SmokefreeinKC: How are you doing. I havent... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_2291 profile image
28 Replies

How are you doing. I havent seen you on for a couple of days. I hope you are doing OK.

Day 21 for us tomorrow:)

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nsd_user663_2291 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_2304 profile image

I am not doing well :(

Ever since my smoking dream I have had a rough go of it. I even got in the car and went to buy cigarettes. At the last moment I talked myself into buying "Herbal Cigarettes" (Tobacco and Nicotine free) and I have smoked 4 of those in the last 3 days to try and not go back to smoking. (FYI Herbal Cigarettes are about the nastiest things I have ever smoked in my life)

I have not posted because I did not want my failure to impact anyone else on the forums.

All I have thought about for the last several hours is starting again. I actually just logged back on here as I was about to give up and goto the store and buy smokes and saw your post.

I know it is a cop out to say this, but I wish I would not of had that dream. I was doing so well until then. Once I had that dream and "chose" to smoke within that dream it has broken my "resolve" to quit as it has helped convince my nicotine demon that I won't last.... so why keep fighting it.

I don't know what to do.. I Hope I can make it through the next few hours.

nsd_user663_1858 profile image

stay focused its well worth it in the end.

you really need to be strong, by quiting smoking wont kill you but carry on then it will probably will.

good luck keep going :)

I have been quit for 7 Months, 1 Week, 3 Days, 14 hours and 4 seconds (224 days). I have saved £1,852.80 by not smoking 6,737 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Weeks, 2 Days, 9 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 08/03/2007 15:10

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

No come on you can do this, we are doing this together.

It was a dream thats all you didnt smoke. You dont want to smoke do you, so just keep saying that to your self.

Stay with us and keep talking.

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Come back smokefreeinkc..

I need an alli thats close to my quit date. I had a stupid dream too the other day except I was left in the dark wether or not I lit up. My alarm clock went off right when I found the lighter in my purse. I am linking the triggers to caffeine because I have been logging what I have eaten and it looks like it is the culprit! The night before the dream I ate a peice of chocolate. Come back to us! Remember they are just slips! The majority of quitters have them.

I am on my 19th day of not smoking!:D

Not smoked for: 0Y 2W 4D 1H 54M not smoked: 180 Cigarettes. Saving me £ 48.82. I will now live longer by: 0Y 0W 0D 14H 28M. I Quit on the:. Monday, October 01, 2007 6:00:26 AM. Download This Quitmeter free from

nsd_user663_2304 profile image

I'm still alive!

I just woke up.. (Yes it is 2 in the afternoon here :p )

Well it was rough... I spent the next 7 hours after that post pacing the floor and pulling my hair out but I made it through without giving up.

I threw away the rest of the herbal cigarettes and decided to set my goal to one month instead of worrying about the rest of my life for right now.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh smokefree x x x x x

I am so pleased for you x x

Your a star x

Hold your head high and march on x x

~Buffy x x

Ps 8pm here :D

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Ohh i am pleased to see ya back.:)

nsd_user663_2304 profile image

Ohh i am pleased to see ya back.:)

I am glad you posted wondering about me Flippy. That meant a lot. Thanks :)

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Glad you made it through!

Feels good don't it?:D This will be a lifelong battle but so worth it!:cool:

I am on day 19 of not smoking!:D

nsd_user663_2142 profile image


You are coming along just fine! You are doing great. You are smart to set your goal to where you feel you can reach it. Don't overwhelm yourself or else you may crash thinking you will never reach it. Good thinking ;) You can do it though ~ no doubt in my mind! Keep up the good work :D

P.S. - Cool signature :p

Take care ~ One day at a time! 496

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Boudee/lifelong battle..

