Champix side effects: Hi all, another newbie... - No Smoking Day

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Champix side effects

nsd_user663_2231 profile image
215 Replies

Hi all, another newbie here! Have been taking Champix since 9 September and my quit date was 16 September. I have had a look through the forum and noticed a lot of people have been suffering with sickness and vivid dreams. I myself spent most of the first day I took it in bed with sickness, dizzyness, stomach cramps, not being able to keep my eyes open, headache, etc. I had hoped that these symptons would ease off having stopped smoking, and now into day 9 on Champix and day 2 of not smoking, the side effects are worse than ever. Diarrhoea and sickness being the worst. Last weekend was totally ruined (my daughters birthday and a trip to the theatre to see Lord of the Rings) I felt like death and fell asleep the minute I got home! This weekend is my neices wedding, the venue about 90 miles away (and I'm driving)! - can't honestly see me making it, and appearing normal and happy.

Will these effects get better, or have I got 12 weeks of this?? Anyone know?


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nsd_user663_2231 profile image
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215 Replies
nsd_user663_2232 profile image


All sounds very scary Ana - I start Champix tomorrow so maybe we can chat - have just posted my first thread. Good luck and try and keep with it - it has to better to go through short term hell than througg a slow suffering death as my dad with with emphysemia last year. Am with you hon.

nsd_user663_2231 profile image

All sounds very scary Ana - I start Champix tomorrow so maybe we can chat - have just posted my first thread. Good luck and try and keep with it - it has to better to go through short term hell than througg a slow suffering death as my dad with with emphysemia last year. Am with you hon.

Thanks Michele, much as I feel dreadful at the moment , if it only last 12 weeks and I am free again it will be worth it. So sorry to hear about your dad!! - We will talk again!


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh man x x x

Welcome ana and michele,

God awful!

Poor ana you seem to be one to suffer more than most on champix x x

Hope you have searched the forum because there are tips on eating, water and pill splitting to help ease these troubles x x

Michele some do suffer more than others so do not feel like this may not work.

Ana even has a good positive attitude and that is something of a blessing x x

Good luck guys and keep posting :D

I would imagine 'Lord of the rings' is enough to bring on any nausea :D lol sorry *duck*

That was a joke before the complaints roll in :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2225 profile image

Hang on in there xxx

Hi Ana

On day 11 of Champix, day 2 no smoking and like you,was having sickness etc. I have found eating both before and after the tablet really helps & not feeling sick now. (Have been sold anti sicknes wrist bands can help also).

Still vivid dreams (I believe that this is a side effect of how they work / stimulation via tablet and not nicotine). Also I do have more aches and pains, crick in neck shoulder but cannot say if I would have had this anyhow - getting on a bit now. I did have stomache aches, groin pain but this also has gone.

You are doing really well to hang on in there and try to just take each day at a time and not to panic about what may or may not happen at the weekend. Congratulate your self each day for just getting through it without a cigarette(s), they say the first days/weeks are the hardest.

Are you getting support from doctor/nurse? May need even to adjust the dose?

Hang on in there. You obviously have the strength & willpower getting through all of the side effects you are having!

Hi Michelle

Don't panic - everyone goes through it differently! The tips/advice & support from this group realy keep you going!

Take care all & hope we can all get through it!

Luv Carol xxxxx

nsd_user663_2074 profile image

I'm on Champix too now (failed a few weeks ago so went to Dr's for the tabs). I'm on day 22 and still have nausea though not so bad as the beginning. I only stopped yesterday as the tabs didn't seem to affect the smoking at all... but I haven't been able to face alcohol in weeks!!!! I love a glass of wine with dinner but now... have given up even opening a bottle!

Anyone else expereinced this?


nsd_user663_2214 profile image

, and now into day 9 on Champix and day 2 of not smoking, the side effects are worse than ever. Diarrhoea and sickness being the worst.


Bless you Ana .. you really have been suffering. I think I saw somewhere on this forum about ginger helping with sickness. I found some low calorie ginger ale in tesco which is slightly fizzy and actually find a few sips when I feel really bad does help. The eating before the tablet is really important too .. and drinking lots of water. Maybe it's worth talking to your Dr or Pharmacist just to see if they have a solution. Really hope that you feel lots better today.

Hi Michele and good luck :) .

Take care

Ali xx

nsd_user663_2231 profile image

Thanks guys for all your encouragement, it really helps. I’m off now to get some ginger and sickness wrist bands. I was at the doctors earlier this morning to get my next 2 weeks supply of champix. Told him how I felt, and he said that it was early days and it should improve, if not he would half my dose at next visit!

Have to say that rubbish as I feel at the moment, it is really great that the ciggies aren’t ruling my life, ie: I’m not clock watching waiting for lunch break so I can have a ciggy, or wishing the film would finish at the cinema for the same reason, and as for going to indoor shopping centres – I spent more time outside than in! etc etc

Anyway thanks again all, I’m determine to keep to it this time.

nsd_user663_1724 profile image

Chantix is being tested for an aid to help drink problems,so some people may not like beer so much,me included.Joint pain ,sickness, dreams ,anger,etc are commonly reported.It is a great help but not for all.Reduced dose ,pill splitting can be tried if it becomes intolerable.First time i tried it i had to stop ,then later tried again and the side effects were still there but not so bad

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

Chantix is being tested for an aid to help drink problems,so some people may not like beer so much,me included.Joint pain ,sickness, dreams ,anger,etc are commonly reported.It is a great help but not for all.Reduced dose ,pill splitting can be tried if it becomes intolerable.First time i tried it i had to stop ,then later tried again and the side effects were still there but not so bad

hi justin! i had all those symptoms before i started taking the champix! apart from the dreams,...In fact.. i get hammered on the wine now more that ever before!( maybe i should join AA!) so it's all normal to me. poskit.x


nsd_user663_2373 profile image

I started on champix 24th oct 2007 and to take all these as well for unstable angina and feel ok at the moment :)

Bisoprolol 10mg tab

Aspirin 75mg tab

Isosorbide mononitrate modified release 60mg cap

Simvastatin 80mg tab

Lansoprazole 30mg cap

Diltiazem 60mg tab



Varenicline (champix) 0.5mg+1mg

nsd_user663_2405 profile image


Hi every one ... Just found this site . just picked up my starter pack of champix.. a little daunting but really positive at the same time. :p

question to past users of champix . if the side effects do become unbearable if you should give in and stop taking the tablets how long do the symptoms last?

nsd_user663_2231 profile image

hi grandad - I have been on champix for two months now. I did find the side effects getting me down, so I cut the dosage to half, and touch would feel so much better now. I do seem to get sore mouth/ulcer outbursts every 4 weeks though! Hopefully this will stop eventually and it is a small price to pay, as in every other way I feel so positive and healthy.

Good luck x

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

hi first post here, i have taken champix for almost 3 weeks now and gave up on oct 24th so 12 days, the only side effects i get are weird dreams and sometimes waking up at say 3am and not being able to sleep for another 2 hours...that hasn't happened much though.

i read a lot of scare stories on the net which scared me, i still went ahead and for me they've been nothing short of amazing :)

Welcome ezman. I have to agree with you champix is the ONLY thing that has worked for me after numerous quits - all lasting less than a week!. Found the best time to take the 2nd pill was between 5.30 and 6pm. Less waking up. Sleep is real important to me cos I get up at 6am to sort daghter for school (she leaves at 7.15am) Whenever I tried to quit b4 using nrt I wouldn't be able to sleep until about 4am. Well 2hrs - no thanks!

nsd_user663_2405 profile image

I'm just about to reach my stop date. friday. still on the last days of the first week though quite looking forward to stopping actually, recently noticed i'm not really enjoying smoking much already. Oh the funny dreams ... (my wife was pregnant and my son could play his guitar well ha ha).

Apart from that alls well at the moment. :)

nsd_user663_1961 profile image


hello everyone on champix. just dropped by to see how we are all doing. havnt been on for a while. anyway all you suffereing on the horrible champix, all i can say is keep going. stopped 4th july with champix. had every side affect possible.but ya not on them forever. and when you stop taking them life returns to normal. i stopped takin champx 7 weeks ago and ime a happy and healthy non smoker. so it really is worth the suffering. keep goin . its worth it.

nsd_user663_2411 profile image


Are Zyban and Champix similar? I'm on Zyban although read a lot of horror stories about them. I have been fine though, so far! The only thing was trying to get to sleep at night, but I take my second tablet around 3 and that seems to help! Had slight nausea, light headed, faint etc, a lot of it I feel maybe more mental, and maybe to do with the actual stopping smoking rather the tablets? But I definately agree with the others - you have to weigh it up - 12 weeks of hell or a lifetime.

nsd_user663_2405 profile image

Are Zyban and Champix similar? I'm on Zyban although read a lot of horror stories about them. I have been fine though, so far! The only thing was trying to get to sleep at night, but I take my second tablet around 3 and that seems to help! Had slight nausea, light headed, faint etc, a lot of it I feel maybe more mental, and maybe to do with the actual stopping smoking rather the tablets? But I definately agree with the others - you have to weigh it up - 12 weeks of hell or a lifetime.

I have slight nausea in the mornings but i make sure i eat breakfast with my morning tablet. i take the evening one at about 6. dont get tired in the evenings and have to force myself into bed. (one good point) apparently i have almost stopped snoring.........

Is it a side effect of the drug or not smoking? a hollow feeling? i'm missing something? i want to smoke or need to but still check my pockets for lighter and fags. old habits die hard i guess ...

nsd_user663_2405 profile image

I have slight nausea in the mornings but i make sure i eat breakfast with my morning tablet. i take the evening one at about 6. dont get tired in the evenings and have to force myself into bed. (one good point) apparently i have almost stopped snoring.........

Is it a side effect of the drug or not smoking? a hollow feeling? i'm missing something? i want to smoke or need to but still check my pockets for lighter and fags. old habits die hard i guess ...

that shopuld read... " I DON'T WANT TO SMOKE"

nsd_user663_2405 profile image

I'm only on day two of the quit, been taking Champix for nine now. The side effects are horrible but after smoking heavily for nearly thirty years now and having tried patches before and failed I just can't believe there's no craving. I've got that hollow feeling like there's something missing but I think that's just habit.

I'm on day 5 of quiting , went to the doctors today to pick up my next packets i was given 2 months worth. the side effects seem to lessen but i know that "hollow" feeling

Keep it up Daz

nsd_user663_1930 profile image


Are yes, that feeling that something important is missing. I get it every time I quit whether I use patches or go cold turkey.

I am currently eating loads of Trebor Extra Strong Mints, cannot stand smoking or drinking after a strong mint. I am on Day five and I reckon I am eating 3 - 4 packs a day...

Get a load of me replacing one habit with another... :eek: On the upside I only stand to lose my teeth with the mints rather than my life... :D

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

I'm only on day two of the quit, been taking Champix for nine now. The side effects are horrible but after smoking heavily for nearly thirty years now and having tried patches before and failed I just can't believe there's no craving. I've got that hollow feeling like there's something missing but I think that's just habit.

Hiya Daz:) i've not smoked now for 3 months! thanx to champix. and i've still got 6 weeks supply left!! not felt the need to take them anymore, and yeh at first it does feel weird (and different people have different side effects, sickness,ect) but i reckon that it is the habit side of things,i just sort of "forgot" that i smoked, if you know what i mean?:confused:

anyway stick with it you'll get thru no probs:)

best wishes.poskit.x

nsd_user663_2467 profile image

Hi all, another newbie here! Have been taking Champix since 9 September and my quit date was 16 September. I have had a look through the forum and noticed a lot of people have been suffering with sickness and vivid dreams. I myself spent most of the first day I took it in bed with sickness, dizzyness, stomach cramps, not being able to keep my eyes open, headache, etc. I had hoped that these symptons would ease off having stopped smoking, and now into day 9 on Champix and day 2 of not smoking, the side effects are worse than ever. Diarrhoea and sickness being the worst. Last weekend was totally ruined (my daughters birthday and a trip to the theatre to see Lord of the Rings) I felt like death and fell asleep the minute I got home! This weekend is my neices wedding, the venue about 90 miles away (and I'm driving)! - can't honestly see me making it, and appearing normal and happy.

Will these effects get better, or have I got 12 weeks of this?? Anyone know?


Yes Champix has some side effects but it is in very few cases.

Some Champix side effects are vomiting, headache, sleep disorder etc.


nsd_user663_2523 profile image


It's the second month I've been on champix now and, well, I'm not as happy as I was with the idea of medicating myself into not smoking. I started cutting down on the 12th day, and eventually, through 10 next days I've managed to cut down to half a pack, and to 4 smokes a day though the next few days. Considering the fact that I've been smoking 4 packs a day through the past 13 years, I found that quite an accomplishment.

As for the side effects that far, I've experienced only slight nausea, gas trouble and such, but nothing i couldn't live with. One morning i forgot to take the pill, and that was bad, since i smoked almost 2 packs that day, till that evening. Started taking the pills normally again, and this is when it started happening.

About a week and a half ago my attention span was cut by 3/4, I can't remember words that are in everyday use of an eight year old, and yeah, I forgot to mention, I've had an erectile dysfunction problem ever since day 15 i think. I mean, it kinda gets up, but, that's not it by a longshot. :o

Then about a week ago, I started having vivid dreams, and I just CAN'T stop sleeping. Good thing is that I work at home and set my own hours, but still, it's too much. I sleep 18-20 hours a day, I just CAN'T wake up. It's horrifying.

