Day 17, Tough.: my friend came over today and... - No Smoking Day

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Day 17, Tough.

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free
29 Replies

my friend came over today and she smoked away, and I got the shift and I nearly grabbed the cig off her. I was puffin on my ecig but holy god the smell just was.... Ahhh. Plus the weathers amazing which as strange as it sounds makes it worse.

once again I nearly drove to the shop. Please help

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LeesaD profile image
2 Years Smoke Free
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29 Replies
jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free

Ok.................. I get you!!! I so do!!! BUT, your friend, as lovely as I'm sure she is, is taking in over 4000 vile chemicals every time she takes a drag. Her lungs are screaming, her kidneys are desperately trying to clean her system, her heart is working that much harder just to keep going. Her body cannot process cholesterol in the way yours is now..

She is causing her skin to age quicker, her breath smells vile, she has to scrub the outside traces of smoking off her skin.

You're free from all this!!!! You smell sweeter, your internal organs are celebrating and working hard to recover, you look better and WILL age better. Her sense of taste and smell are stunted, yours are not...

I'd go on but I just want to scream: DO NOT DRIVE TO THD SHOP MY LOVELY!!!! You are doing so well!!! You ARE winning!!!!

Have you bought yourself any treats??? Xxxx stick with it!!! You are not being ruled by your cigarette, you are in control and YOU CAN DO THIS!!! No more nipping outside, no more sitting in glorious sunshine with a filthy fag hanging off your hand!

Be strong!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!! Xxx big hug

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hey Leesa, well done for coming on here, unfortunately, you are in the thick of the re-wiring and recovery now and will be for a while yet BUT GOOD NEWS, you got over a huge struggle so the next one will be easier, I promise, be ready to fight this, you can do it. Treat yourself to something, ice cream and chocolate should do the trick in this beautiful warm (very warm) weather we are having and maybe an early night listening to your favourite music or film.... Post anytime you need to - will be here :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Hey LeesaD - you ok??

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

hey sorry Roisin, I'm all over the place today, just kind of climbing the walls. 😞 dunno what's goin on. I'm not givin in, but I know I've mentioned it already but Mondays weighing on my mind with my holiday. I'm actually thinkin about smoking already over there. I know, I sound like a total failure ready. Dunno how to change my mind frame. Just having a bad bad day. And thanks to jobm1 for ur lovely kind words again,I always believe in and love you and Roisins words because you both sound so caring and genuine, truly genuine. Thanks to u both

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD

Your grand LeesaD , so happy you didn't go to the shop!

I have a huge hurdle on Saturday, heading to Slane to see Guns n Roses, in my 20 months quit this is my first concert smoke free, so anxious and panicky about it and having nightmares the last 2 nights that I smoke at it, I am going to be surrounded by smokers and weed smokers too in my group so going to be a real test, but I have got through alot worse in the last 20 months, just need to be ready to attack, not drink too much and keep in mind the harrowing first few weeks and how I never want to go through that again - keep that in mind for your holidays - you can do it! And isn't so typical the weather picks up at home when heading away 8-)

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD

You so do not sound like a failure Leesa, not at all. Just struggling like we all are and do and that's ok. Be kind to yourself... you sound terribly hard on yourself and in the midst of all that, there are 17 cigarette free days which need to be celebrated.

Our practice nurse said if you fall, you fall, get back up and focus on the positive. Don't be too hard on you, you're amazing x and again, WELL DONE for not going to the shop! Every single time I've thought about getting cigarettes whilst I was shopping, I've asked myself why I want to buy them, and I honestly cannot find a single reason to, so I don't, and then when I leave without them, I give myself a little moment to feel happy, to congratulate myself on a battle won.

Have you treated yourself yet? It's helping me very much to just spend the equivalent of a bag of tobacco on me. I've got a little one and am on my own so I very often have gone without. Now, I use a part of the money I save to get myself some lovely food, a bottle of wine, some lovely body lotion or face cream. Where it felt like a luxury before, it feels well earned now!!!

I believe in you, you can do this! Duty free perfume coming up!!! ☺️💪🏻

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

The good weather makes it much worse Leesa. I've just been sitting in the back garden with a beer, feeling incomplete without a cigarette.

Just give it a go on Monday, try to get through the first day. If it's hell you may well go back to smoking but it might not be. If you don't try you'll probably kick yourself.

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

i agree Nozmo, I'm sitting in the garden too, with a wee drink and I'm missing that wee smelly dirty brute of a cig... Lol. But hopefully it will be a breeze on holidays. I'm really going to give it a good go. dam the summer evenings!!

where's the snow when u need it!! 😊

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to LeesaD

You can usually rely on our summers to be sufficiently crap to curb the cravings.This nice weather just isn't fair!!

