
Susiej38 in reply to Megan2005

It is certainly worth trying- hope it works for you! I really am to the point that I am willing to try any med if it will allow me to live a normal life! If you don't try it you will never know! Good Luck!

Cattledog profile image

I was on 20mg of Leflunomide in combo with 20mg of oral MTX. I used Leflunomide for 9+ years. In the last few years my blood pressure rose significantly despite multiple drug therapy. I've been off leflunomide for about a year now and my blood pressure has been dropping fairly quickly now. Have been reducing the drug therapy for the BP as well. I never had any other side effects from Leflonomide. I'm now on 25mg of injectable MTX and, touch wood, seem to be sailing along ok.

Megan2005 profile image
Megan2005 in reply to Cattledog

Thanks for the reply. Taken my first dose today. Fingers crossed all goes well - nothing ventured nothing gained!

Cattledog profile image

Definitely worth trying any drug! What affects one person will not necessarily affect someone else. It's good to know though what to watch out for! Good luck with your treatment!

Megan2005 profile image
Megan2005 in reply to Cattledog

Cheers. X

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