And yes, I'm on about half a pack now. And, what can I say, I don't like it. I mean, I sleep all the time, can't have sex, I'm nauseous, having gas issues, and still didn't stop smoking. :eek: :D

Good thing is that you can't smoke while you sleep tho...

nsd_user663_2142 profile image


It's the second month I've been on champix now and, well, I'm not as happy as I was with the idea of medicating myself into not smoking. I started cutting down on the 12th day, and eventually, through 10 next days I've managed to cut down to half a pack, and to 4 smokes a day though the next few days. Considering the fact that I've been smoking 4 packs a day through the past 13 years, I found that quite an accomplishment.

As for the side effects that far, I've experienced only slight nausea, gas trouble and such, but nothing i couldn't live with. One morning i forgot to take the pill, and that was bad, since i smoked almost 2 packs that day, till that evening. Started taking the pills normally again, and this is when it started happening.

About a week and a half ago my attention span was cut by 3/4, I can't remember words that are in everyday use of an eight year old, and yeah, I forgot to mention, I've had an erectile dysfunction problem ever since day 15 i think. I mean, it kinda gets up, but, that's not it by a longshot. :o

Then about a week ago, I started having vivid dreams, and I just CAN'T stop sleeping. Good thing is that I work at home and set my own hours, but still, it's too much. I sleep 18-20 hours a day, I just CAN'T wake up. It's horrifying.

And yes, I'm on about half a pack now. And, what can I say, I don't like it. I mean, I sleep all the time, can't have sex, I'm nauseous, having gas issues, and still didn't stop smoking. :eek: :D

Good thing is that you can't smoke while you sleep tho...

Why do people find it amusing to make things up and write them down. I guess for those who have never smoked can't understand. Drito ~ get a life!

nsd_user663_2253 profile image

Drito I can sympathise cos I've had the word loss,dreams(they're good:D), attention span cut, amazing lethargy,stare into space forever and I too could sleep for England!!

Now that I'm only taking 2 pills a week at most, these effects have all calmed down but I'm not at all sure whether my memory hasn't been permanently f....d by pills!!:(

nsd_user663_2523 profile image

Why do people find it amusing to make things up and write them down. I guess for those who have never smoked can't understand. Drito ~ get a life!

You think that I'm making this up? I don't know about policies of this forum, but in case they're not so strict, go **** yourself!

If I wanted to make trashy shit up, and write 'em down, the no smoking forum would be the last place to do it on!

You find the fact that I smoked 4 packs a day unbeliavable? What? Which of the things i wrote you find SO UNBELIEVABLE that you automatically presume it would take someone to make them up?

@Pammy - well, dreams can be cool coz yup, they're vivid, but I never said what i dreamt about :D

As for the memory, losing words and attention span thing, if it continues after I'm done with therapy (I'm thinking about not taking one this evening) I think I'll consider a lawsuit. For real. Nobody said anything about 50% of the sideeffects I'm having. Look at the papers you got with the medication, I don't see it in.

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

One morning i forgot to take the pill, and that was bad, since i smoked almost 2 packs that day, till that evening.

About a week and a half ago my attention span was cut by 3/4, I can't remember words that are in everyday use of an eight year old, and yeah, I forgot to mention, I've had an erectile dysfunction problem ever since day 15 i think. I mean, it kinda gets up, but, that's not it by a longshot. :o

Then about a week ago, I started having vivid dreams, and I just CAN'T stop sleeping. Good thing is that I work at home and set my own hours, but still, it's too much. I sleep 18-20 hours a day, I just CAN'T wake up. It's horrifying.

One morning of not taking champix should not set you off so bad that you would go from 4 cigs a day to 2 packs from missing ONE pill. Come on!!

You can't remember WORDS that an 8 year old would use???!!! I think you have bigger issues than just struggling to quit smoking.

You sleep 18-20 hours a day, you need to forget about this forum and talk to a doctor.

If you are for real I feel real bad for you and you really should be seeking professional help. Until then, your post seemed to be kinda outta this world and the main thing that made me believe you were a fake was the whole missing ONE pill and going from 4 cigs a day to 2 packs....that is crazy.

nsd_user663_2523 profile image

One morning of not taking champix should not set you off so bad that you would go from 4 cigs a day to 2 packs from missing ONE pill. Come on!!

You can't remember WORDS that an 8 year old would use???!!! I think you have bigger issues than just struggling to quit smoking.

You sleep 18-20 hours a day, you need to forget about this forum and talk to a doctor.

If you are for real I feel real bad for you and you really should be seeking professional help. Until then, your post seemed to be kinda outta this world and the main thing that made me believe you were a fake was the whole missing ONE pill and going from 4 cigs a day to 2 packs....that is crazy.

I presume you did not read the part in which i say i smoked 4 packs a day for 13 years? I started taking champix coz I was diagnosed with nicotine poisoning, and to that i came by taking numerous heart tests coz, well logically, I started having heart trouble. For not only this one, but heaps of reasons I decided to quit since I know willpower is not one of my strongpoints when it comes to smoking. If it was, I wouldn't have smoked 4 packs a day for so long. Furthermore, i don't find smoking 2 packs that day so fascinating, since I would smoke heaps more without the pill. See, if you smoke that much, you don't even take notice of the smoke in your hand. It's ALWAYS there. Got that part, or do I need to sketch it?

See, all of that pre-school sarsacm you're trying too sell in your post only shows that you're an close-minded ass, not so bright as well, nothing more.

Heaps of things on this planet are crazy, but they do exist, and there is proof of it, if you really want to find out. So, unless you're planning to invite me over, and live with me for the duration of the therapy so you can see the sideeffects for yourself, I propose you shut the **** up, and just read (if you must, I did not insist on you being on the topic), if you can't do that, leave. Find topics which in your opinion, have credible posts. NHF, but you attacked me. I did not want it, or asked for that, just wrote down what is happening to me.

Btw, it's 4:53am over here, I missed my evening dose, I'm sitting on the bed, writing, and smoking. And I'm ****en thrilled about it, apart from being a bit hungoverish. Yup, that's the sensation i got every time i woke up after 15hr sleep, it's just that i slept for maybe 2hrs now.

Considering professional help, yes, I talked to a friend that is pharmacyst and works in the industry. Well, she was a bit shocked that I even considered taking the drug since I'm an epileptyc (there you go with another fishy statement) and since pfizer confessed that they did not test the drug properly before putting it on the market. She guesses there will be a withdrawal of the drug from the market within months. Good thing is that I would've never asked her about that if nosmoke4me's post didn't really get to my nerves. From what she told me, I understand varenicline blocks a variety of receptors, not just the nicotine, so that explains the lack of wish to do heaps of stuff beside taking a cigarette.

I dunno, I guess I'm gonna have to try nicotine patches or something, since this is not working, or is working but at what cost? And now, I'm not here in a try to bring down pfizer or something, i don't really care, but this friend of mine said to quit this instant coz there is chemistry in champix that can really mess with your brain, and it could be permanent. I mean, for christ sake, they did not test the drug, but yet they put it on the market.

And who knows, maybe it did the job. If I manage to keep it under one pack, it was worth it, if the sideeffects cease in some reasonable time. And I will miss the no-craving sensation. That was awesome, and it was a sensation after being used to real bad cravings and nervousness if not having a smoke in my mouth within minutes. Or nanoseconds. But, wtf, I guess the love for my brain surpasses the one for my lungs.

nsd_user663_1988 profile image


While you maybe telling the truth, you can not expect people to instantly believe what you have posted. I will admit that the things you say you are experiencing seem highly unbelieveable.

If its the truth then I sympaphise with you.

What we won't tolerate is insults that you have directed at Nosmoke4me.

Ok she made of insulted you by not believing you, as we all would but the insults you have made like '**** you' and 'go **** yourself' are not acceptable here.

See below

hi folks - just to remind some forum users that this is not a place for abuse and name-calling! If you object to any comments, say so, but politely, thanks!

I have reported you.

nsd_user663_2523 profile image


While you maybe telling the truth, you can not expect people to instantly believe what you have posted. I will admit that the things you say you are experiencing seem highly unbelieveable.

If its the truth then I sympaphise with you.

What we won't tolerate is insults that you have directed at Nosmoke4me.

Ok she made of insulted you by not believing you, as we all would but the insults you have made like '**** you' and 'go **** yourself' are not acceptable here.

It IS the truth. And, one thing is to display the disbelief in what I'm saying in a manner you did, and the other to accuse me of trolling. I mean, imagine if you were taking champix and had no side effects whatsoever, came to the forum, said it, and being accused of trolling. Not very nice, is it? And it's the same thing, just the other way round.

I mean, while the curses are commonly taken as "insults", even though we all know it's just plain name calling that has no purpose but to, let's say, underscore the point, making insulting assumptions based purely on ignorance/lack of informations is quite ok. Well, there is something wrong with the picture. The society said the word **** is bad, and well, we all appreciate how the society is trying to civilize us whilst the ability to listen (in general, but let's stick to this particular subject) and try to presume that people don't come to specialized forums to lie about their issues, is neglected hence not really encouraged by that same society that is trying to make us humane? Oh really. I mean, have you really gone that far that 1st thing you're gonna think about something you read and find not quite likely to happen because you haven't come across that kinda case in your life so far, is that it must be a fabrication?

Well, that is pretty sad, if you ask me.

I have reported you.

Well, ain't you a non-smoking-class hero? :D :D

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

It IS the truth. And, one thing is to display the disbelief in what I'm saying in a manner you did, and the other to accuse me of trolling. I mean, imagine if you were taking champix and had no side effects whatsoever, came to the forum, said it, and being accused of trolling. Not very nice, is it? And it's the same thing, just the other way round.

I mean, while the curses are commonly taken as "insults", even though we all know it's just plain name calling that has no purpose but to, let's say, underscore the point, making insulting assumptions based purely on ignorance/lack of informations is quite ok. Well, there is something wrong with the picture. The society said the word **** is bad, and well, we all appreciate how the society is trying to civilize us whilst the ability to listen (in general, but let's stick to this particular subject) and try to presume that people don't come to specialized forums to lie about their issues, is neglected hence not really encouraged by that same society that is trying to make us humane? Oh really. I mean, have you really gone that far that 1st thing you're gonna think about something you read and find not quite likely to happen because you haven't come across that kinda case in your life so far, is that it must be a fabrication?

Well, that is pretty sad, if you ask me.

Well, ain't you a non-smoking-class hero? :D :D

I'm not going to argue whether you're telling the truth or not. That was Nosmoke4me's arguement. To be honest I don't really care.

I am argueing that you curse people for not believing your story.

While I can agree that you were angry about Nosmoke4me's disbelief, you could of responded with a less insulting response.

It's got nothing to do with society trying to civilise us. While you may think it's ok, it is not forum etiquette.

nsd_user663_2523 profile image

drito, you're not american by any chance are you?

porke, señor?

nsd_user663_2523 profile image

I am argueing that you curse people for not believing your story.

Nah, bullshit. I usually curse ppl over them being utter idiots. :D

It's got nothing to do with society trying to civilise us. While you may think it's ok, it is not forum etiquette.

Ok, then try to explain the double-standards. :D I mean, would it be ok (by your standards) for me to be a total asshole? But a polite one. :) :o

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Nah, bullshit. I usually curse ppl over them being utter idiots. :D

Ok, then try to explain the double-standards. :D I mean, would it be ok (by your standards) for me to be a total asshole? But a polite one.

If you are hoping for heated response that you can examine and respond with some witty reply, you're gonna be dissappointed.:rolleyes:

I've said my piece and am finished with this subject!

Peace out!;)

nsd_user663_2523 profile image

If you are hoping for heated response that you can examine and respond with some witty reply, you're gonna be dissappointed.:rolleyes:

I've said my piece and am finished with this subject!

Peace out!

Well, believe it or not, it was not my intention of participating here to make witty comments, it kinda happened that way, I just wanted to discuss my sideeffects that turned out to be so outta this world. Btw, as I said, I didn't take the pill last night and well, I'm still awake. :D :D

And smoking. :o

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

drito : :confused::confused::confused::confused:

nsd_user663_2523 profile image

drito : :confused::confused::confused:

Yes, dear? :D

nsd_user663_2231 profile image

shall we all start again

it is normally me causing trouble :rolleyes:QUOTE]

Boudee, you are a little star:)

Drito, I am sorry you feel so bad, but I do understand!! I haven't felt myself since I have been taking Champix, not sure if thats the champix, or the not smoking? Have read that lots of people are claiming champix made them depressed, forgetful, lightheaded, a feeling of great loss etc, but also that people who have given up cold turkey have a lot of the same symptoms!!! so who knows? Either way, we have to ride through it. I spoke to a friend who gave up nearly 3 years ago using the patches, and she said that for the first year she felt like someone had died, and she was so sad and miserable, but she carried on nic free and now she feels so happy with her life and so glad she gave up. She has saved up so much money and is planning to move near the sea and get a boob job at the age of 52!!!

Good for her I say!!

We can all get there, it just takes time!!!

nsd_user663_2498 profile image

Reading posts like this make me realise how lucky I am. 12 weeks today for me..... and I'm still feeling soooo low. The Champix certainly has bad points.... but the good ones far outweigh them. While writing this I want to either bang my head against a wall... or start smoking. I'll do neither, but even though I feel so bad Champix has worked for me... and that is more than Patches, Zyban, Hypnotherapy, Cold Turkey and all the others ever did.

