Well after 5 weeks I've had the phone call from my GP on a Saturday. The 24hr wee test came back negative. Thank you to all that gave their support.
Re my thoughts that the Rituximab was failing I think that the worry of was having an effect on my system so I was having a bit of a flare which seems to have settled, but the symptoms that were the cause to have the C test are still with me.
Drenching Hot Flushes that start in my head that leave my hair looking like i've just washed it and the headache that follows is not nice.
I'm now wondering if it's just the menapause thats lingered.
I had my last period 7 years ago I took Black cohosh and soya as supplements for a couple of years and didn't have any probs. Then 6 months or so agao these flushes started have any of you ladies come across this. best wishes Tricia