Doctor's at 2.10 this afternoon. But quite honestly, ... - NRAS


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Doctor's at 2.10 this afternoon. But quite honestly, I don't wanna go. I don't see the point.

Sarah1969 profile image
23 Replies

I already know what she will say; "your x ~ ray was normal, so you don't have rheumatoid arthritis". And I'm in no mood to argue the fact that that simply means I have no joint erosion yet! The National Health Service clearly want to wait til I have bad erosion before they refer me. And it's a crap day too!

Watch this space for my fiery update (its too late to cancel after all). X

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Sarah1969 profile image
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23 Replies

Let's hope she surprises you with a much more well-informed approach. Even both my GPs, rheumy and rheumy physio don't say that clear x-rays mean anything other than the disease has not yet caused any detectable erosions. Few properly trained doctors rely on x-rays to diagnose RA - it would be horse has bolted stuff. Blood results (inflammatory markers especially) and actually examining for swelling around the relevant joints (there is usually quite specific joint inflammation for RA - in knuckles and ulnar joints of wrists). Good luck and let us know what she says. Tilda x

Sarah1969 profile image
Sarah1969 in reply to

Well she said that, as no erosion or inflammation has shown on x ~ ray results, if all else fails, blame it on fibromyalgia (or i said it sarcastically, and she agreed). So that's it then. Unless I can get some sense finally from my own doctor next week. Though I very much doubt it. I have all the symptoms, but I suppose now I'll have to wait for my joints to erode-by which time, as we all know and doctors clearly don't, the DMARDs will not be as effective! But hey! There's nothing more I can do if my own doctor (who says

He has "grown very fond" of me over the past decade) also does nothing. I'll just have to suffer in silence and "keep taking the tablets"! I hate fibromyalgia!!! X

in reply to Sarah1969

The only comfort I can offer Sarah is that perhaps you don't have RA and perhaps you would have had as many problems with these cytoxic DMARDs as I have experienced? A diagnosis doesn't always give as many bonuses as you are maybe imagining - especially when it comes with the words "things can change" and a vague query hanging over it. And then when new symptoms arrive all hell seems to break lose in mind and body. There is something to be said for not having a diagnosis, hard as that may sound from where you are sitting just now I know. Tilda x

Sarah1969 profile image
Sarah1969 in reply to

I'm just sick of everything being blamed on fibromyalgia. It's like something doctors use when they don't have answers to symptoms. So it's easy for them to just say, "it's just another symptom of.....". I've decided to come off the morphine though, as it does absolutely nothing for the pain. So now I'm gonna go suffer in silence, as there's nothing more I can do. Thank you for your help and support. And I mean that, to everyone. X

in reply to Sarah1969

There are loads of Fibro sites and I'm sure some of them must be okay but I do understand what you mean entirely. Many people on here have Fibro with RA and come to know how the different types of pain are triggered sometimes and how to differentiate. There are other meds for fibro, I know Amitriptyline and Preglabin (sp?) are both used sometimes and I've had some luck with the former for RA pre diagnosis. I do agree with you that Fibro is too readily diagnosed and there are other types of inflammatory arthritis that get missed by this diagnosis too. I think you should keep pestering and demand inflammatory markers are taken. They can't detect inflammation or early erosion by x-ray and it's just a nonsense for them to tell you this. Tilda x

sezza profile image
sezza in reply to

Thats exactly what she did say basically, that its coz there is no erosion or tissue damage in my hands. Thats when I asked her if she was saying the pain (other than my migraines) is in my head. She said no-then said it was the fibro. That sounds like a cop out to me. X

in reply to sezza

This is almost exactly what happened to me at the Rheumy's 6 weeks ago. Because x-rays and scans were clear he made me feel like it was all in my head. I'm supposed to be seeing him again tomorrow and I'm expecting more of the same dismissive nature.. I whole heartedly agree with you, it's a cop out.

So sorry for you, I fully understand your frustration and anger.