OMG! I hope you are right! I have talked to so many people that have been quit for years that tell me they still crave once in awhile. They are also people who go out to clubs and other social affairs alot. I assume the temptation is different in that atmosphere. I gave that life up a long time ago after having children. I don't miss it one bit!! I went to my nurse girlfriends house last night to get my flu shot. I had a couple beers to try and relax for the dreaded needle and oh boy was it a trigger!!! I won't be drinking for awhile!:eek:

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I am glad you posted wondering about me Flippy. That meant a lot. Thanks :)

We are quit buddies:)

nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Way to go Boudee!!!

I think its an attitude thing about the smoking (from Allan Carr) - you are not giving anything up!!!

Those who have stopped for month/years and still want a cig, probably stopped smoking cos they thought they had to and therefore think they have sacrificed something and therefore still want it. Why would you want to go through life suffering like that?

The attitude to have is - I have not given anything up, I have gained so much!!!

Think to yourself - what exactly have i given up? what was so great about smoking?

Sorry - this is straight from the Allan Carr book - but i really agree with it!:D

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

I agree with choco and Boudee that there isn't anything to "Give up" or "deprive yourself" from. Don't get me wrong I'm not one these 'reformed smokers' who go around telling folks ITS DIGUSTING and IT SMELLS ETC but I do feel SORRY for folks who smoke cos now I underestand its not that 'they get to and I don't. Woe is me type thing' These people "HAVE" to smoke to feed their addiction . If only these folk would just take a chance and realise that with a bit of effort and work they too could feel differently about cigs. Its a 'Leap of faith' but soooooooooo worth it - and so are we!!:)

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

see thats three of us already :D

Hope Mary reads this and believes she can feel like this too!:cool:

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Boudee I SO agree with your speech/rant :D

Yesterday I was at the hairdresser and the quit thing came out because one of the younger girls was in terrible need to smoke so begged the owner to let her go out for a sec and since I've been going to that place for years I just happened to kind of say hey guys I quit woohoo, and they were happy for me and cheering about it - well this woman Connie who claimed that she quit years ago and who was doing my nails, just goes "what? so you've been quit for 2 months? well that's like 2 days for me, it almost doesn't count, you know, it's just if you stay quit in the long run that matter, you'll see in months" yada yada. I wanted to slowly choke her to death, obviously, if not for the niceness :D , but just sat there and smiled full of smug - I know I'm a calm ex-smoker and a very positive one about my decision, maybe that's the reason for she talked to me like that in the first place, but why be such an effing bitch I wonder :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Boudee I SO agree with your speech/rant :D

Yesterday I was at the hairdresser and the quit thing came out because one of the younger girls was in terrible need to smoke so begged the owner to let her go out for a sec and since I've been going to that place for years I just happened to kind of say hey guys I quit woohoo, and they were happy for me and cheering about it - well this woman Connie who claimed that she quit years ago and who was doing my nails, just goes "what? so you've been quit for 2 months? well that's like 2 days for me, it almost doesn't count, you know, it's just if you stay quit in the long run that matter, you'll see in months" yada yada. I wanted to slowly choke her to death, obviously, if not for the niceness :D , but just sat there and smiled full of smug - I know I'm a calm ex-smoker and a very positive one about my decision, maybe that's the reason for she talked to me like that in the first place, but why be such an effing bitch I wonder :rolleyes:

Ciao Bella!!

Sounds to me that this connie woman never wanted to quit in the first place but circumstances dictated she must . Who know's?Money,health,job whatever it was doesn't seem to have been for HERSELF .She sounds so envious and jealous of you Francesca. Her way of dealing with this is to try and put you down and make you feel as bad as she so obviously does. I pity her really she might just as well be still smoking cos she's very unhappy that shes not and I guess she feels she is @missing out@ Silly cow!!

nsd_user663_1789 profile image

what a nasty nasty bitch !!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :mad:

cor if i had been there i would have got the hot hair tongs and stuck her nose in them and help them closed for half a bloody hour repeating "what was that you were saying? sorry I can't quite hear you "

well done you for rising above the sly stuck up numpty head ;) :D

Ooohhhh Boudee that made me laugh very loud!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

What a cow bag that women is - i can understand smokers not being happy for us cos they are jealous, but a fellow non-smoker? EH!!! Divvy!!!

