Can anyone advise if it is ok to take both medications. I have RA and a disc prolapse which I had a epidural yesterday. The specialist agreed that anti-inflammatory meds would be better than co-codamol. I have been trying to contact my rheumy clinic to ask the question.
anti-inflammatory meds with anti-tnf injections? - NRAS
anti-inflammatory meds with anti-tnf injections?

You can also ask pharmacists that kind of question (just make sure you get the pharmacist, not the dispensary assistant). Pharmacists tend to have easier access to information about drug interactions.
Iv been on Methotrexate injection's for about 2 yrs and taking diclofenic ( but with the bad press ) I have changed to Naproxen 500mg twice a day and find they are working well I also have Embro injection once a week Plus the old favourite Co Proxamol -- Hope this is a help to you -- Barrie
Have u had an MRI scan done? I had one when three discs prolapsed and then an operation in December. Not to frighten u as since then I have felt amazingly better, I just wondered have they said your doesnt need more investigation?
Hi Allanah, yes I have had an MRI and it showed a central disc prolapse and at first the specialist was sending me to a surgeon stating I would need urgent surgery within the week. When I had the visit 2 days later with one of the team, not the surgeon and I had no weakness in my legs or other symptoms they said to come back in 6 weeks but if I start to have the symptoms they described to me to get to A&E immediately. That hasn't happened and even after a long period of time four doctors got together and decided the epidural would be best. The specialist felt it was the flight home from Canada that caused the disc to come out as far as it did. The flight to Canada was fine, but the return flight was very uncomfortable and by the 8 hours I was in agony. I had the MRI about a week after my trip. It has settled down significantly since I had the epidural and even though it has only been a few days I find a big difference in the pain especially, first thing in the morning. I can also sleep on my back. The only time I have pain down my right leg is when I have been standing for a long time. I really do not want to have surgery unless it is absolutely necessary. I go back to see the surgeon the first week in October and it will be decided then if I need to have surgery or not. All doctors are monitoring me very carefully.
Thank you for your concern and replying to my post. I am really pleased to hear that surgery was a success for you and you are feeling much better. Take care, Sue