Good luck drito..... I used to smoke 2 packs a day and considered myself a heavy smoker. I watched both my parents die of lung cancer with a cigarette in my hand. I tried many times to quit but because it needed lots of will-power I continuously caved in. I think deep down you've got to really want to quit. Yes... Champix is (IMO) the best drug on the market but it doesn't work all by itself. You've got to work hard with it. It sounds like you're not quite at that stage yet. If so... I really hope you do get there soon.

Btw... everybody on Champix needs to prepare for weaning off. I stopped suddenly and within 4 days was back at the doctors. He gave me a 14 day supply of 0.5mg tablets... 1 per day. I've 4 left and dreading what lies ahead once they're gone.


nsd_user663_2498 profile image

Thanks for the advice Boudee... but my doctor was in two minds whether to give me the 14 day half dose course. He reckoned its in my mind and says I'm the only one who has come back after my 12 week course. He looked in his little book.... said I'll give you a 14 day half dosage but then thats it... No more...

I'll try a more sympathetic doctor but with the drug being so new... not much information has been passed around.

nsd_user663_2311 profile image

Hi Keith,

I Suffered With Stomach Cramps As Well, When I Spoke To The Doctor He Told Me Just To Take Half A Tablet In The Morning And Half In The Evening, It Cured My Problem. Well Done For Staying On Track Despite Feeling So Bad..


nsd_user663_2523 profile image

Hey all.

Phew, I'm grateful that the rest of the posts weren't doubts and spitting on what I wrote. Thanx for that. So, I stopped using champix the night I said, and I was awake for 37 hours. Not intentionally, we had a barbecue and kind of a mini party at our place so I had to be a good host. A zombie host, but a good one. So, after 37 hours of being awake, I slept for 15. I'm up for a hour and a half now, and I'm feeling disoriented as ****. Disoriented as stars. :D

But, the odd thing is that yes, I smoked 3 cigarettes so far, but i don't really have a need for them. See, when you smoke as much as I did, you feel funny not having a smoke in hand. I did not feel depression when I cut down to 4 smokes a day, I didn't have stomach cramps, but I've had heaps of other sideeffects you guys didn't. I'm still thinking of taking like half a pill a week or whatever through a longer period of time, coz even now, when I'm smoking, I smoke 3 times less than before.

Dunno, as I said, I still feel disoriented so I'll continue writing when I feel a bit better. Btw, I do want to quit for numerous reasons. It's just hard, the smoke is like a part of me, see that I smoke even when I don't have the need to. Bummer.

nsd_user663_2523 profile image


have you thought of reading alan carr

some of what he says is a bit much but he has some great points and can change your way of thinking about smoking and shows you a way to not need cigs as a crutch

I think now it is down to will power, the champix needs to only have side effects for as long as you are quitting, continue to smoke you are going to end up on champix for a very long time

you do not need the cigs, make the break, make a new and better life with out them :D

Hm, well, my addiction is physical in the 80% of its nature, I'm certain of it. So, now I've smoked like 6 of them, ran out, and am feeling a bit of craving, but not as nearly as much as before. I guess it takes certain amount of time for the drug to leave the system + I'm used to smoking really small quantities of the stuff now. :D

The primary reason I'm trying to quit are my vocal cords. I'm recording an album, but they don't work so well after 4 packs of smokes. :D

nsd_user663_2523 profile image

find the will power mate, you owe it to your self, the doc will not continue to give you champix prescriptions and when it has run out and you have not quit you will be right back to square one :(

ooooooooo recording an album wow

I quit taking champix, all of the side effects were just too much for me. I'm 2 days without champix, and still under a pack, although pretty close. But I find that an accomplishment after 4 packs. :D

nsd_user663_2523 profile image

yes one pack is better then 4 but you know it will not be long and you will be back where you started

you need to decide what you want mate :)

Actually, I'd like to be able to smoke 5-10 cigarettes a day. I think that's the hardest thing to accomplish. :(

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

because of the type of addiction that nicotine is then it is all or nothing and I think you know that

'one is too many and a thousand is not enough!

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

HI zed and welcome! i'm in my 11th week of champix (week 10 of no smk). Can't

say I've had neckache as such but i've had a couple of headaches. These were easily fixed with a couple of paracetamol (which is perfectly ok to take with the champix-I checked with the doc first) I do find that I get indigestion alot though.

Do you get it all?

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

I quit taking champix, all of the side effects were just too much for me. I'm 2 days without champix, and still under a pack, although pretty close. But I find that an accomplishment after 4 packs.

hi drito.

i was on champix, i only took them for 6 weeks, after that i felt i did'nt need them:) i was right, it worked for me. not gone back on the fags! or the champix! as far as i'm concerned now i will never fall back into the trap of relying on a fag or fags to get me thru the day,

i understand you saying that you feel you've accomplished something out of it by not smoking the usual 4 packs and you're down to under a pack a day. but to be honest mate is it what you REALLY WANT?:confused:to stop smoking fully forever??

i feel you need to take a step back and ask yourself if you're 100%++ commited that you want to stop,

if it's a half hearted answer then it's not your time to stop yet!! and instead of wasting this oppotunity with the champix, put them on one side untill you are CERTAIN that you DO WANT TO STOP! and you're willing to do it

the champix are brilliant! but they do need willpower also:) the longer you go without a fag then the better and more worthwhile it feels. and you then feel like you've accomplished loads!!

good luck anyway, hope this helps


nsd_user663_2498 profile image

I've been on champix for 20 days and haven't smoked since day 9. It's works much better than anything else I've tried including Zyban.

I've had no side affects at all apart from pain in the lower part of the back of my head/top of the neck. It feels almost like whiplash, and hurts badly when I turn my head although I haven't done anything that I know of to cause this. I've had this I think since I started taking the pills, it may just be coincidence. I doesn;t seem to be getting better so i've stopped taking the drug today to see if it improves as it keeps me awake at night

Anyone else had this kind of pain?

I'm normally a healthy 32 year old guy (apart from the smoking!)

Funny you should mention that... I've had a stiff neck the last few weeks. Can't imagine its the Champix though..


nsd_user663_2231 profile image

I'm on champix, haven't had any aches as such (had everything else though)!

My sister is now into 6th day of taking champix and has been complaining of aching limbs and veins??? - The thing is we don't know if this is just normal winter aches and pains, or the Champix.

Lots of things recently have been blamed on champix, but most of the complaints in all honesty could be put down to "stopping smoking, sads, winter generally or champix" who knows which:confused::confused:

nsd_user663_2594 profile image

I was taking Chantix and I had really bad nightmares and nausea. So, I stopped taking it. I'm not sure if the effects will go away after time.

nsd_user663_2454 profile image

My dreams on Champix were, initially, just weird. But now I'm about 5 weeks into taking it, they've gone from weird some nights to downright horrific. Including one the other night where my ex told me, after I'd come back from a couple of days away, that our son was dead. Never before have I experienced such god awful raw emotion in a dream - woke up hardly able to breath and sobbing uncontrollably. My boyfriend said that on another night, I suddenly grabbed him, clung to him and just cried. I have no recollection of it whatsoever, or what I was dreaming about that led me to do it! It doesn't seem to matter if I skip the night dose - all that happens then is that I'm less likely to wake so frequently in the night. I can live with the weird ones - in fact, I quite enjoy them (the one about having to rescue a talking lemur - which actually looked more like a red panda than a lemur - who had got whisked away by holding onto a helium balloon was beyond all comprehension). It's the horrible 'people dying/leaving me/betraying me' cr@p that I don't want!

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

IM no expert but i dont think its the champix causeing the dreams. Im on patches and experienced the same thing. as the dose has come down its eased a bit, and no night terrors now. i pat my patch and say " where we off to tonight then ?" Think it must be to do with withdrawal more than our aids. but if anyone knows any differnt im ready to stand corrected. stay with us love for your sons sake. GOOD LUCK. ;)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome on board Roz x x

Not a champix user either, but wanted to welcome you on board and congratulate you on your decision to quit xx

Remember, every drug has a list of side effects as long as your arm!! doesn't mean you get them all.

It is different for everyone, one thing I have seen with regards to champix is that people who have quit the smokes and feel confident rush off the champix and fall into a bit of a low.

Champix is a drug and quitting smoking is in effect a side effect of the drug. It is important that you withdraw from it slowly.

A little bit before you need to think about that i know but hey ho lol

Welcome on board and graats on putting the fish first today ;)

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2616 profile image

Well, this is day 8 of Champix and tomorrow is 'S' Day. The feeling of nausea is abating, but the night time cough is becoming a problem. I suppose it's all the 'bad stuff' coming out, but my eyes are running, and my nose is running - both like a tap! It doesn't happen during the day though - strange. I have an odd taste in my mouth like some of you have experienced, but this goes a little as the day wears on. Nothing as bad as the taste of stale cigarettes though eh?

I will definitely 'see' you tomorrow, but hopefully I won't be screaming for help!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done on your 5 smoke free days. You are doing really well never taken champix myself but from what i read on here I think the bad side effects Pass after a little time. xxxxx

nsd_user663_2664 profile image

I'm on champix. It gave me a headache (quite severe) for the first 14 days. Now I have a feeling of nausea for about an hour after taking the tablet, and still the vivid and weird dreams. Small price to pay to be free :D

nsd_user663_2659 profile image

IM no expert but i dont think its the champix causeing the dreams. Im on patches and experienced the same thing. as the dose has come down its eased a bit, and no night terrors now. i pat my patch and say " where we off to tonight then ?" Think it must be to do with withdrawal more than our aids. but if anyone knows any differnt im ready to stand corrected. stay with us love for your sons sake. GOOD LUCK. ;) name is terry, I have tried it all I was on the patches and the dreams were much different.The dreams on the champix are worse,i have alot of trouble sleeping and have to take a sleep aid,where i didn't with the patch, I could take it off early in the day and be ok.The champix works for me better but even if I take it at 3pm I still have alot of trouble sleeping.I think I have to reduce the level.I am waiting for some answers.

mrs terry

nsd_user663_2677 profile image


So sorry to hear about the side effects. I had all the side affects that u had but they only lasted 2 days, I feel fine now. I hope u dont give up cos it would be such a waste. Good luck & i'll keep my fingers crossed for you, take care, debs x

nsd_user663_2871 profile image

Hi I have been on champix now this will be my 14th day. have not smoked for 7, as for the side effects of the champix for me.. within seconds of taking the tablet i feel sick as a dog.. this feeling lasts for anything up to an hour, its absolutely horrible.. i get the vivid dreams and they are dead weird.. but i go to sleep an then wake like now i have been awake since 1am and wide awake.. i am told this is more likely the the nicotine withdrawel rather than the tablets.. but wotever it is its a real pain up the bum..

the up side of course is that i dont even think about having a ciggy at all..unlike wiv the patches it was a battle all the time.. so i spose you have to weigh up the pros an cons.. and for me i feel so much better, and best of all i have so much more energy even wiv the lack of sleep..

gl e1

kt x

thank god for this forum or my friends would be fed up wiv me im sure.. so thanks guys x

nsd_user663_2893 profile image

I, too, am on Day 2 of non smoking (Day 9 on Champix).

I've had no bad side effects. On the other hand, I feel as dreadful now as I have giving up without medication !


nsd_user663_2722 profile image

Hi and so sorry some of you are suffering bad side effects. Take the tablet right after food - not on its own. This should definitively help with the nausea. I know I had to change my own habits and have breakfast. I used to be a "5 minute after waking up" smoker and breakfast was coffee alone. 35 days after first taking Champix, I am a lighter sleeper and still have the weird dreams but nothing else (apart from the non-smoking!)


nsd_user663_2892 profile image

Interesting thread.....

Phew! Took me ages to get to the end. Some stories huh?

I am on Day 1 smokefree, and day 10 of Champix.

I was feeling great, with no side-effects, until Days 8 and 9 when I felt so sick all day. I actually noticed that the nausea increased when I had a cigarette. I do not feel at all sick today, so in my mind it was the combination of the tablets and the nicotine causing the nausea.

This may just be my imagination, but I believe it to be true, and I know if I had a cigarette now, the sick feeling would return :eek:

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I, too, am on Day 2 of non smoking (Day 9 on Champix).

I've had no bad side effects. On the other hand, I feel as dreadful now as I have giving up without medication !


I know that feeling and i promise you it will pass. The first 10 days of quitting I felt like i was really fighting it and couldnt understand how people could say Champix was a miracle drug. I do get it now though and I am on day 15. Stay with us you will succed.:)

nsd_user663_3967 profile image

I am on my third week of taking Champix and for the first 10 days I thought they were't working, I seemed to want to smoke just as much as ever and my "quit day" came and went. Then it just tapered off naturally, until I forgot about cigs all day, and most of the evening, and then I was down to 2 cigs first thing in the morning. Yesterday and today I lit my first morning cig in the morning and couldn't bear to smoke it, just stubbed out straight away. So for the past 2 days I've not smoked a cigarette. I can't believe how little effort I am making myself, and how little I think about smoking.

So that's the good news. The bad - well, the nausea is horrible, although it wears off in an hour or so. Really bad abdominal bloating when I eat, really uncomfortable. Very vivid dreams which disturb my sleep - not nightmares though, thank goodness! I'm pretty tired most of the time but that's probably the dreams waking me at night. In my view the good outweighs the bad by a long way - I can feel these tablets working more each day and I have never felt more confident about quitting for good. I have smoked for 42 years and tried every other method - cold turkey, NRT, hypnotherapy, Zyban - you name it I tried it.

