Does anyone suffer with server cramps?: As we all... - NRAS


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Does anyone suffer with server cramps?

Ellinghamgroup profile image
45 Replies

As we all probably do, wake up several times in the night, I get terrible cramps in my lower legs that last for ages, during the day this can happen to my hands & they go into a spasm. I have just gone onto mtx injection (from the tablets form) . My new rhemy wanted to put me on quinnine but I have looked this up & it's not a good drug to take. I do drink lots & eat healthy it seems to of got worse with the injections. I am also bruising with the injections any tips.

Would appreciate Anyone's advice.

Thanks Christine

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Ellinghamgroup profile image
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45 Replies
Caza profile image

Morning,yes I suffer with muscle spasms. It got so bad that I couldn't wear shoes only flip-flops or ugg boots. I'd get it when driving which is not so good. My rheumy put me on hydroxy which has really helped. It rarely happens now thank goodness,it's very painful isn't it. I hope you can get it sorted x

summer32 profile image

I had quinine, it didnt do me any harm, its quite a safe drug, I didnt need it for long.

Any way this hot weather may have affected your bodies electrolyte balance so some bananas ( potassium) and magnesium ( usually from supplements) may help x

cathie profile image

A nurse once recommended Indian tonic water which contains quite small amounts of quinine. Cramps are horrible

nellysgran profile image

I Christine, I used to get lots of cramps but not had so many with Hydroxy, I was also told to take more salt at mealtimes, not sure this is good advice though, as for bruising I inject MXT and have found that every now and then I would hit a tiny blood vessel as you cant see them, that would bruise slightly, but the best advice I had was to pinch the skin were you are injecting then it doesn't hurt or bruise, hope this helps.

Wendt xx

caggy profile image

Hi ya, I have had awful cramps too so totally understand I reluctantly went on quinnine which I have now been taking every night for nearly a year, no side effects and nobody has said I shouldn't be taking them, they really work, if I forget to take then then I get cramps again. don't be afraid of side effects our bodies sorts that out, if you need relief these work.

Yes, I had fairly severe cramps occasionally at various times of the day and night long before diagnosis. Then once I got RA symptoms it became an evening / night time problem, almost every night and very bad indeed. Alcohol, especially red wine, started to guarantee night cramps and to make them even worse - sometimes I'd have cramp or pre-cramp twitching all night long.

I don't THINK that Mtx & Sulfasalazine have made the problem worse ( and I take tablets, not injection). However in the last few months I've drank less alcohol than ever in my adult life - virtually nothing. And, finally, night cramps in my legs and feet have gone. However, just to complicate the picture, I did have an awful spasm in my hand the other day.

I've always drunk loads of water and quite a lot of bananas too. I've recently had my potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium levels tested & they were okay. I think I have to conclude that what's worked for me is stopping REGULAR drinking. As it happens I did drink about 2 and half pints of cider the other evening without so much as a twinge! This long summer seems to have sorted quite a few things out for me too, so maybe Vitamin D has helped.

I don't know much about electrolyte balance but that seems to be the key & I suspect that lots of things can cause an imbalance & it's just a case of finding what's affecting you individually through trial & error. Luce x

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to

When Sodium goes up, Potassium goes down, and vice-versa. Magnesium gets depleted with diuretics, and low Sodium. Probably why the dr. said to take more salt at dinner. Actually, virtually all fresh veggies contain magnesium, so unless a person is taking diuretics, you should have normal amounts of magnesium. Loret xxx

Jonsey47 profile image
Jonsey47 in reply to

wine and ice tea are my downfall

Sailaway profile image

I get nasty cramps in my calves, ankles and feet any time of day or night. The effective solution I use is to apply heat, so if it's during the day I put a fleece around my legs/feet; in bed I have a small heated blanket on my mattress. It works every time. I sometimes need to stand or stretch the cramped muscle because I can't rub it (I can't reach my feet), but that's all. I don't take any medication for cramp.

allanah profile image

Can't help with the cramps as luckily I don't get them but SERVER cramps I get!! All the time trying to type on the site ha ha , hugs Axx

in reply to allanah

Love it x

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to allanah

Oh Allanah! I noticed it too :)

Ronnie63 profile image
Ronnie63 in reply to lorann

It's snow joke you know!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Ronnie63


lorann profile image
lorann in reply to Ronnie63

Good one, Ronnie :)

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to lorann

ET tu brute

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to allanah your service m'lady

Ronnie63 profile image
Ronnie63 in reply to lorann

I think we have cyber equivalent of a "flash mob" developing before our very eyes. :-)If you don't have them over there I can explain

Ronnie63 profile image
Ronnie63 in reply to lorann

Are we in Downton Abbey now? :-)

allanah profile image

Go away onto your own post!!!!! Xx

dtech profile image
dtech in reply to allanah

I get server cramps and then my computer freezes. And stop bullying poor little scouser :-)

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to dtech

How did I know you would join in e trouble Hee Hee!!! Poor little !!! U wot!

in reply to allanah nice to Scouser, is it coz you've got an ice cube stuck up your nose? :) xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Oi no more joining in, Amanda lol, Lutherians poorly dog started it!!!! And are none of you thinking of poor elllinghams problems, well I am!! Server though Hee Hee I think I am funee!!

in reply to allanah

I want some of what Allanah had in France Pleeeeeeze!!! X

in reply to

She snorts it up her nose

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to allanah


lorann profile image
lorann in reply to allanah


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to lorann

Lovely lloret, pleeze be on my team ! Xx

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to allanah


in reply to

Scouser did not read the instructions about taking the ice cubes out! X

in reply to allanah

But this one is so much more fun Allanah x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Oi!! Enough ladies, so exhausted with u lot!! Off to bed, I will check to see if ur talking about me though tomorrow xx zzzzz

allanah profile image

Press the report button trouble!!!

allanah profile image

Think I wanna go back and not put up with this abuse

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to allanah

Au revoir

Christine, hope you find a solution to your cramps, I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago for the first time ever, so will be good to read some of your sensible replies LOL!!!!.....I'm sitting in the naughty corner, waiting for the others to join me ;) x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Looks like ur on your own trying to be sensible at the moment!! They have all gone mad I tell you, mad. Now finish guys, order returns xxxxx

And she wants to try my cherry coke without ice!

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to

Cherry Coke and rum might not be too bad either :)

allanah profile image

Oi I am awake again! Xx

allanah profile image

Actually it was diet coke!

lorann profile image

Well that Allanah! Missed the "coke" issue :) We do Rm and Coke around here. If you use Diet Coke, it forgives the calories in the rm :)

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to lorann

it was a joke on Luthiens psot about Whizzer being better! They ganged up on me!! lol , Rum and Coke is good too!!

Jonsey47 profile image

do you drink tea or wine, They cause my cramps, after 20 years i have learned to stay away from my beloved sweet tea and red or white wine.

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