JoJo x

sezza profile image
sezza in reply to

I've no energy left to argue with them. I was in tears after my appointment, because I'm so frustrated by it all. I'm seeing an ortho tomoz, gonna see what he says. X

in reply to sezza

Best of luck, please keep us posted xx

Sarah1969 profile image
Sarah1969 in reply to

I saw an orthopaedic surgeon today, and he was more positive. He said that although it could be my fibro, I shouldn't let the doctors treat it lightly. He told me patients had been referred to him, and he's rent them on to rheumy, as they actually did have R A after all, as well as fibro. So hope still lives for a positive diagnosis. X

in reply to Sarah1969

Hi Sarah, so pleased to hear you had a more positive appointment this time. Gosh it makes all the difference doesn't it when someone takes us seriously and is helpful. Onward and upward! (Well maybe after a nap anyway) ;-) xx

Sarah1969 profile image
Sarah1969 in reply to

After a 10~hour nap for me lol. I'm totally exhausted.I just hope my own doctor will take me seriously now. X

TrishD profile image

I cant help but add that my GP also flutters between diagnosis of fibromyalgia, polymyalgia rhumatica and Rheumatoid Arthritis. I too am fed up with all these labels the fact is I am stiff and in pain , and cant walk far. what is in a name??? I just want some relief............ I share your frustration though.

sezza profile image
sezza in reply to TrishD

I've had enough today, all since that appointment. First I thought I'd left my bus pass in the surgery, then the bus was late, and now my galaxy sIII is on the blink (it needs a softwear transplant apparently). So I am fatigued out, but gotta be up early tomorrow. X

sezza profile image
sezza in reply to TrishD

It is extremely frustrating eh? I'm flippin cold tonight, but then I will be too hot in bed.

TrishD profile image
TrishD in reply to sezza

I know that feeling too well .hope you get some sleep and have a better day tomorrow. good luck with your Samsung to.

Sarah1969 profile image
Sarah1969 in reply to TrishD

Ha ha, stupid phone seems to have sorted itself out now. I think it was a technical problem with the network, as my daughter has had problems too. As for sleep, I woke up at 3.30, as I'd made my lip bleed during a weird dream, and it took me an hour to get back to sleep. And then I was up at 8! Cream crackered yet again! X

Hi Sezza someone on a different site suggested my recent symptoms (neuralgia pain in feet and hands, bouts of IBS and polyneuropathy plus depression) sounded like Fibro and sent me a link to the nhs page about it. I reluctantly looked at it AGAIN and decided mine probably is. You can have Fibro and RA and I'm fairly sure I have RA having been diagnosed with fairly classic symptoms a few years ago. But now I've decided to try out the Fibro label and pre-empt my rheumy with it and I feel much calmer and happier for being able to say to myself "ach that's my fibro I'm going to grin and bear that". Someone on this site told me recently that they do firmly believe in Fibro and ME and the person who said this is someone I trust very much so I'm running with it. Fighting all the time is too tiring anyway. Yesterday I got a parking fine, forgot to pay a cafe for coffees and today I found that the flights I've booked to travel back home Edinburgh hadn't gone through because Flybe hadn't got my email address typed correctly. No redress and it's costing me £64 I haven't got. So I'm blaming everything on Fibro now! Tilda x

sezza profile image
sezza in reply to

I was diagnosed with fibro about 6 years ago, and the IBS to boot, but the rheumy-type symptoms started mildly just after an accident, last september, and in earnest about 6 months ago.Every day is a struggle to get started (and I've gotta be up at 8 tomorrow to be at a medical app't by 11, ironically for that accident). X

TrishD profile image
TrishD in reply to

sounds good to me blaming the fibro label that is .I agree its all too tiring to fight just for a label..

Sarah1969 profile image
Sarah1969 in reply to TrishD

Do you ever feel like screaming, "I ain't a flippin parcel, stop sticking labels on me"? I know I do. If I have no joy next week with my own doctor, I'll just shut up before he refers me to psych instead of rheumy! X

TrishD profile image
TrishD in reply to Sarah1969

Sure do. Good luck with GP although I bet by the time ive posted this you will have been and dealt with him.

Poor you sounds hard. If I were you I wouldn't fight the Fibro but I would fight the doctors all the way. But that takes mental as physical energy so be kind to yourself too. Early night for me too GP to suck up to tomorrow morning for me! X

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