Oh yes, one side effect which I am really pleased aout - I used to like a couple of glasses of wine in the evening, but have completely gone off it - I can't face alcohol at all! I am going to be so healthy by the time I'm finished - apart from all the toffees I am eating!


nsd_user663_4081 profile image

Hi to all who read me. :)

I'm on quit day 3 of Champix and day 12 of the starter pack.

I wasn't sure how i was going to get on with the Champix as there is no-one i know of that has done a course.

Most ppl i know who have quit did it on NRT or CT.

Before i started the course i did find a review site which had over 80 reviews on Champix and i trawled through, reading most entries, to get a general idea of what to expect.

It seemed that the majority experienced the nausea, vivid dreams and sleep disturbance.

Afew others experienced actual vomiting, stomach cramps, emotional instablity and mental fatigue.

It was suggested to ALWAYS eat before necking a pill as this seemed to counterbalance the sickness (makes sense, as u should never take meds on empty stomach....)

So armed with a bit of what to expect i decided to start the treatment on Monday 9th February.

I decided to get some herbal sleep aids to help with any potential sleep changes and got some nice breakfast in, as that was soon to be something i wasn't used to having...

I have to say i didn't a.n.a.l.y.s.e my feelings or behaviour during the first wk and just popped the pills as if it was a vitamin and didn't think about it too greatly.

I had set my stop day for day 10 and knew that when the full doseage started on day 8, i should start to feel less like smoking.

On day 8 i did notice i felt less urge to smoke and only smoke 4/5 that day.

On day 9 i had a cigarette after lunch and it was the last one in a pack of ten. That was my last cigarette.

I had no desire to buy anymore and i haven't wanted one since.

I have been incredibly lucky to not experience many side effects.

I have had a few sleep changes but none that have bothered me greatly, but i feel the sleep aids may have helped...also i take the evening pill before 9pm.

I have not felt any nausea at all, but i have always eaten before taking a pill.

I have not had a craving for a cigarette since i stopped.

I have thought about cigarettes but i do not want one.

The 'ritual' cigs are the ones i think of (after dinner and first thing with a cuppa)

I am confident i will succeed in staying smoke free with this form of treatment and support from here. :D

nsd_user663_4123 profile image

It's interesting reading through everyone's experiences with Champix - I'm trying to get down the Doctors tomorrow to see if I can get a prescription, as the standard NRT stuff just hasn't worked (or more to the point hasn't enabled me to get my own mind right)...

... so, slightly scary given some of the side-effects but you never know 'til you try. In the meantime I'm on menthols, which I can't stand, so that should set me up nicely! :D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

hi ana,,i have bever used champix,or patchs,,just went c/t,i found c/t was ok for me,,but if champix does it for you ,go for it,,the end results are all the same ,to stop smoking,,have faith and keep :D:D:D tony

nsd_user663_4581 profile image

hi all,first time on here so here we go and apologies if asked before.

now on day 5 of champix and feel really rough,bad flu like symptoms and jaw ache for some reason????anybody had similar? plus point is that i reckon i will be stopped in the next 2 days at most:) any suggestions? thanks in advance

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Iball :)

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

I also used champix as an aid to quit and had only a little nausea with the morning one

Those flu like symptoms and aching jaw are normal for us quitters I'm afraid and not necessarily due to champix as lots of people who don't use it have the same sort of symptoms

You will still need willpower with champix so take it day by day, hour by hour all those little steps add up and you'll be counting weeks before you know it

Best Wishes

Marg xxx

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

hi all,first time on here so here we go and apologies if asked before.

now on day 5 of champix and feel really rough,bad flu like symptoms and jaw ache for some reason????anybody had similar? plus point is that i reckon i will be stopped in the next 2 days at most:) any suggestions? thanks in advance

Hi I found that lot of symptoms disappeared when I stopped smoking, I stopped day 10 before that I found every time I had a cig I felt ill for a few hours after having it. I stayed on the full dose for 3 weeks but reduced it to 1 tab a day as I was having problems, but my OH is still taking the full dose and feels fine.

Keep posting and we will all help you as much as we can :)

nsd_user663_4581 profile image

thanks all i'll let you know how it goes

nsd_user663_4631 profile image

It has its ups and downs...

I started Champix 11 weeks ago and have been smoke free since. Yay me! BUT, it hasn't been easy. There has been times, like you, where I have wanted to run to the nearest toilet quick, aching eyes, dizzyness and feeling a little panicky from time to time. With me, I was sick for the best part of the first 7 days. I found that having something to eat before taking it was beneficial. A slice of toast, a bacon buttie, anything to line the stomach. Also, and I don't know if this was just me, I found that anything with milk in when I took my morning tablet, made me feel sick. I stopped having my early morning drink of tea and replaced it with orange juice or cordial. For me, milk seemed to react to it. After around Day 7, I started to feel a lot better and got into my stride. At week 9, the same thing began happening again. I don't know why it started up again, but me and my partner had a theory that it might be because I was beginning to enter the world of the ex-smoker and my body was rejecting it now. It was surplus to requirements so to speak. I reduced my intake to one tablet a day and it stopped this (again, this might only be me experiencing this). There is a downside though (my experience again), when reducing the intake, it changed things for me. I became a little weepy and got upset at things that didn't bother me previously (i.e. the usual family battles). I asked advice and was told countlessly by advisers that they had not had any person who had epxerienced this. I begged to differ, this was not me at all. I got opinion after opinion and finally spoke to an NHS adviser who told me that a common side effect when reducing the intake was slight depression. The drug stops the receptors in your brain, not only to stop the cravings, but it also calms you down and has been known to have the same properties as an anti-depressant. So, I was told to seek therapy to help with this. I am now doing phone therapy on a Monday evening with a spe******t adviser through the NHS, and so far, my moods have come back tip top and I feel a lot better. I hope this helps you along you along your way if you should feel any of this. It is probably different for different people.....GOOD LUCK!! :D

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hi all,

Like you guys, i definately felt the tightness round the head and in a way took this as an encouragement that something was happening. It goes after a while anyhow. I have really struggled with how numb, empty, and just generally depressed it makes you. maybe its the Champix, maybe its just not smoking, but i do think there's a lot to do with just coming down from years of pumping a massive stimulant into you. Nicotine also releases adrenaline in small amounts as well so think I've been missing the heightened senses. though in reality all that was doing was making me stressed / manic, and its far better to be the relaxed and happy non smoker. is just going to take some adjustment mentally as well as physically i think. Nicotine also prompts small amounts of energy (glucose) to be released into the blood, which is why it surpresses the appitite and i think ive been missing my regular energy meal as well! So eating little and often will simulate this for a while till the body adjusts.

This is my third time using Champix and ive never had the sickness luckily.This time round though i just took a tablet on an empty stomach and 10 minutes later it felt like it was trying to burn its way through my stomach lining!

Quickly got some breakfast down me and its alright now. Never had that problem before though which is odd. hopefully thats a good sign that this time things will be different and hopfully i'll do it :)

nsd_user663_4801 profile image

Newbie needing help

Hello everyone!

Im new on here im on my 2nd pack on Champix and 2 weeks today of not smoking. First i would like to say that the drug does work, before it i had never gone one day without smoking in my 10 years as a smoker, and i had tried. Secondly I would like to say, it makes me feel like ASS!! All i want to do is sleep i have no energy or motivation to do anything. I had the stomach pains too but i found if i eat with it (and it has to be bread for some reason) that its fine. Regardless, I can't stay on this drug for 12 weeks, wondering if there is anyone out there who has cut their dose or stopped early and how the quitting went after that.

P.S. new to forums as well so sorry if this is posted in some obscure area

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi VenusCA,

Well done on your quit so far.

I didn't use champix but I know others have so will be along shortly I am sure to answer your questions on that.

Keep strong, with hindsight time really does fly & you are doing one of the best things in your life.

Love Gaynor xx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Venus :)

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

I also used Champix as an aid and found it good Had a little nausea with morning one but took it later and problem solved the tiredness and not wanting to do anything are normal at this stage of the quit and won't last for long

You're doing just fine on 2 weeks quit hang in there

As regards stopping Champix early I stopped taking it at 8 weeks that was 1 week smoking with it and 7 as a non smoker as I kept forgetting to take them for 2/3 days at a time and the rest of my quit went just fine I never again had the urge to smoke just a fleeting thought now and then when doing something for the first time since quitting

My Son used it as well and he stopped taling it after 6 weeks without problems and several others on here have stopped taking it earlier than the 12 weeks they say we need it

Hope that has helped you

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK

Best Wishes

Marg xxx

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

Hello everyone!

Im new on here im on my 2nd pack on Champix and 2 weeks today of not smoking. First i would like to say that the drug does work, before it i had never gone one day without smoking in my 10 years as a smoker, and i had tried. Secondly I would like to say, it makes me feel like ASS!! All i want to do is sleep i have no energy or motivation to do anything. I had the stomach pains too but i found if i eat with it (and it has to be bread for some reason) that its fine. Regardless, I can't stay on this drug for 12 weeks, wondering if there is anyone out there who has cut their dose or stopped early and how the quitting went after that.

P.S. new to forums as well so sorry if this is posted in some obscure area

Hi I cut my dose to one tab a day after two weeks I used to take the one tab at bedtime but in the end I got a pill cutter and took it half tab morning and half tab around tea time I have been fine.

welcome to the forum post often :)

nsd_user663_4801 profile image

Ya, thats what i was thinking of doing. I'll finish this week off and then start doing one a day cut in half, cause seriously I can't go on like this, i just sit and sleep all day. I even worked out today thought it would get the energy flowing, i fell asleep abruptly afterwards. Lucky i work at a restaurant and a shift is usually only a few hours cause i dont know how i would make it through a whole day LOL

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

hi guys,

good to have you on board. :D

Just a word of warning with the cutting down and the sleeping thing.

the sleeping thing is a big part of quitting smoking, your body just needs to repair its self and nicotine is a stimulant and releases loads of adrenaline in the body when you smoke so your coming down of a 10 year cycle of being wired. so your gonna feel a bit flat till your body and brain figure out how to adjust.

also with the champix thing, if you cut down just be careful cos ive done that before and just ended up going back to smoking.

just a flip side of the coin to look at.

all the best and nice one for getting so far along,



nsd_user663_4967 profile image

Hi everyone :)

I have started smoking when I was only 10 and stopped when I was 12, and started again at the age of 16 again and 5 years later (after failing to quit so many times of using products Patches Gums etc.)

I actually found out about Champix after my mum quit smoking using the product. Well she was a heavy smoker, probably over 25+ years and she tried quitting many I mean many many times. Every time she tried quitting, she would be really stressful (short temp) and also gain weight. But with Champix amazingly she now stopped smoking for 2+ months now and the best part is, she never had bad mood during this time and also didn't gain any weight. As to side effects, other then feeling tired as hell she didn't have any problems.

I started using Champix and well Im in to the 5th day of no smoking and so far its going really well. As mentioned by alot of people here, there are certian times where you might have craving for a smoke but thats when you will have to fight back with your will and just stop and think about all the bad things cigarettes done to you in the past and of course the future damages. I know it might sound stupid but bring up the idea in your head during the craving time should make you change your mind (speaking of my own experience of course)

On the side effects issue, I have only had problems 2 times so far and that's when I had the tablet in the morning (2nd day of smoke free) without eating anything and in the evening (3rd days of smoke free of not eating anything all day other then a soup. I had Gas, felt bit sick and had diarrhea (diarrhea on the evening of 3rd day)

My dad told me he will try Champix if I manage to quit with it which is giving me more reason to quit. His a really heavy smoker also of 30+ years of smoking history. Always had problems related to smoking but never managed to quit. Hopefully when I become 2-3 months smoke free, he will have more believe in himself as well since he never believed in my mum being ever be able to quit smoking. I been feeling tired through the whole day since started using it but its nothing compare to what I will feel if I go back to smoking which is going back on a promise I made to myself.

Anyways I dont want to bore you guys with too much writing just wanted to be help :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Umuto :D

Well done on day 5 you're doing fine I also used champix and found it farily easy to quit with it and no rpoblems

Well done to your Mum on 2 1/2 months as well

Encourage your Dad but don't nag him OK

Below is the standard welcome and advice I give all new members to the forum

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4989 profile image

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum as I've just discovered it. I wish I had some time ago. I was a 35 year smoker with only one 3 year break some 12 years ago. I'm 45 and started when I was 9. I've been using Champix now for 11.5 weeks, so I'm down to my last 6 tablets. What I'd like to know if anyone has experienced it is can I discard the last few tablets as every single one I've taken makes me nauseous and I really just want it to be over. I haven't smoked (apart from a couple of drags to remind me of what I was missing) since the 8th day and apart from the nausea I'm feeling great and looking forward to the rest of my life as a reformed smoker, but I'm at the end of my tether with the sickening feeling the tablets give me. Any help would be greatly appreciated even if it's what I don't want to hear. Congratulations to all the other reformed smokers out there too, I believe it is one of the hardest challenges you could have in life as well as the most rewarding.



nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Steve :D

I also used champix and stopped after 9 weeks of taking them as I kept forgetting them so I think it will be fine to leave that last few you have left

I'm pleased to hear you're feeling great I agree it's a hard challenge but isn't it great to be smoke free

Here is my standard welcome and advice post I try to give all new forum members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4989 profile image

Thanks Marg,

Since today was one of the bad days from the tablets I didn't make it to work and so I've spent the day looking up side effects on Champix (well a more extensive search than my original anyway) and was getting quite concerned with some of the reports. However I'm well aware that it's far more likely that bad stories will make it out to the open than good ones. Anyway I've already thrown the last few tablets into the bottom drawer and just the relief knowing I won't be having that same feeling has made me feel a hell of a lot better already. As I said before I really wish I'd found this forum earlier as the stories and the support are great. I'll be sticking around for a while as my next milestone is the 100 days and should I have any dramas I'll be looking in here for advice I can assure you.

