Does anyone with RA also get chronic hives? - NRAS


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Does anyone with RA also get chronic hives?

13 Replies

If so how do you treat and do some RA meds help more than others?

13 Replies
Angela123 profile image

Well, strangely it was because of hives that I realised I had RA. I had two episodes of hives in my hip area exactly a year apart. Both took months to clear - antihistamines didn't work but steroids cleared it up. I was reading about hives on the internet and read that if it doesn't respond to antihistamines it's likely to be an autoimmune condition. When I searched for autoimmune conditions I came across RA, and realised what the pains in my feet and hands were. My Rheumy and GP say theres no connection, but if they are both autoimmune, there must be(?) - would be interested to hear anyone else's thoughts.

Thanks Angela. Yes I am sure there is a connection. I could sleep for Britain too and like you, I read that hives can be autoimmune - like yours mine aren't responding much to antihistamine. They got much worse when I came off steroids.

Trulyfedup profile image

Hi, a couple of years ago I fell asleep in the sun...I was covered and it was so painful. Anti his didn't help...I was told it was due to the MTX...blimey! Was covered from top to toe. Maryx

in reply to Trulyfedup

Thanks Mary. Not on MTX now though - just Hydroxichloraquine. And certainly not hot and sunny here! X

SueB profile image

I have what my family call 'Mum's funny swellings' It is called angio oedema and is basically urticaria or hives. it is an autoimmune disease. I was diagnosed 30 years ago but my RA only raised its ugly head about 5 years ago. Mostly I just have anti-histamines as and when needed. Sometimes it can be nasty and I have ended up in a&e once with a very swollen tongue so now have an epipen which I fortunately have never needed. Hasn't happened for a while - but now I say that i will probably wake up with a swollen eye tomorrow!!


That is really interesting thanks Sue. My mum had an allergy to wasp and bee stings and was supposed to carry an epipen on her. My sister has the same thing with antibiotics. Mine have been up my nose and my lips swell up presently too. The antihistamine takes the edge off the itch but it doesn't prevent the swollen spots that look like boils on my forehead presently. I've had some blood test that may tell my GP if it's an allergic response or not but I've been having these itchy spots for 2 years now - much worse at the moment. I feel unwell and terribly fatigued too and my inflammatory markers are high just now.

allanah profile image

It does sound very like an auto immune response doesn't it?

I think you mention your RA is still quite active RArebird, so maybe when it's more controlled it might ease?

Have u tried any potions or lotions to calm them down a little?

Hope you feel better soon xx

Hi Allanah. Thanks for your kind comment. I've been given a second antihistamine a week ago and see my GP again at her request next Monday. The antihistsmine takes some of the itch away but the hive spots are as big and swollen as ever - mainly on my forehead just now. I was given hydrocortisone for them too and use diprobase ointment around my mouth

which is very sore, swollen and dry too.

Ps I'm still waiting for the Hydroxichloraquine to take effect - only been on it for just over two weeks and hoping it will control my RA well enough.

Not sure I understand this? Do u mean its diet related?

Sorry about yours. Been getting mine for two years now. Much worse since I stopped steroids - each drop in dose meant a new welt would form. Don't thing its Hydroxy as hives started before. Could be naproxen made it worse though so have stopped taking this.

I don't have any suggestions I'm afraid but lots of sympathy. Hives in the nose must be unbearable. I do hope they get something sorted out soon for you RArebird. xx

Thank-you Creaky. I believe this is quite a common complaint for Lupus sufferers but wondered if any other RA sufferers have had this too. RArebird x

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