After Hospital visit...............: Well we got down... - NRAS


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After Hospital visit...............

sylvi profile image
12 Replies

Well we got down the hospital and it was lovely to find a parking space,we could have parked anywhere as it was empty. The joys of a appointment on a Saturday. Didn't have to wait long to see doctor. One of his first comments was your on a lot of tablets (well yes i have RA/Fibro what did he expect) He was very nice though. I am to have a scan on my head (nothing in there,LOL) and then go back. He also gave me some tablets for the meneires to tide me over until after i have had the scan then we will see what happens then.

Then of to Bedworth to get the prescription he gave me and a walk round the market and home for lunch.. This afternoon i went down the allotment with hubby as he wanted me to take a picture of his sunflowers. He is proud of them and they are lovely. I would post a photo,but my camera has too many bits to upload on here. So i was snapping away and i took loads of pictures. Enjoyed myself.

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sylvi profile image
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12 Replies

Glad your appointment went quite well and that you do no have to wait too long for your scan, then of course its a wait to get results! My husband had his yearly CT scan 4 weeks ago ( he had colon cancer exactly 2 years ago). And we are still nervously awaiting the outcome, he sez 'no news - good news' but its still worrying. We have a very large garden and its a real struggle for us, I have not been able to help at all this year because in so much pain etc., and of course he tries to do too much, so think we may have to move again. We need to get nearer our daughter, shes about 12 miles away, neither me or Ken can drive at night due to eye problems, there are no buses after 6pm, so we are in a pickle!! We think its time to give up the garden, maybe sheltered accom. Might suit us, big step though. How tall are your sunflowers, ours are whopping, kens been feeding them with seaweed food, worked marvels!! The birds will have feast off them.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Our sunflowers are about six foot tall and yes they will be lovely food for the birds when they ripen,at the moment the bees are having a field day with them.We own out own house so it would be difficult for us to up sticks into something smaller,anyway i have a stairlift so i don't have a problem getting up and down. We don't have a very big garden at home,but we have an allotment which is lovely for my hubby as he loves it very much having been brought up on a

in reply to sylvi

We bought this bungalow six years ago, long before ken had cancer, and he loved this big garden, which is over half an acre, but sadly too big now. We escaped to the country and after struggling with the stairs previously at our old house getting a bungalow was good, but things have changed with my health problems and then came kens cancer so all our plans were thwarted! We think we might have a go at selling just as soon as I feel up to it, everything is waiting on diagnosis of my wrist, seems I have possible tumour and the pain at moment is just awful. I had a scan Tuesday and further scans to come this coming week. Meanwhile we are looking after our daughters west highland terrier this week, his name is Teddy and is adorable, and he certainly livens us up with his antics!!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I thought i was having a hard time of it,but it seems nothing compared to what you both are going through. If you like living where you are why don't you think about getting a gardener. They would be able to maintain your garden for you and if your hubby wants to or is able to do a bit then he can.It would certainly take the pressure off you both or force you to move. xxx

in reply to sylvi

Hi Sylvi, yes you are right we do need to get a gardener, and we also need to have a family discussion about all this because me and Ken coming to bit of a crisis. Trouble is our kids range from 38 to 42 yrs and yet they still look on us as two teenagers, always the same mom and dad and will keep going for years!! Sadly thats not the case. On top of everything else you also have to do best thing financially, so many ill old and disabled people being disadvantaged with all the cuts etc. I hope your hubbie gets sorted soon, you and he bit like us, we have to help each other out because we rely so much on the help we give ourselves. I know I could not manage without him, and vice versa, we never thought we would get like this!! Well on a brighter note, our daughters dog Teddy is staying with us this week and we were outside earlier and hey ho, out of the blue there came this rabbit in the garden , fun and games, Teddy chasing bunny round and round, Ken in chase after them both and me screaming with laughter. Anyway bunny escaped and teddy now on bunny patrol, prowling round. Take care x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I never thought when i got married 30yrs ago that Bob would look after me. I always thought i would be the one looking after him as he is 12yrs older than i am.We work together and bicker together,but we pull together. He is everything to me and i am to him. I buy handbags and he grins and bears it and just shrug his shoulders!! We have had our ups and downs,more downs than ups at times,but we're still together. All i wish would be that our health was better,but i suppose i can't have it all. A good marriage can't be too bad now can it,as you would agree with and like you sound like you have as well.


in reply to sylvi

Sylvi, you sound like a lovely couple and its such a shame that health problems have brought such pain and suffering, same as us. When my RA struck it was like a bolt out of the blue and I truly thought that I must surely be going to die, never experienced pain like it, took six months to get diagnosis. My family still cannot believe whats happened to me as I was always the bright bubbly one, the coping one and the one who always looked after everybody else and worked full time as a travel shop manager. I did have rheumatic fever when a child and i have struggled all my life with pain and osteo arthritis till the RA came along and now like you face a constant battle, never knowing how I shall feel tomorrow. So far I have not been given anti TNF drugs because of other health problems but I am soon to see new rheumy and we are hoping for something better. At moment I inject MTX once a week but its not enough and I am reduced to wheelchair and scooter now, cannot get anywhere on own now. I have packed a lot into my life so have some very happy memories of my pre-RA days and I do thank God for that blessing.

Anyway, off to bed now, hoping to manage more than my usual 3/4 hours as I am very tired. Cannot remember when I had a full nights sleep. Take care now, xx

miss profile image

Well at least you are on the write path now lets hope you get sorted out very soon. Your sun flowers do look a picture xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to miss


Glad you had a quick hospital visit for a change, at least someone recognises that you are taking rather a lot of tablets and are rattling! Hope all is seen soon, any word on Bob or have I missed a conversation along the way? Take care xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

No you haven't missed anything. It has been a bit of a rough week for me all told. Anyway my darling Bob hasn't had a stroke which is good news. The consultant is sending him for a brain scan and a wave scan to what activity is going on in there. One thing he queried was why he was on fibragel,he told him to stop it straight away and to take charcoal tablets after every meal,Thankfully that seems to have helped his stomach and he is sleeping better. I see you had a lovely holiday,we are going to burnham on sea next june for two weeks any chance you can have a break around that time and come over as i know you have a caravan near there and we could meet,i would so love to see you and your hubby.xxxx

summer32 profile image
summer32 in reply to sylvi

Pleased hospital visit went ok... my hosp has no saturday clinics, ans also pleased bob didnt have a stroke take care x

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