Thanks again


nsd_user663_255 profile image

am so jealous ur finished with them, i 2 feel v sick everyday and have trouble doing anything at mo, just so tired, not gd with 2 kids off on schl hols and masses to do. now dy 19 champix and day 12 of not smoking.....

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Sophie :D

I'm so sorry you're still struggling with the sickness with champix have you tried changing the time you take them that's what worked for me

If this continues for to long go back to the Dr and ask for something to help with it OK

Well done you on day 12 not smoking you're doing great Just hang in there


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Steve :D

Glad you feel better now than you did having consigned the last few to the bottom drawer

I didn't have any problems with champix apart from a little nausea with the morning one but several on here have had some nasty ones

I'm pleased you're going to stick around for abit and looking forward to reading that 100 day post from you

If you need help/support just yell OK there's always someone around for you


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_5015 profile image

I'm having some serious problems with this drug. I took it for 10 days and I now feel depressed and really anxious boarding on paranoid, I've stopped taking it now. I wouldn't touch it ever again.

Maverick_uk profile image

Hi Micky

As Chrissi say see your doctor who can advise you properly on side effects of any drungs you take. Not just NRT drugs.

There are loads of people on here who have used this to quit. One will reply to your post and help you through it but I would still see your doctor

nsd_user663_4901 profile image

Hi Micky

I am replying as a fellow Champix user - but I can only reiterate what Chrissie and Maverick have said - go talk to your GP.

Good to hear you have stopped taking the tablets - if they are the cause of your problems then things should start to improve as the drug leaves your body - but you do need to talk to your GP to make sure everything else is OK.

Good luck.

nsd_user663_5015 profile image

I have an appointment for 5PM. I'm having really bad problems concentrating on anything and I'm very anxious.

nsd_user663_5015 profile image

Are you on your own and is the surgery near you?

Chrissie x

No I'm with my Mum, the surgery is 5 mins away. I'll be fine once this anxiety passes. Thanks for your support, it has certainly made me feel better. :)

nsd_user663_5015 profile image

Last Monday. I was constantly tired and I was convinced it was the Champix, so I stopped taking it, the next day I felt very anxious and its got worse since then.

nsd_user663_5015 profile image

Hi Micky, are you still smoking? The champix could well be out of your system by now but nicotine withdrawal can make you feel tired and generally lousy. Talk things over with your GP. You may find there is a different NRT therapy that suits you better.

Yeah I'm still smoking (more than ever), I chose 12 days to stop.

nsd_user663_5015 profile image

Doctor gave me 8 2MG diazepam tablets, I took 2 and they done nothing to help my anxiety.

I got Vodka instead.

nsd_user663_5015 profile image

I got drunk for 2 days, but now I feel almost normal again :) Glad that episode is over.

nsd_user663_4955 profile image

Nice to see you with a smile. Presume all the vodkas gone then. LOL

Where about are you at now? Have you binned the Champix and started something else. Let us know!

nsd_user663_4889 profile image

hi all

i have/had quite a lot of symptoms from champix also. wasnt bad the first 2 weeks but when my dose went up and was up for a bit is when it really kicked in. As a result ive done what ive heard several others mention and that is cut the dose in half. my side effects are manageable and im still not smoking and havent had any terrible terrible cravings that i couldnt cope with.


nsd_user663_5093 profile image

Well I was googling for Champix side effects today and fell upon this site.

I am now a month without smoking, 6 weeks on Champix, and I hate to tell you guys, the side effects haven't lifted one bit for me. I feel sick, cannot sleep well, and get the strangest dreams that well, sometimes are ok :) but others I wake up not knowing who I am.

I do still think about smoking now and again, I don't know what triggers it, but it's not hard to distract myself and forget it. I do consider myself now a non smoker. After 20 years , thats something i'd never have thought possible.

I'd like to just make a point if I may, and this goes out to the people who are considering asking for Champix, or who have just started taking it and are, like myself, Bi Polar, or suffer with depression.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do this in conjunction with your GP or Consultant, do not even think about taking Champix without some kind of support network. Being Bi Polar, it's driving me from one extreme to the other, I am one minute hyperactive beyond control, and then into a depression that scares me afterwards. It is being monitored, very closely, but I would not wish this on anyone else who was going through it alone.

If I didn't have a sick father to worry about and a mother to support, I am not even sure i'd be sitting here talking to you now. Well I doubt i'd have given up smoking for a start lol.

With all that said, even though Champix has horrible side effects and in my case, could have led to dangerous results, believe me the pro's outweigh the cons. I can taste food, my lungs no longer wheeze, I actually feel more alert (When im not tired from the side effects) and I only have 2 more months to go before it's all over and then i'll feel 100% again. Better than I was before, and looking forward to a smoke free life.

There is no way I could have done it without Champix, and believe me, i've tried.

So best of luck to everyone :)

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jimmy :D

Well done you on 1 month smoke free that's great

I also used champix but didn't have any bad side effects at all luckily

I'm pleased that you're being closely monitored on it as I was by my Dr altough have never suffered from depression or any of the side effects you have

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK


Marg xx

nsd_user663_5093 profile image

Hi Marg,

And thanks, I never thought i'd be smoke free at all really lol.

I was diagnosed with diabetes earlier on this year, so they said I have to quit to cut down possible problems from that & Smoking. So the decision to quit was a no brainer really.

The side effects are really quite harsh I find, but there is no way I could have done this without them. Only 2 more months of Champix before I am cleared to stop and I can't wait :)

nsd_user663_4395 profile image

Hi All,

I am on week 2, day 2 and have finally stopped smoking today. Yesterday was supposedly my give up day but I wasn't ready but today I just decided I didn't need them anymore (miracle)....okay sometimes i think about it but i drink some water or do something to take my mind off it. So far i have had hardly any side affects I have been a bit emotional at times (wihich is not like me) but not had any crazy dreams which i was in some way looking forward to reading previous review. I honestly can say Champix has taken away the craving its more the habit that i need to move away from ie after lunch would normally have a cig. I would recommend anyone really wanting to quit give it a shot (but monitor closley and tell close friends you are on it - thats what i done). i read up on Champix prior to taking it and some reviews scared me but also taught me things ie I always have food before taken the tablet and drinks lots of water which is hopefully the reason I have had no side affects. Its early days i know so i will keep you posted. Good luck all

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Kegs :D

Well done you day two thats great

Feeling emotional is normal just now for most of us and pleased to hear you have no side efects from the champix

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and send to all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_5187 profile image

My wife took her first Champix tablet last Wednesday. That night she was taken, by ambulance, to hospital with: vomitting, acute stomach cramps, high temperature, dizzyness, blurred vision and a severe rash.

According to the A&E Doctor, he'd not seen someone have such a reaction to a medicine and live.

It is Saturday now and my wife is in a stable condition, although the rash comes and goes, the temperature is still high and she is vomitting at the drop of a hat.

We always read the paperwork that comes with tablets (that are new to us) but we were not prepared for what happened when she took that damn tablet.

I nearly lost my wife less than 1 week after our 1st wedding anniversary, and I wish I'd had a look at the web to check up on Champix.

There are other worrying side effects with Champix, such as suicidal thoughts; hopefully my wife wasn't exposed to Champix for too long.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

thats terrible to read :(

I'd never read about champix prior to quitting, i am quitting using patches, but i do know that there is alot of folk who have used champix successfully too. It must be that 1 in however many thousand chance that there was a severe allergic reaction to them.

I remember once having a severe reaction to zinc tablets, which to this day i've never tested to see if it was zinc or not, but either way, it scared me.

nsd_user663_5187 profile image

thats terrible to read :(

I've just got back from the hospital where my wife is very ill. To say 'severe' sounds a wee bit melodramatic but I can honestly say she is in a severe condition.

I would seriously warn anyone who wants to use Champix to make sure they are not allergic to ANY of the substances they use in the making of this tablet.

My wife has gone from a healthy woman to, well at one point dying, shell of a woman in a matter of 3-4 days.

It is very lonely at home at the minute and I so want her home again.

nsd_user663_5034 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear that Jacobite....all my best wishes to your wife and you....I hope she is up and about soon....Regards Kez.

nsd_user663_5187 profile image

Kez & Taggs - Thanks for the support, it is very much appreciated.

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

I wish your wife a recovery to good health, she's likely in very good hands at the hospital. May she return home to you soon so you can get things back to a more 'normal'.

Keep us informed.. my heart goes to you and yours.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jacobite

I'm so sorry to hear this about your wife's severe reaction to champix

My thoughts are with you both and I wish her a full and speedy recovery



nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Hi Jacobite

I hope your wife is improving and gets better soon.

I to took champix and had a very bad experience with them but have come out the other side with no lasting effects. It did take a couple of weeks though until I was feeling more like myself again.

All the best and hopefully you will have her back with you soon.

Love Carol xx

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Here's a Champix Question and Answer link.

I was told that it was an anti depressant on this forum, the computer says no.

Would that be 'Little Britain talking?


nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Hi Jacobite,

I'm so sorry to hear this news! you must have been so scared and you poor wife!?

It's such a good thing that you have posted this news as it will alow us all to be more carefull and aware.

I had once before heard that it could have depressing side effects but not to the point of getting rushed to hospital!.

I (as all of us) wish your wife a speedy recovery and please keep us informed


nsd_user663_5187 profile image

Everyone - Thank you so much for the messages regarding my wife.

She was slightly better last night but had a relapse in the early hours of the morning.

The Spe******t who saw her this morning says she has shown some improvement, and seeing she has started to tell me off I see what he means!!!

I didn't come on here to slate Champix but to warn people to be careful when thinking about what to take when giving up smoking.

The Spe******t also said that it will take about 3-4 weeks before she is anywhere where she was before she took that tablet.

nsd_user663_5187 profile image

Why has my last post done 'something' to one of the words I used? I typed S p e c i a l i s t (without the spaces between the letters of course) and it came out a Spe******t , mmmmmmm.....strange.

nsd_user663_4955 profile image

Thanks for updating us Jacobite. I'm so pleased she is giving you "what for". :D

I too am on champix and yes, i did read the side effects beforehand, but apart from the common ones ie; nausea, etc, thought the "other ones" didn't happen to people like me. Luckily, I am a "common" person, but am so grateful you have highlighted what can and does happen to people on champix.

I will certainly ensure I am a lot more knowledgable about any medication I take from now on - you never know.

Thanks for that.

nsd_user663_4955 profile image

LOL, I was trying to work out what the missing words were, never thought for a moment it was s p e c i a l i s t, just thought you didn't like the doctor and had a strange expletive for him!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jacobite :)

I'm so gald to hear that your wife has shown some improvement now and am sure you're very releived even if she is starting to tell you off

Please give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery

Some words are here do have a line of ****** on here especially those that end in list



nsd_user663_5187 profile image

Hiya Toptotty (I do like that name!!) - No problem, I would much rather people knew what the worst can be so that they can make a judgement based on all the info.

Oh, I do have a name for the first Doc in A&E we saw (and the prat of an ambulance man who said to my wife "you're a bit stupid ODing on tablets" (she only had one!) but that will remain outside this forum!!!

nsd_user663_5187 profile image

Some words are here do have a line of ****** on here especially those that end in list

Marg - Many thanks for the message and for the info about the ******'s:D

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

The reason that got ***** out was because 'c i a l i s' is a word which the word filter looks for as its I believe linked to a certain well known tablet for male erectile dysfunction. Due to the forums probably getting bombarded by spammers this word/brand is no doubt on the list and thats why your perfectly normal word got ******** out.

Hope that helps.

nsd_user663_5187 profile image

Jase - Many thanks for that, explains a lot.

Update: My wife is still stable and has shown an improvement. She can't remember anything from last Friday until sometime Monday morning, which in one way is a good thing; it is bad enough that I can remember everything that happened.

The hospital staff say that if she continues to make such progress then she should be out of there in a about 4-7 days.

I passed on all of your well-wishes and she says 'Thanks'.....then fell asleep!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Jacobite :)

I'm so pleased to hear that your wife is continuing to improve and it's good that if she goes on improving so well that she'll soon be home again



nsd_user663_5243 profile image

I believe Champix is the UK name for what in the USA is called Chantix. I was on Chantix (They're the same drug).

My first day on Chantix was great. I felt awesome. Then everything started to suck. I got exteremely angry all the time. I got depressed. It really messed with my head and made me go just a little insane. I actually quit my job during the first 5 days of Chantix-- that really sucks. Can you believe it changed my personality so much that I quit my job? I only took the Chantix for another day and then I didn't feel 'normal' again for about two weeks.

I also tried a drug called Wellbutrin also known as Zyban. This is an anti-depressant that helps with quitting smoking- prescribed by a doctor. This would have been GREAT... IF I WAS DEPRESSED!!! Because I'm not depressed the Wellbutrin/Zyban created extra serotonin and I began to essentially overdose on my own serotonin(happy hormone release by brain). This manifested itself in uncontrollable shivering and chills though my body was actually extremely hot to the touch. I only took this drug for 2 days before I experienced the adverse effects.

Be weary of pharmaceuticals. I know as smokers we're desperate to quit but perhaps quitting a drug with the help of a drug isn't such a great idea.

nsd_user663_4395 profile image

Hi All,

Just an update from me.

