Day 52 - it's still not happening!! - No Smoking Day

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Day 52 - it's still not happening!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
29 Replies

Hiya :)

Well it's a nice sunny day again YAY!!

Possibly a bit too cold for this skirt but I don't like trousers so tough :p

Have had a couple of irritations this morning, nothing major but they would have sent me reaching for the fags before like nobody's business. This time though, while the thought crossed my mind, it was just that - a thought.

So, it's carrying on being positive, and not letting the smoking monster win.

And hell, what would a cigarette change? Would i still get irritated? Yes I smoked cigarettes, not anything stronger so I wasn't spaced out before and got p'ed off like everyone else.

All that would happen is my hair would smell, so would my breath and hand. Worth it?? Nope!!

Think it's fair to say I haven't craved for a bit now - it's been more wants, which has to be a good thing!!

I'm sticking (in more ways than one) on the Step 1 patches for a bit longer, basically because this will be my last quit (and if i fail 2 in quick succession, who knows when I'd get the bottle to stop again?) and I want to do everything possible to make it work. For me it's a lot more about the mental side of smoking than the addiction so I'm fighting that first before I deal with the NRT side of things. It might not be ideal, but the last thing I want is a fight on 2 fronts!!

I will not fail this time :D

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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29 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma,

I think its the first time we are writing in the same time:p

Well, my routine totally off today. School is closed because of the storm and very dangerous driving condition. With all the snow here, its rare that this happens...last time I think 3 years ago.

Well I am craving, its hard so I am eating. :eek:


Oooh yes it is!!

Aw heck, that can really set it off, but hang tough and you'll be fine :D You're way better than a bit of dried up plant!!

Oooh and nothing wrong with a bit of eating, everything tastes so much nicer now :D

i had one of those jelly pots for snack and it was gorgeous :D

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Hi gemma,

So true it's 2 battles, but gets easier each and every day:D

Oh and know what you mean about cold leggs.

Put my shorts on today:eek: gosh that must be cold for you:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Keep going Gem the mind games are tough but you know you come to far now:p

And if you don't feel ready to drop a level with the nrt then don't only you will know there's no rush :):D;) xx

Oooh I will, no worries!!

Yeah I'm thinking it's better to be on NRT a bit longer now, rather than mess it all up and have to do this all over again :eek:

How's you? xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi gemma,

So true it's 2 battles, but gets easier each and every day:D

Oh and know what you mean about cold leggs.

Put my shorts on today:eek: gosh that must be cold for you:D

Hiya :D

Oooh yes it does get easier WOOHOO :D

Lol, it's flippin freezing - was nice having my coffee in the sun earlier 'cos the sun warmed my legs up :cool:

Have got tights on but even so, lol.

Well, this morning the peanut butter toast,nutella toast and nutella with banana are adding up. Everything looks good in the fridge this morning.

I think I will hide in bed and try to sleep instead of eating. lol.

Probably the cold that says to my body: hey add some fat! its good insulation! Or with more fat, is hurts less when you fall on the ice ( hey I am good at having good excuses)


Lol they're good excuses!! But yeah i see what you mean!!

Well, soem days all you can do is curl up and go to sleep, it really does help!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Yep, the penny has evidently properly dropped now, if you can be your own "thought police" then you CAN shut him up provided you do it the second you hear the stinky little oik beginning to whisper his smelly nothings - it's not the easiest self-discipline to develop but once you've got the hang of it then it just keeps getting easier and easier :cool:


It took me a while to get the idea before but I've got it now!!

Not going to let my guard down 'cos I know what a sneaky little baskit he is but he's definitely on the ropes now!!

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Hey Gemma :)

You are sounding so positive and in control now that I think you may well have cracked it! You know now that having a fag solves nothing. All it does is increase your stress levels and make you feel bad cos you had one.

As for the NRT, one battle at a time. With the NRT you don't have the habit of reaching for a patch whenever you feel stressed etc so it shouldn't be so hard to cut down and stop when you feel ready. Anyway that is in the future, very well done to you for getting to here :)

Enjoy the sunshine and here's to a healthier, wealthier and better smelling future!

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Checking in

You sound so positive and confident Gem:)...definately seen off those bad days last wk.....:)

The sun is shining and life is good:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are doing so well Gemma. Every day you are winning which is lovely x x

Aww thanks Karri!!

Ooh yes every time i win a battle, I'm that bit closer to winning the war :D xx

You sound so positive and confident Gem:)...definately seen off those bad days last wk.....:)

The sun is shining and life is good:)

It's taken a while, lol, but yes I'm loads more positive and confident in my quit now!!

Think it's a lot better when it's sunny 'cos it makes everything brighter - literally :D

How's you?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey Gemma :)

You are sounding so positive and in control now that I think you may well have cracked it! You know now that having a fag solves nothing. All it does is increase your stress levels and make you feel bad cos you had one.

As for the NRT, one battle at a time. With the NRT you don't have the habit of reaching for a patch whenever you feel stressed etc so it shouldn't be so hard to cut down and stop when you feel ready. Anyway that is in the future, very well done to you for getting to here :)

Enjoy the sunshine and here's to a healthier, wealthier and better smelling future!