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor

Part of the formula to beat this addiction is time. Sometimes that is the hardest one, Leesa. Knowledge, positive attitude, willpower, exercise, staying busy, good nutrition, liquids, social network, and other tools are to a degree within our control. There isn't much we can do about the calendar, whether it's the 51 days Roisin posted about or some other period.

At some point, the Ahhh smell will be Yuck to you :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to CocoaXChange

Great reply CocoaXChange :)

Poetic profile image
Poetic1 Year Smoke Free

I just quit cold turkey, today. I've discovered a lil trick that might help you beat the urge to smoke. I took half of a smoked cig, and I placed it in a small bag. Anytime I feel the urge to smoke, I just take a whiff of that foul smelling , partially smoked cig and I no longer want to smoke. The smell actually gives me a slight headache, which helps, as well.

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free in reply to Poetic

that's a great idea. Never would have thought of that. Need to ask my mum for a half smoked cig now!! Thanks so much

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to Poetic

Brilliant tip Poetic

I would never have thought of that!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Poetic

Welcome Poetic and congratulations on Day 1. I too quit cold turkey over 20 months ago and never looked back, bumpy road at times but got through it with focus, determination and the support from this community. I hear ya with the smell of cigarettes and I too get a slight headache and feel sick when I smell them especially of other smokers.

Perhaps create a new introductory post to share your story and that other members can read as will appear in the news feed.

We look forward to reading your progress :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Hows things going for you now Poetic ?

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free

Morning!! How you feeling today love? ☺️

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free in reply to jobm1

hi jobm1, better today thank god. Been kept real busy and only getting to sit now, in the garden AGAIN as its a scorcher, but I shall have a cup of tea and vape so much that I could cause fog over the UK!! If u see fog, don't panic!! 😊❤

jobm1 profile image
jobm11 Year Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD

WELL DONE!!! Super proud and happy here... I'll have a parallel vape here and a cuppa xx ❤️

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD

Good to read you are in better form today LeesaD - this weather is great - its a whooping 25 degrees here with us and tomorrow suppose to be even hotter :O 8-)

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

I know I shouldn't complain but I'm not a sun lover. I do like it but I normally spend the day hibernating!! It's just not the same as when ur on holiday and u can run around in a swimsuit and jump in for a cool dip. Lol. But good to see it.

hate to admit it but I'm a dark evenings/winter kinda girl...☃☃❄❄🌑🌑

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to LeesaD

OMG LeesaD we have alot in common :O I do like the sun but the late teens is my limit, anything over it and I too have to hibernate, took me 4 trips to hang out and bring in clothes of the line earlier today as just couldn't stick it and living in a timber frame house is like living in an oven in this hot weather, I am just not fit to sh1te!! 8-) Great to share the same feeling with someone else as tend to keep it to myself as we/I never shut up about our Irish weather!!

But I do dread the long dark winter evenings / nights and get very lonesome for a few weeks when the clocks go back :(

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

ahhh Roisin, ur a girl after my own heart! I too have to keep it to myself for the sheer fact of listening to: Ah for god's sake, stop complaining, we never get the sun blah blah... I sit in the house with a fan on. Saddo! Lol 😁

mikeybkk4406 profile image
mikeybkk44061 Year Smoke Free

If you have friends like that, its almost time to un-friend them. People can be very unfair. hang in there, smoking is very destructive. At least you have the common sense to give it up. I was lucky nobody in my office smoked and those friends that did never lit-up around me.

But please hang in there.

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free in reply to mikeybkk4406

ur right Mikey, I personally wouldn't have done it in her face had it been the other way around and if anything she seemed to have smoked more and quicker than I've seen before or it cud have been my watchin her taking every puff of that cig like some kind of maniac!! Ha oh well.

mikeybkk4406 profile image
mikeybkk44061 Year Smoke Free

Leesa D Good on ya it will make you stronger. It does get easier I am at the 168 day mark.

Hang in there buddy.


Every time you don't go to the shop put the money you would have spent in a jar. Save up and go for a day out when you've saved enough and don't take your friend until she quits! Feeling great is so much more enjoyable than having a quick fix. Keep going.

LeesaD profile image
LeesaD2 Years Smoke Free in reply to

great idea Bob, thanks!! I think Il giv that a go

Lanark profile image
LanarkValued Contributor

Forget the fags. They don't work any more. You stopped being a smoker. You felt the benefits. Why crawl back to the mega-rich tobacco companies? They are soo laughing at this! Getting people to pay to commit suicide. Be strong. Ignore the weird mind-game your brain is playing and get on with your life. You are not a smoker any more.

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