I really am so far touch wood one of the lucky ones I am on week 5 of Champix and week 3 off the cigs and have no side effects apart from odd dreams but no nightmares thank goodness. I am in no way thinking i am out of the woods as I read on another forum of a person who was on week 6 and suddendly he went mad (lost is family his church etc he was a reverent).

I take each day as it comes i feel I could come off the Champix as i only get the odd craving for a cig but its goes as fast as it came I have decided though I would rather stick to the full course if I can.

Sorry to all the people who have had bad reactions its scary reading.

Good luck to all just wanted to let you know my update so far I'll post again around week 7 as i found these posts very usual when deciding to go on Champix.


nsd_user663_5243 profile image


Today is day 17 for me. I still think about smoking a couple times a day. Some days are obviously better than others but the feeling is still there. I watched a video on youtube of a man who was on day 71 and guess what... he was still getting urges to smoke. I know it kinda sucks to hear that but just keep pushing through and I think once we get to the one year mark we'll be far from the daily urge to smoke.

Keep up the good work!!

nsd_user663_4395 profile image

Hi Vicky,

I still think about smoking but its definately getting less often and as i say the thought goes as fast as it comes... I went to the gym last night and felt brilliant lung power is well and trully back which has made me more determined never to smoke again as I feel great, skin is starting to glow again too happy days:)

I will keep you updated once i finish week 6 good luck. I hate taking tablets but if it keeps me off the cigs i'll deal with it.. scared that i stop taking tablets early I'll go back on the cig (even though I have no desire) I've heard people doing this before.


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Ellersen :)

Great post there but unsure whether you're quitting or not but I'll post you my normal post for new members

I used champix to help me quit and I had noo problems at all with it

As with any drug it doesn't of course suit everyone but it will I'm sure be useful for a lot of people to read this and click that link

Below is my standard welcome and advice post which I try and give all new members

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

This link is good for the psychological part of quitting

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK



nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Hi all, firstly i must say a huge congrats to you all for taking the time and effort to quit!!!

I just wanted to provide a word of warning re Champix.

My father has recently started using Champix in Australia. All fine. It's the 'miracle tablet' he says. After almost 50 years of smoking he's not looking at turning back!

However, I went to my GP here in the UK to ask about it and he said he cannot prescribe it anymore because of the side effects. The most serious side effects include heart problems, depression, psychotic tendencies and illnesses and suicide. These are less 'common' than nausea, constipation etc, however I just wanted to let you all know to watch out and if you feel any different see your GP. Also, ask him about this info.

Please see the below link for further info which gives stats on the use of Champix in UK and US.

Last but defnitely not least continue the good work with quitting! You are all an inspiration and seeing the community and support on this forum would give anyone the courage to remain successful.

all the best


Forgive me, but that link is very one sided and reads almost as an advert for bio-reduction therapy.

It's sadly true that a lot of people have had problems with Champix/Chantix but lets be honest, the side effects are listed on the leaflet which the patient should read and they are also talked about by the Doctor.

Champix IS still being prescribed in the UK, the only reason they won't prescribe them is when the patient has a history of problems that could be made worse by the side effects (mental illness, depression or heart problems for example).

People who take it and have side effects should simply stop taking it and talk to their Doctor.

Also their families should be aware that they are taking it and be alert to any mood changes or other changes in personality.

While some people do have serious side effects, some do not.

I had no problems with it and feel it helped me a lot, as does my Mum MargaretH and several others on this forum.

Sorry, I just wanted to add this for balance.

nsd_user663_4967 profile image

I am smoke free for over 2+ months now :D

nsd_user663_4754 profile image

yep - i'm with stuart on this one.

there are side effects of champix, but they are vastly outweighed by the fact that you have a better chance of giving up smoking. it was a no brainer to me :)

oh welcome aboard Umuto - congratulations on 2 months of quitting!! :D

nsd_user663_5320 profile image

each company represents own interests

i agree with staurth here, this looks like a do down campaign by another company trying to promote own product. YES Champix/Chantix have side effects by my observation is that they vary from person to person.

certainly the two drugs have their own POSITIVE results otherwise they would have never hit the market. i think reading more independent research is more informative as it tends to give a balanced review. :)

nsd_user663_4395 profile image

Quick update to everyone.

I am now on week 7 of Champix and week 5 off the cigs... I am v happy and feeling great I've had no bad side affects at all.

Everyone is different so don't let other peoples horror stories put you off trying just make sure you have plenty of family and friends around you to support you and make sure you are okay.

My tips are Eat before you take tablets and drink plenty of water and hopefully you will be okay.

Good luck all

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Kegs :D

Well done you 5 weeks smoke free is great

Glad to hear you've had no side effects from champix and feeling good keep it going


Marg xxxx

nsd_user663_4395 profile image

Hi Kegs :D

Well done you 5 weeks smoke free is great

Glad to hear you've had no side effects from champix and feeling good keep it going


Marg xxxx

Thanks margaret V please with myself

nsd_user663_10472 profile image

Hi i am on Champix and i feel depressed and tired all the time trouble is' is it Champix or withdrawal from the cigs i am finding it hard no cigs for 23 days.

nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Hi Lisa & Brenda,

Well done on your quits both of you.

I cannot help with the champix issue as I didn't use it. Plenty here have though so hopefully someone will post with more advice on that.

I know some people suffer on champix & think it would be worth both of you talking to your GP. I know a lot suffer from depression when they quit with or without champix but would have thought after 23 days you should be feeling good about it not bad. As I say, I am in no way qualified but I hope that things improve for both of you quickly. You are doing a fantastic thing quitting.

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_12103 profile image

hey guys,

im just about to start my champix medication n really worried about the side effects it can cause, i keep thinking to myself that i have to do it if i have any chance of being able to stop smoking cus its the only option left for me to try.

Ive read so many forums today and seen how badly its making people feel! I'm very weak minded and will very easily fall into the depression trap n dont want it to affect everything around me!! The headaches etc dont bother me, the only thing im afraid of is the mental problems that are going to happen :(

Any tips from anyone on how to deal with it? And how long does it last for?

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Hi Andy

I've just finished my 12 weeks on champix and to be honest the worst I've had is a tiny bit of nausea, the odd headache and some great dreams :D A lot of the symptoms people talk about you'll have regardless of how you quit. I know it's easier said than done but try not to read all the negative stuff - it's all too easy to blame a tablet for everything else that's wrong. There is a champix group on here that you could join - was set up so people could share how they were feeling - it's gone a bit quiet but I know I check on there daily.

Good luck with your quit - I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll be 10 weeks quit tonight and I wouldn't have got this far without the champix :)

nsd_user663_2454 profile image

Hi Andy

I've just finished my 12 weeks on champix and to be honest the worst I've had is a tiny bit of nausea, the odd headache and some great dreams :D A lot of the symptoms people talk about you'll have regardless of how you quit. I know it's easier said than done but try not to read all the negative stuff - it's all too easy to blame a tablet for everything else that's wrong. There is a champix group on here that you could join - was set up so people could share how they were feeling - it's gone a bit quiet but I know I check on there daily.

Good luck with your quit - I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll be 10 weeks quit tonight and I wouldn't have got this far without the champix :)

You know, it's really quite upsetting to read someone completely invalidating another's experiences on this tablet because they themselves didn't have the side effects. Telling people not to read the negative stuff is so naive as I believe people should have BOTH sides of the story, not just the lovely fluffy stuff.

The negative 'stuff', as you dismiss it, I experienced was not 'blamed on a tablet' but categorically CAUSED by a tablet. How do I know? Because last year I quit for 3 months using patches - no problems at all. This year I quit for good cold turkey - no problems at all. Champix, on the other hand, made me suicidal, plain and simple. Oh no, wait -that's me blaming it all on a tablet, right? I had no history of mental illness, no history of depression. I'd never had crippling anxiety in my life. I'd never been unable to get out of bed because I was so petrified of living. That's just from quitting smoking, is it? Funny how I bounced through my days when quitting with patches and then cold turkey, eh?

Some people are allergic to penicillin, whilst it could kill other people. Are they just 'blaming' their problems on a drug? I do wish people would actually think and listen before dismissing things they have no experience or true understanding of.

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

You know, it's really quite upsetting to read someone completely invalidating another's experiences on this tablet because they themselves didn't have the side effects. Telling people not to read the negative stuff is so naive as I believe people should have BOTH sides of the story, not just the lovely fluffy stuff.

The negative 'stuff', as you dismiss it, I experienced was not 'blamed on a tablet' but categorically CAUSED by a tablet. How do I know? Because last year I quit for 3 months using patches - no problems at all. This year I quit for good cold turkey - no problems at all. Champix, on the other hand, made me suicidal, plain and simple. Oh no, wait -that's me blaming it all on a tablet, right? I had no history of mental illness, no history of depression. I'd never had crippling anxiety in my life. I'd never been unable to get out of bed because I was so petrified of living. That's just from quitting smoking, is it? Funny how I bounced through my days when quitting with patches and then cold turkey, eh?

Some people are allergic to penicillin, whilst it could kill other people. Are they just 'blaming' their problems on a drug? I do wish people would actually think and listen before dismissing things they have no experience or true understanding of.

Actually I find it upsetting when people post quite aggressive replies when they don't agree with someone.

Very sorry that you had a bad experience with champix but I didn't and there are plenty of people on here who haven't. Re-reading my post I have not dismissed anything but was purely trying to reassure someone who had already convinced themselves that they would develop mental health problems based on the horror stories that others seem to relish posting. Every little niggle I had in the first few weeks of my quit I blamed on the champix but they were actually symptoms I would have had regardless of how I quit and I learnt that through reading other's experiences on this forum.

You have your views and I have mine - end of!

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

I thinks it's good to have a balanced view on things. In no way did Pookie say there were no bad side effects. done but try not to read all the negative stuff was all that was said. This is not dismissing anyone's negative experience with this drug. I used Champix, and I had a discussion of sorts with Pookie about coming off them in my 2nd/3rd week for my own reasons. Pookie supported me and in no way did she try and talk me into staying on them. I feel everyone has an opinion on everything, and quite rightly so should be able to voice that opinion as long as they are not forcing it on anyone else. Rant over :D

nsd_user663_9789 profile image

Some interesting points raised, its obviously a passionate area of debate. I personally found the drug to be extremely effective, gave minimal side effects and I have now been off it for 2 weeks with no reaction. However while individual experiences are important, case studies across greater subject areas reveal far more. Heres a link to report from Barts school of medicine. I have read reports that Champix has been thought to be responsible for up to 7 deaths (reported 2007) but the only link I could find for that was from the Daily Mail and that paper is basically lots of lies held together with staples. The FDA in the states, reports that Champix is responsible for 3063 serious injuries and 78 deaths in the USA since it got FDA approval in May 2006. It has been prescribed (US government estimate figures) 7 million times. Heres the link

Before I took champix I did a fair amount of research about it. Based on the data I saw I realised there was a risk but I believed the risk was a) small enough and b) the end would justify the means. According to the US figures the rate for suicide would be around 1 per 90,000. As I say I believe that figure is small enough to justify taking it - for me anyway.

The way that champix works means that it will have certain behavioral effects. But - from the research not from personal experience - it would not appear to follow that certain groups of people would be more susceptible to negative side effects than others so discount the fact that you consider yourself weak willed. The best person to get advice from is your GP. If you know anyone who is a mental health professional such as a psychologist that some advice from them would also be good. Make people around you aware that you're taking champix as well. Hopefully, if you decide to carry on with the course, you'll be like Pookie, myself and many others and have no real negative side effect's and not be in the unfortunate position that Inderellie found themselves in.

Good luck.

nsd_user663_2454 profile image

Actually I find it upsetting when people post quite aggressive replies when they don't agree with someone.

Very sorry that you had a bad experience with champix but I didn't and there are plenty of people on here who haven't. Re-reading my post I have not dismissed anything but was purely trying to reassure someone who had already convinced themselves that they would develop mental health problems based on the horror stories that others seem to relish posting. Every little niggle I had in the first few weeks of my quit I blamed on the champix but they were actually symptoms I would have had regardless of how I quit and I learnt that through reading other's experiences on this forum.

You have your views and I have mine - end of!

Pathetic dismissal of my experience again - how clever.

I am really pleased for people who DIDN'T have side effects, because I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone. No, not even the pig ignorant. Yes, the risks are minimal in comparison but they are there all the same. But hey, let's all clap like gleeful seals because it stops you smoking.

You guys are so blinkered you make me puke.

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Pathetic dismissal of my experience again - how clever.

I am really pleased for people who DIDN'T have side effects, because I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone. No, not even the pig ignorant. Yes, the risks are minimal in comparison but they are there all the same. But hey, let's all clap like gleeful seals because it stops you smoking.

You guys are so blinkered you make me puke.

I wasn't going to respond but hey you seem to want to argue so fine by me!

How have I dismissed your experience yet again? I also find the fact that you are now attacking others as pathetic.