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Ooohhhh Boudee that made me laugh very loud!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

What a cow bag that women is - i can understand smokers not being happy for us cos they are jealous, but a fellow non-smoker? EH!!! Divvy!!!

I've discovered (finally) in this final quit that there seem to be 2 kinds of people who no longer smoke. The EX SMOKERS - who quit cos they feel they ought to but spend the rest of their days yearning for the day they can smoke again (like I ONCE did) and the NON SMOKERS - who quit cos they knew it was the right thing to do and everytime they lit up would be like a kind of 'russian Roulette' ie

which cig has the cancer bit for me?!(me An EX SMOKER will say stuff like "what a disgusting habit" or "that smells horrid" whilst secretly being so oooooooooo envious but try to hide it with nasty comments.

The NON SMOKER however,does not feel the need to preach or procrastinate. This person is completely comfortable in his/her quit (now they understand the real truth about cigs they actually feel a bit silly for smoking in the first Place!) These are the people who have admitted their addicttion,can now see it for what it really is and can now move on in life without any more desire for a cig.

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

:eek: wow what a speech and a very true speech at that :eek: :D

Hi again

Truth is I would never have DARED to say anything remotely like (would have only thought about and said it to myself. Now I've discovered that I can have an opinion too!!!!!!!!!:D

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

OK who's told yaI''m only 5 .1" tall???!¬!!!!:eek:

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Are you Noel Edmonds?! if so stuff the house party i'll take £250,000 DEAL?!

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Don't say youve nevr watched 'Deal or No Deal' on channel 4 on EVERY BLOODY DAY at 4.15pm???!!

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I do agree with what a lot of you are saying but i do have a slightly different opinion.

Yep there are 2 kinds of quitters. Those who quit but didnt really want too and those who have finally seen the light. I think this time i have finally seen the light.

We are all different and i think it effects us all differently too. I know my mum really wanted to give up smoking and she did 8 years ago, but she has told me that she still thinks about it sometimes. She knows that she isnt going to smoke again but it is always there. Of course i believe what she is saying she is my mum. She wasnt forced into it, she did it because she wated too. I dont think she has ever said to me how disgusting it is to smoke just that she wished I could quit. She is very proud that i now have.

You know when you was smoking and you would talk to a quitter and they said how easy it was to quit. Did you ever think Oh i wish i found it that easy. I know i did for years. Its like a switch has to be switched and when it is then its a lot easier.

I am finding this quit the best so far and i have seriously tried about 3 times before. It was my time this time, maybe the other times I wasnt quite ready to give it all up.

But i am sure there will be time in the furture when i will think about smoking but thats all it will be a thought.

I am a non smoker and have been for 23 days.

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Flippy sweetie,

I SO agree to your comments. Maybe this time I too,have found @my time 2 quit@ My sister gave up smoking as soon as she discovered she w as pregnant-yet 2 weeks after my nephew was born he developed terrible colic--ye you guessed it sister Tracey was in the garden puffing away - did it stop baby's charlies colic ? of course not¬!!! The answer was gripe mixture (which was in the medicine cabinet all along!!) SO WHAT DIFFERENCE DID A CIG MAKE???:confused:

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

no I haven't, far too busy at that time of the day :eek:

I havent watched it either. My dad tried to explain it to me and i got all confused.:o

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Must be.;)

SmokefreeinKC are you OK. Youi have gone all quiet again.

nsd_user663_2318 profile image

You guys are all great!

I do believe there are 2 differnet types og quitters.(those who have to, and those who just want to) I feel I fall into both categories. I have to for my health, but also want to because I'm just plain tired of it! I think I find it so hard because I actually really enjoyed it! I found it to be more of a pleasure than a habit. I'm glad to say that lately I am not missing it all that much I am finding the smell very offensive and certainly enjoying the x-tra cash in my pocket. My lungs are most grateful too!!:D

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