Ow, ow, ow - had a steroid jab into the knuckle of my middle finger this morning - it hurts so much and is now so swollen I can't bend it all all - how long will it be like this? Has anyone else had this done, does the discomfort last long...?
Steroid jab in my knuckle - so sore.: Ow, ow, ow - had... - NRAS
Steroid jab in my knuckle - so sore.

Ive had quite a few on the tendon of fingers due to trigger finger find it bruises and painful for about 24 hrs
Hello.... Sorry to read you're feeling sore, I'm due to have a steroid injection in the same sort of area...so it will be good to see what replies you get and how you get on..... really hope it works for you and that you get some improvement soon xx

It is sore but it was sore before I had the jab so hopefully this soreness will be worth it. Xx
Ps....did you have the injection by ultrasound? X

Not this time Amanda - I had one done under ultrasound last time I had a jab in my ankle though. ..
I don't think you are being pathetic at all it sounds very painful!! Good luck and I hope you feel the benefits very soon. Xx

Thanks. Xx
Yes, I had a steroid injection into two knuckles (one on each hand!), it was very painful having an injection into the bone, and both little fingers were swollen afterwards. It took a while for the swelling to go down (I can't remember how long exactly, sorry, as it was over a year ago). I also rested my joints & took pain relief - hope you feel better soon.
I was amazed by the size of the 'small' needle francherry! There's a lot of swelling. Still can't bend my finger and it is still sore.
Trying to be brave though as I'm sure I'll get some relief eventually.
Hope you are feeling better soon, sounds like that was really painful, Take Care xxx
Thanks -am feeling pretty pathetic - how can such a small thing hurt so much?!
I was seen by brilliant ortho consultant last wednesday and had steroid injection in wrist, thumb side, it was hellish pain whilst being done and i totally sympathise with you!! Nearly one week later and I am not feeling any benefit yet. I am type 1 diabetic on insulin and steroid jabs always elevate my blood sugars, been very high for five days, just starting to come down after greatly increasing insulin, so really do not want any more steroid jabs. I am now on list for reconstructive wrist surgery, so that in addition to knee surgery planned for 4th September, feeling so low at moment. Meanwhile i am finding my new spica splint to be very helpful, but cannot drive with it on or do veg's or much else!! So hope you start to feel some benefit from your jab soon, Take care xx. Lynda

Oooh - it hurts there too doesn't it Jockety? I had several in the tendon sheaths on top of my wrist before I had my op - so sorry to hear you're no feeling any benefit yet. Do you get a delayed reaction because of the diabetes?
Sorry to hear you're lined up for so many op's - that's tough to bear. I had my ulna head removed last year and things were pretty tricky for a few weeks BUT - I'm virtually pain free in my wrist now, it;s just a little weak and achy. Chin up and remember we're here to support you. xx
Encouraging to hear of your wrist success, always helps to know someone else been there and helped with surgery. How did you end up having ulna head removed? We need our hands so much, not till you get something like RA that you realise it!! I used to love my patchwork, quilting and knitting and have had to stop for now. My passion was making little things for premature babies, we have a group where i live and we do that and give to special baby unit nearby. I used to be hot on the keyboard as well having been a secretary all my working life, but sadly no more. So our hands are pretty critical to us. Hope your knuckles improve, take care, lynda x

Hi Lynda, my ulna head was removed as it was the eroded bits of it rubbing on my extensor tendons (the ones that let you lift your fingers) that caused them to rupture. The ulna head isn't attached to anything it just rotates around the rest of the wrist joint so I really don't miss it too much apart from my wrist looking a bit strange with a noticeable scar and the lack of knobbly bone that you have on the outside of your wrist! To be honest protection of the tendons was the reason and justifiably so - like you say, hand function is very important! xx
Your description is almost how surgeon described mine, so i am so encouraged to hear of the surgery success. This group helps so much in understanding things, and also realisation that others are going through the same!! I also have osteoporosis so future steroid jabs will be few in number due to bone erosion risks, so i will wear the spica splint till i get invited for the surgery. Its a lovely day today and i am going in garden now to take some cuttings, thank goodness i can still use me right hand!! Lynda x
I almost had this done but bailed out at the last moment because it seemed so invasive for such a small area of my hand somehow? Rather glad I was a wimp now though - hope it improves loads by tomorrow morning. It sort of defeats the purpose of having one otherwise? X

Tilda, it's much, much better this morning and actually although it's still stiff and swollen where the joint is stuffed full of the steroid I can bend it and it's not really hurting too much - I think if a day of pain can be offset by a few weeks of relief than that's got to be a good thing...
Despite the intial discomfort I think I'm going to to be glad I had it done. I said to my Rheumy that it seemed madness to make a fuss about such a little joint but suggested she would not be happy with my treatment until she had got the synovitis under control in every joint in my body, no matter how small. (She's brilliant. ) Also - as it's on my dominant hand it was definitely worth trying to sort it out. xx
Hi! I was interested to read your thread as I had the base of my left thumb injected in march. It was mighty painful at first but since has been brilliant. It's just started to become difficult again so I've had 4 months of pretty good movement/ manageable pain which I must say I'm pretty chuffed about. Unfortunately pain and stiffness are back now but I still think it was worth having. It certainly made life easier as I also had surgery to my R shoulder which would have left me in a bad state if I couldn't use my L hand!
Pleased it seems to be getting easier now! x
I'm really pleased for you! And if my synovitis comes back in my dominant hand too soon then I might ask to have this done as I can't take steroids orally or by injection.
Tilda x
Hi ya,
I was interested in your blog as I had my middle knuckle injected 19 months ago and I can remember how painful it was, BUT I have never had another day of pain or swelling in that area since. So take heart you will forget you ever had it done soon.
Hello...as I'm waiting to have this done at the mo, I find your comment very encouraging....thank you!!!! Xxx
Never had one in the knuckle but in the base of finger inner hand. None of my steroid injections have ever swollen afterwards .. The opposite. Think small joints can hurt quite a lot more than larger ones I was told. Having said that I had my knee injected this morning and although I am used to them, it did tweak. OK it hurt, but I am always reluctant to admit these things as it is only a few moments of pain when they inject. I hope after 24 hours you are feeling much better ;-). One you can hopefully gently move it. Hopefully you will wake up and feel ... Wow, it's done the trick!