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

OK, getting silly now. I didn't say it stopped me smoking or it didn't. I too had side effects, I hated the person I had become so I stopped taking them and went CT. They just were not for me, but that is my opinion and I will not force that on anyone. If it helps people then surely that's a good thing and Pookie was right in reassuring someone (not forcing her opinion on them). NRT i.e. patches are the same, they work for some and not others but it's best you give it a go before judging don't you think The Champix row will go on and on and there are lots of write ups on the net and I am far from blinkered when it comes to champix.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Inderellie I am sorry you had a bad experience with Champix and I cannot comment on how it affects you or anyone else who has or is taking it, but what I can say is that I know a lady who lives in Norfolk who decided to quit and went CT the same as me and for the first 4 months was so ill with anxiety she spent a lot of time either in bed or in her bed clothes and she was also very depressed and still is after 13 months, she is now on antidepressants for the first time in her life as before this quit she had never had any form of mental health problem, I also became very down at some points in my quit I also went CT lucky for me that the feeling passed, I think that you have a valid point that some people, you being one of them have a bad reaction to the drug but I also debated whether to use it or not and chose not too so whatever happens we can read and educate ourselves as to the risks and side effects and make an informed decision which most people do and if we feel we are willing to use it then thats the individuals choice.

Your comments are your opinion but it is the way you have put your opinion across that is slightly aggressive and therefore not understood.

I am glad that you have now managed to quit and stay quit it takes great fortitude and will power so well done.

nsd_user663_10013 profile image

Thanks Shojam and yes it is getting silly!

You guys are so blinkered you make me puke.

Tad unnecessary or are you just wanting a reaction?

nsd_user663_10813 profile image

As far as I understand-Champix is doctor only prescribed with regular monitoring.

And presumably a full understanding of the side effects explained beforehand.

Your experience has been horrific Inderellie -or you wouldnt post such angry replies I am sure .

There has been a big failing in your follow up care for sure.

But we cannot exclude what has been a major drug that has helped countless people quit . And who better for advice than those who have taken it?-but with as I say monitoring by a health professional as well .

it frightens me that this can be bought over internet .

we all have our views -and the freedom to make our own minds up.

And this forum to voice our opinions in a polite manner

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi Sky hope you are doing ok and you have raised a really valid comment, it should be made illegal to sell any or all of these medically prescribed drugs on the internet and anyone considering using these cessation aids should only do so with their doctors guidance and never without, what you can’t buy from a chemist then you shouldn’t be taking it any way so Doctors or nothing.

nsd_user663_9789 profile image

You guys are so blinkered you make me puke.

I'm not sure exactly who's wearing the blinkers here. You obviously have strong opinions - thats fine. But don't try to invalidate our experiences based purely on your own personal experience. Maybe try to look at some research with a greater population study than 1.

I also resent the implication that I'm pig ignorant.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I have to congratulate everyone on this thread for staying calm and making it a discussion thread without any name calling, we prove that disagreements are ok and a healthy debate is good for the forum so pats on the backs all round, ;)

nsd_user663_10532 profile image

I agree Jamangie, an adult debate is healthy, there is no place on here for name calling etc. :D

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

I decided when I quit smoking that the only way I would achieve the status of a none smoker would be to have my hands tied behind my back, problem was OH wouldnt let me as he said he would starve to death and I wouldnt be able to be the designated driver, men can be so selfish, so CT was for me the only way as it was Christmas day and no help available, mind you did fancy the inhaler and if I could have got one before new year I would probably have tried it, any one know how it works cause if I ever have to do this again (no chance LOL) would use the inhaler I think.

nsd_user663_6301 profile image

Just to add my tuppance worth to the Champix debate. About 18 months ago I was prescribed Champix by my GP and when I started taking it felt absolutely dreadful really depressed and latargic so stopped taking it and happily continued smoking. Thought to myself phew that's a relief I can just puff away to my hearts content. Then a couple of months later I was talking to a friend who had had a similar experience and had tried taking Champix again and had a totally difference experience the second time. I decided it would be worth having another go as I really couldn't see another way of me ever giving up. I enrolled at the stop smoking clinic at my GP surgery and told the nurse how I had felt the first time taking the tablets but that I wanted to try again. My GP agreed that I could try but if I felt bad again to stop taking them straight away. That was on 20 October 09 and I haven't looked back, the best decision I ever made. The second time round I felt brilliant not at all depressed and to be honest no real side effects at all. I feel that in a way the frame of mind you're in before you start your quit determines how you will react to Champix. I wish everyone the best of luck which ever method they use and for those just starting out it definitely does get easier.

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Nice post Lucanlass.

Personally looking back I think Champix is a scary drug and I would advise anyone who was thinking about using it to think hard before jumping in.

Champix made me angry, paranoid, super stressed, and highly emotional and frankly changed my whole personality for a while… OR DID IT?

I had smoked for 20 years and I was a professional 30 a day smoker (hard core) and this was the first (and only) attempt to quit and I’ve now been ‘clean’ for 9 months. My question then is, was it Champix that turned me into a crazy emotional 42 year old woman who wanted just to shout at small children and beat my wonderful husband to death? OR was it the fact that I had stopped inhaling chemicals which obviously must have caused immense damage to my brain over the 20 year period and the withdrawal of them and nicotine caused my emotional meltdown?

The point I am trying to make is frankly the medical profession has deemed Champix safe to use (with caution) and I am a firm and fully paid up believer that Champix helped me quit smoking. I have no wish to repeat the last 9 months as frankly ripping ones right leg off and bludgeoning oneself to death with it, would be less painful than quitting smoking!! but if some evil sod turned back time and it was October 2009 again I would use Champix again. I really depends on your state of mind when you decide to quit, I was not strong enough to go CT.

Note – You will all be pleased to know I have stopped trying to beat my old man to death and my sense of humour did return after a 6 month holiday without me in the Sahara desert! I am though still shouting at children because I find it therapeutic! :)

PS - This forum is for people who have quit smoking so of-course people are going to get tetchy, best to to let them:D

nsd_user663_18536 profile image

Side effects

I'm on day 10 of Champix and day 2 nictine free.

Initially I had a few stomach issues, but after I learned to used a little food before taking them, they eased.

They never were as bad as some people have had

Other than that I can say I have had no other side effects than what you normally get when you stop taking nicotine into your body

Sleeplessness, vivid dreams, concentration issues - everything I got going CT in the past.

I am only posting this as this is the first thing I have tried that has actually worked - yes you still have to do some work - but compared to CT its a breeze. :)

People seem to get scared by a very slight chance of some side effects - surely the 1 in 4 risk of slow painful death when we used to light up was worse ;)

Obviously if anyone is taking the drug and experiences more than recognised nicotine withdrawal side effects - stop taking it and see your Doctor - but dont be scared to give it a go in the first place is all i'm saying :)

Good luck everyone :)

nsd_user663_17697 profile image

Champix has been wonderful for me - no other explanation necessary! The only problem I have had is lack of sleep but I don't believe that is the Champix, more lack of the other drug - nicotine. it is getting better all the time.

I am 16 days smokefree and feeling a bit weepy now but again I think that is withdrawal not Champix. Hope it is a presager of depression which I understand is one of the side effects. At least we are aware of the problems and can take advice from the doc if needed. Happy quitting everyone :)

nsd_user663_16968 profile image


Sorry to hear that your having some strange side effects from the Champix. I stopped taking them because of very similar feelings and things that were going on but i managed to stop smoking on day 5 of taking them and then stopped taking the champix on day 11 or 12.

I would say go and see your Dr or quit nurse because you should not be feeling like you are and it may be a case of needing some other form of NRT to help you through. I would see someone though and if your anything like me i would stop the tablets. Take care my friend and let us know how you get on.

Good luck

nsd_user663_13507 profile image

Hi i started taking champix over a year ago and apart from having strange dreams they worked great and i stopped smoking by the 4th day of taking them .I stupidly let myself start smoking again 7 months after quitting .I am now back on champix but after day 1 i started with a really dull head ache .After day 2 felt like a zombie still with the headache and since things have gone from worse to worse .I feel like my head is in the clouds the headache has gone unbearable at times i am also struggling to sleep for more than an hour at a time .I dont feel safe driving and making endless mistakes at work plus keep misplacing things like my bank card yesterday which has now left me skint for the weekend as my bank is closed till monday . I am also feeling depressed and down yet get rages at times .I have stopped the champix and hoping these symptoms wear off quick or fear losing my job i cannot understand how i went through the course with no side effects at all last time .I could not praise champix enough last time but really would warn people off now as wonder what these do to you to make you feel like i do at the moment

Im with you there Gaz, the first time I used Champex I was on them for the full time course, with only minor side effects.

This time I was so ill I was off work for a week with terrible sickness, my body was bruised with dry heaving, a feeling I never want to have again in my life.

I stopped them after 8 days and stopped smoking 2 days later CT.

My work was badly affected and I could see that people were getting pi**ed off with me, I was up and down 20 times an hour.

I wonder if the prescription has changed since the last time I took them.

Funny thing was I couldnt drink coffee fo about a month after starting the Champex!!

nsd_user663_17697 profile image

Hi Wendy and Nortecha - sorry to hear you are having trouble with the champix. The advice generally is see your doc or quit nurse if you are worried about health issues and I don't think that should be ignored.

Lots of people seem to get mouth ulcers though and it seems to be a temporary sympton of the nicotine withdrawal, rather than the champix. You could try Bonjela or gargling with salt water.

The breathing probs and dizziness (which I had a tiny bit) could be the result of too much nicotine mixing with the Champix according to my quit nurse. I didn't get any pain though.

On the up side:D Champix does work for a lot of us, including me 26 days smokefree and counting:)

Good luck with your quits


nsd_user663_18536 profile image

Hi, I've just joined as well. I,ve been taking champix for about 3 weeks. at first it seemed great. within a day I was loosing the urge to smoke. By day 5, I was only smoking 3 maby 4 cigs. And I was A pack a day guy.

I quit totally on the 11th day. But now I'm noticeing my tounge is always sore and kinda swollen. Is anyone else getting that side effect ?

Hi - Congrats on your quit - :-D

Working it out from your quit date, you would expect that even if you were not on Champix. The nerve endings are starting to regrow and your mouth is loosing the gunge and tar. Its part of your wonderful healing process :)

As always - if your worried see your Doc though.

nsd_user663_17388 profile image

Ok, I'm on Champix and doing rather stellar if you ask me so of course I'm going to come out in its defence.

Personally I think it's great. I have never had such an easy quit. I'm saying 'easy' specifically in relation to my last quits - and I've done a few. I'm not saying that I've not craved or had to use will power because I have, but I have come further than on any previous occassion in the last 15 years and that shouldn't be dismissed.

The thing is with this and with almost all threads on medications around the whole internet is you are going to hear the horror stories because they are note worthy and memorable. You won't hear many stories saying 'Well, I took it, it was fine'. That's not nearly as interesting.

For my own part when I started them, I slowly lost the urge to smoke over a while. The main symptoms I initially had was weird dreams..not scary - mostly very interesting, that would wake me. However, I was able to get back to sleep almost instantly. I had some loose bowel (not diarrhoea) issues on the increase from the first week to the second where the dose is doubled which settled of it's own accord, as has the sleeping issue. I have to say that these symptoms could also have been symptoms of quitting and nothing to do with the medication.

I now have no symptoms at all to note. None.

I would advise anyone who has struggled with cold turkey and/or NRT to try Champix. Don't be put off by the stories. If, like me, anyone has struggled like mad and reacted so badly to quitting that the very idea of giving up the fags is unbearable - give Champix a go.

You lose nothing by trying (other than putting up with a few fanatical purists and their attitudes - cough*MichaelF*cough). If Champix is the way to go for you, as it bloody well is for me, then try it and see.

Stopping smoking, in any way what so ever, is better than continuing to smoke while wishing you didn't.

And specifically to MichaelF - I read on one random thread where you stated that you would support a smoker or a non smoker so long as it was something they were comfortable with and wanted to do (or something like that). Why are you so lacking in support of those that use aids to quit smoking? It is down to individual choice how a person tackles their own smoking problem and not down to anyone else to judge.

Also, I don't consider myself a ninny, I find your comments a little offensive.

nsd_user663_15147 profile image

oh common, don't get all diplomatic and calm now! 'ninny-pacifying' was really quite a harsh thing to say!

nsd_user663_18536 profile image

I am with looper on this one

I have posted a few times to this effect in the past - but in plain terms it amounts to this

Smoking is odds of 1 in 4 painful death

Champix is 1 in a 1000 slight effect - much greater odds of serious side effects.

Dont be afraid to give it a go - and dont listen to the holier than thous around the place.

Of course if you do have side effects that are not attribuatal to nicotine withdrawal - consult your doctor immediately

good luck

nsd_user663_5920 profile image

When people have a link to a random site I am never sure if it is spam or a genuine post. Is yours a genuine one???