Hiya :D

Ooh I'm hoping so - have still got to be careful but my mind is much better set this time which is fab!!

That's exactly what I'm thinking about the NRT - it's a lot less concentrated than cigarettes and i don't have all the smoking thing going on either, it's going to be heaps easier than breaking the smoking habit :D

Aww and thanks :D I hope it's sunny where you are too!!

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Gemma. Lou

Sooo great to read this positive post, have just been reading re patch, and am with your school of thought, am going to also stick with the higher level for a while, I think we ladies need time to adjust !

Well done my lovely, am in your shadow:)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Sooo great to read this positive post, have just been reading re patch, and am with your school of thought, am going to also stick with the higher level for a while, I think we ladies need time to adjust !

Well done my lovely, am in your shadow:)

Glad to help!! :cool:

Someone on here kept them on for ages, and while I don't plan on that, *anything* is better than messing up and smoking!!

It's sort of like we need to get used to the not-smoking routines and stuff if that makes sense?

You keep on following hun, it's great to be free :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Not to bad thanks keeping busy today, front garden looking better mind:cool:

But my legs and back are in bits :p

Do what ever you have Gem xx

Oooh that's fab, bet it kept your mind off smoking too :D

Have a nice soak maybe and relax :cool: xx

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

I'm doing fine Hun....have whole mornings when I think Iv cracked it and hardly even think about smoking:)

Then sometimes I'm my own worse enemy when the " pangs" creep in.....:(

Plodding on Gem plodding on:)but I ll never light up again I know that for sure.....why would's pointless:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm doing fine Hun....have whole mornings when I think Iv cracked it and hardly even think about smoking:)

Then sometimes I'm my own worse enemy when the " pangs" creep in.....:(

Plodding on Gem plodding on:)but I ll never light up again I know that for sure.....why would's pointless:D

Oooh that's good :D

Know exactly what you mean about the pangs, and being your own worst enemy - but we're beating it, one day at a time!!

Think it's like our conscious minds have caught up - but our subconscious is lagging a bit behind

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

I may get some tights:eek: the guys at work would love that lol.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I may get some tights:eek: the guys at work would love that lol.


Don't think they'd suit you :p Especially with hairs sticking out :p

Oooh another forum I'm on, this guy kept popping up saying his legs were cold in the winter, and was it OK to wear tights under his trousers o.O

He pushed off when we told him to wear long johns or something :p

nsd_user663_61170 profile image


Don't think they'd suit you :p Especially with hairs sticking out :p

Oooh another forum I'm on, this guy kept popping up saying his legs were cold in the winter, and was it OK to wear tights under his trousers o.O

He pushed off when we told him to wear long johns or something :p

What ever floats your boat lol can you send me a picture:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

What ever floats your boat lol can you send me a picture:D

LOL nooooooooo I like my men to be men!!

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Now I think I really should go back to the start of this thread :D :D:D

Hi Jenny,

Me tooooo :D:D:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Now I think I really should go back to the start of this thread :D :D:D

It's all Beer's fault, lol :p

Not the drink, oh you know what I mean!! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Jenny,

Me tooooo :D:D:D

I'm telling you, tights are cold!! My poor ickle legs are shivering :eek:

nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Lol what did I do wrong lol your a naughty girl Gemma:D

I think you got your forums mixed up:eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol what did I do wrong lol your a naughty girl Gemma:D

I think you got your forums mixed up:eek:


I'm a sweet, innocent, delicate flower, don't know what i did :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Keith you are a BAD boy!:rolleyes::D

Gemma, I suggest we restrict mention of hosiery to that of the type worn by Nora Batty, it appears to inflame our male members!:eek::D

Before we leave the subject behind though, might I just say that a certain David Bowie looked absolutely edible in tights in Labyrinth :o:o:D

Ooooh heck!!

There's um 2 things I'll never wear however old i get, Nora Batty tights and granny pants *vomits*

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

I would never ever wear a pleated elasticated crimpoline skirt, they sooooo nasty, but by all accounts you can have in any colour you like, that combined with Nora batty tights and a shopping trolley, god for bid, it could happen to me, scary thought. Lol

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I would never ever wear a pleated elasticated crimpoline skirt, they sooooo nasty, but by all accounts you can have in any colour you like, that combined with Nora batty tights and a shopping trolley, god for bid, it could happen to me, scary thought. Lol

Eek, the words "pleated elasticated" bring back bad memories of my school uniform skirts in primary :eek::eek:

Lol they're a flaming scary thought!!

Gem the thought of you at 70 wearing a thong makes me shudder :eek:

LOL!! Errrrrr


nsd_user663_61170 profile image

OMG school uniform this has gone to far im out, otherwise I will get myself :D in trouble :D:confused::eek::):p:o

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

OMG school uniform this has gone to far im out, otherwise I will get myself :D in trouble :D:confused::eek::):p:o

Lol, it was horrible!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm not sure the world is ready for you reaching a certain age :D

*Giggles evilly*

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