A link within which can be read 'yachtservices' could be pretty much read as advertising ;) He's genuinely advertising yacht services ..... does that make it valid and therefore a genuine link? :)

nsd_user663_27616 profile image


:pI am on day 8 of champix and side effects aren't too bad i have very achy eyes and im tired by 9 in the evening, also feel a little nauseas after taking tab but am ok if i eat 20 mins before i take it. My smoking has reduced to about 10-12 a day from 30. I just wondered am i supposed to give it a crack now or wait untill the desire has completley gone. I still have the niggling craveings (although not severe) when i am ready for one, but im unsure if i will loes those niggles and it will be easier for me. Any ideas anyone?

nsd_user663_27615 profile image

I am on day 11 of champix, get a sick feeling for about 1.5 hours after taking the tablet (even if I do eat before and after) and also I am super emotional, almost kind of bunny boiler style paranoia and frequent tearfulness, also the dreams, usually I like them, very vivid, in colour and I can remember every detail, but yesterday I woke up crying (wtf) after a bad dream. :P

nsd_user663_27839 profile image

Nodds: I'm on day 8 as well, and quit on day 6. This wasn't because I planned to, but because I was down to my last 2 smokes toward the end of the day 5 and just didn't want to be bothered buying a whole other pack. It was a natural decision. I have tons of friends on Champix and they all quit on days other than their planned quit days. Let it come naturally. I think it happens that way for everyone who takes this drug. And it's still hard to quit, you will have to suffer through the "niggles" :)

JessDee: I felt pretty awful until I actually quit. I think the mix of nicotine with the Champix produces some pretty nasty effects. Not sure if you're still smoking or not. A couple of my friends reported crying while on it. Everything you mention could simply be the reduction of nicotine, as well. More info might help with better advice.

nsd_user663_27537 profile image

Hi Nodds - I agree with Chound - i still had side effects until I actually stopped the fags as well then they tailed off - I am getting more sleep, the dreams are less vivid and nightmarish and my vision is getting back to normal. I can't pretend that there are no niggles - I had 3 false starts (stops) where I decided to quit that day as I didn't feel like one and then I was desperate in the evening and caved in slightly... Now on day 7 proper I do still have my moments - and I had a 6 hour craving on Saturday! But it is much easier with the Champix, especially once the side effects go and you feel better as well... having said that I am off work with a throat infection so not feeling great today!

Stick with it and maybe just start the day believing this could be the one and see where it takes you... good luck :)

nsd_user663_28311 profile image

HI there , my wife tried to stop smoking and used CHAMPIX and finished the box . It was three months ago and since then she is in depression and usually crying for nothing. Sometimes she has really bad headaches and increasing appetite as well, I started to worry about her because she definitely in a bad mood , I am trying to help her with giving sage tea for relaxing, speaking and understanding what is the main reason for such a deep depression but it doesnt seems to work....I dont know how long it will last like that.. :((

nsd_user663_28311 profile image

Hi all, another newbie here! Have been taking Champix since 9 September and my quit date was 16 September. I have had a look through the forum and noticed a lot of people have been suffering with sickness and vivid dreams. I myself spent most of the first day I took it in bed with sickness, dizzyness, stomach cramps, not being able to keep my eyes open, headache, etc. I had hoped that these symptons would ease off having stopped smoking, and now into day 9 on Champix and day 2 of not smoking, the side effects are worse than ever. Diarrhoea and sickness being the worst. Last weekend was totally ruined (my daughters birthday and a trip to the theatre to see Lord of the Rings) I felt like death and fell asleep the minute I got home! This weekend is my neices wedding, the venue about 90 miles away (and I'm driving)! - can't honestly see me making it, and appearing normal and happy.

Will these effects get better, or have I got 12 weeks of this?? Anyone know?


HI there , my wife tried to stop smoking and used CHAMPIX and finished the box . It was three months ago and since then she is in depression and usually crying for nothing. Sometimes she has really bad headaches and increasing appetite as well, I started to worry about her because she definitely in a bad mood , I am trying to help her with giving sage tea for relaxing, speaking and understanding what is the main reason for such a deep depression but it doesnt seems to work....I dont know how long it will last like that.. (

Edit/Delete Message

nsd_user663_23614 profile image

Champix made me unwell too when i had it , i felt totally out of control, and then sunk into major depression - all within the first two weeks - the doctor immediately took me off it.

Although it works really well for lots of people , with great results, it is obviously not for everyone, and i cant belive your support person told you to continue.

Hope your feeling better soon

daizy x

nsd_user663_29685 profile image

I am coming to end of 3rd week of Chmpix, 3 days smoke free.

I have had no side effects apart from heartburn, but believe this can be caused by quitting cold turkey as well.

Before I started taking them I told my wife to throw away the box of medication if I started to behave strange, as 6 years ago I became very depressed as a result of medication for an ulcer.

She comments now that every time I tried quitting that I was like a bad child but this time I havent changed.

I guess I am lucky that Champix hasn't affected me but I know I will be off it if there is the slightest concern in the way of my mental health.

nsd_user663_30036 profile image

Hi Guys

I am on my 2nd day of Champix and have set the 1st July as my stop completely day, I have just read all 24 pages of this thread and have noted the good and the bad of Champix, Thank you everyone for sharing your stories for us newbies to these tablets.

Even on day 2 of the tablets I have just been for a ciggie and didnt enjoy it, dont know if that is the tablet already! or my mind playing games.

I cant wait to officailly say 'I AM A NON SMOKER' and yes I am willing to put up with the side effects (hopefully they wont be too bad)

Good luck everyone, we can do this


nsd_user663_37961 profile image

Day 17 Champix

Hello peeps, newbie here.

I am on day 17 of Champix, I stopped smoking 6 days ago.

I can honestly say, apart from hot flushes and a few slightly weird dream, I have suffered no nasty side effects.

Now this sort of worries me because, I am either odd all the time - something my family would heartily agree with - or - I have it all to come.

Reading through articles on the Internet about Champix, I do wonder if it is so terrible as they say, why it has not been take off the market, or is it that we are still guinea pigs????

I do worry about long term effects of a drug that messes with your brain:(

nsd_user663_32615 profile image

Hi Pho

You seem to have unearthed a particularly negative Champix thread here! Many of us have used it successfully, with vivid dreams and nausea the most common symptoms, but everyone is different. If you haven't experienced problems so far, then the chances are that you are one of the lucky ones - so thank your lucky stars and enjoy your quit!

For me, I found it really helpful, and stopped taking it several weeks ago. I did get quite a lot of side effects, so was very pleased to stop, but without a doubt, it helped me to get through those first weeks.

Good luck.

nsd_user663_37795 profile image

Ive used Champix a few times and am on it now with my 4th serious quit and im having no problems at all aprt from vivid dreams which i think are great;) but then im a bit weird anyway. Ive suffered from depression in the past and been told Champix should never have been given to me but it has and iots amazing for helping quit.

If you are having no serious side effects then dont worry about it and good luck with your quit.

nsd_user663_37961 profile image

Hi Pho

You seem to have unearthed a particularly negative Champix thread here! Many of us have used it successfully, with vivid dreams and nausea the most common symptoms, but everyone is different. If you haven't experienced problems so far, then the chances are that you are one of the lucky ones - so thank your lucky stars and enjoy your quit!

For me, I found it really helpful, and stopped taking it several weeks ago. I did get quite a lot of side effects, so was very pleased to stop, but without a doubt, it helped me to get through those first weeks.

Good luck.

Thank you MrsT:O) I have heard so many horror stories that I really was scared to start taking it, and with every day that passed I kept thinking the 'nasties' will hit me tomorrow, but your right, I am lucky and so far all is good:O)

nsd_user663_37961 profile image

Ive used Champix a few times and am on it now with my 4th serious quit and im having no problems at all aprt from vivid dreams which i think are great;) but then im a bit weird anyway. Ive suffered from depression in the past and been told Champix should never have been given to me but it has and iots amazing for helping quit.

If you are having no serious side effects then dont worry about it and good luck with your quit.

Thank you, it really has to work this time, I had lung cancer 10 years back, fool still smoking I hear you say, and your right, but it is one of those things you sort of slip into with out realising it, so really a case of do or die - and I prefer the 'do' option :O)

nsd_user663_40818 profile image

A positive one for a change.

I have been reading all of the previous blogs and thought I must register and have my say.

So far (5 weeks taking the tablets) - I have found it nothing short of a miracle. I have gone nearly 24 days without a single smoke. I have been smoking for 15 years/20 a day previously and have tried everything from patches,gum,spray,books,hypno,water vapor smokes. This is the only method that has enabled me to have quit for this amount of time and I found it almost easy.

My quit date was 21/12/2011, so just before Christmas and the New Year (Not the best time to be quitting), however it did not effect me at all and I can honestly say it feels brilliant to be finally free.

It does sound like ive been one of the luckier ones with side effects, but I have hardly had any. I had a really bad stomach for one night when I upped the dosage and have occasionally woke up early and couldnt get back to sleep - But that has been it.

So if you want to quit and are not sure about these tablets, then I can only give you good news. Surely 3 months of badness is better than a lifetime of misery?

Best of luck all :D

nsd_user663_45639 profile image

bloated face side effect of champix?

Hi, I am a 58 year ols female. I am on my second time of using champix and in my 3rd week and have quit for a week.

Having read the posts it is a scary drug. I made the decision to only take one a day and have the usual nausea and weird dreams. I have also had a slight memory problem and had put it down to the awful cold I'd had - now I'm not sure - it's probably the champix. One thing that I have noticed is my face has become very bloated, I'm not sure if this is a side effect or due to a (small) weight increase, no one else has mentioned this as a side effect so was curious to know if anyone else has had this. :confused: Thanks

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Hi mazzooie,

One thing that I have noticed is my face has become very bloated

I had that happen to me when I was first on Champix and got a bit scared, but it did subside over time.

If it persists however, consult your doctor please, cos it could be an allergy.

Hope this helps,

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

Sheesh, the quote thingy didn't work that time, or its just me :(:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_48073 profile image

3 weeks in

Hi all. I'm now into my fourth week on Champix (I stopped smoking after 6 or 7 days). I felt awful for the first week to ten days which I'm attributing to the nicotine, not Champix itself. I do get some weird dreams which I don't mind. I also have a few stomach cramps now and then along with some bowel issues.:o

Overall, I feel not too bad and would recommend looking into using Champix to anyone who is commited to stopping and has tried other methods without success.

nsd_user663_17716 profile image

Breath of fresh air.

Hi Keith

So nice to have someone say something positive about Champix. I started Champix on 19th April and gave up 29th April. Had the same side effects as you but put this down to complete rather than gradual withdrawl from nicotine. The sickness subsides with a snack.

Well done on your quit. I am on day 33 and feel so positive. Have cut down to 1 tab a day now. Keep going and keep enjoying the dreams :D

nsd_user663_48073 profile image

3 weeks in

Hi all. I'm now into my fourth week on Champix (I stopped smoking after 6 or 7 days). I felt awful for the first week to ten days which I'm attributing to the nicotine, not Champix itself. I do get some weird dreams which I don't mind. I also have a few stomach cramps now and then along with some bowel issues.:o

Overall, I feel not too bad and would recommend looking into using Champix to anyone who is commited to stopping and has tried other methods without success.

nsd_user663_11875 profile image

Overall, I feel not too bad and would recommend looking into using Champix to anyone who is commited to stopping and has tried other methods without success.

I agree, only day 5 here (day 16 on champix) and it is working very well (have tried various nrt,allen carr, e-cig and CT). Everything is manageable and I agree that many of the side effects associated with champix seem to be the effects of nicotine withdrawl (not nearly as severe as CT withdrawl). I have been lucky as i have had mild erm....windy pops :D moody moo syndrome (fairly normal) and tiredness. If these tablets agree with you and your determined to stop they are a great tool. Good luck!

nsd_user663_47060 profile image


I'm beginning week 10 on Chantix and most likely would not have made it this far without it. You DO need to eat while taking it. I take mine while eating breakfast and supper.

I had previously tried CT, patches, gum, and Welbrutin with no success. Welbrutin even had me attempting to run my car into a bridge!

My family MD and I discussed in length about me using Chantix before starting. I knew the signs and we both agreed I would quit the meds at the first signs of any major issues. He also said a persons state of mind can influence the effects of the drug, he felt this time I was serious. I believe somewhere else here someone said the same thing.

At first, a few minor stomach issues, vivid dreams, but not scary, and just a feeling of not feeling well. (smokers quit flu!) I do think that some of the symptoms were NOT caused by Chantix, but by withdrawal from nicotine and all the other drugs in my body from smoking 30+ years.

I now have no symptoms that I know of from the Chantix. I do have a "bloated" feeling, have gained a bit of weight but have not increased clothing sizes. I believe it's just me, my body's reaction yet to being a non-smoker now and it's something that will pass in time.

I have one more refill after week twelve left for four more weeks and I intend to fill it a finish the 16 weeks as long as I continue to do this well. I was told I stand a better chance of succeeding if I finish until then. I have NO desire to repeat the first two weeks of a quit!

In the end, it's still a matter of personal choice and your desire to really quit. We are addicts, always will be no matter how which method we chose to use for our quit.


nsd_user663_48819 profile image


Hi all,

I've just started week 6 of champix & my quit date was 8 May. I can't praise the treatment enough, although haven't tried any other means of quitting. I was a 20 a day smoker for 25 years. I have had some side effects, weird dreams (which I quite enjoy now!) the worst being bloatedness & terrible flatulence:eek: I've had to buy a new wardrobe as can't get into my jeans anymore. The NHS support has been a godsend. Having said that, some days I have really wanted a cigarette but haven't given in, I hope I can continue with the willpower in the future.

Good luck all & well done

nsd_user663_48978 profile image

On day 17 of Champix, Day 11 without cigarette. I have tried everyting else and dispite the sickness, dreams & insomnia nothing else has ever let me get that far. I do have an issue with the sickness which on the AM pill is really nasty. Has anyone tried coming off Champix after 1st month? How did they get on (if they did)?

I know that I am an addict & always will be. At least I know I am now clean (my body) of nico, and will, regardless, have to be strong of mind!

nsd_user663_47060 profile image

Ending Chantix?

Span, that's a good question and have been wondering myself.

Any past Chantix users can you shed any light on if you had issues after you stopped using Chantix?


nsd_user663_49196 profile image

I'm on day 14 with Champix and day 6 of giving up.

I too feel quite sick with the morning pill :(

Also feel really tierd and want to sleep when driving to work, which is not good at all :eek:

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

On day 17 of Champix, Day 11 without cigarette. I have tried everyting else and dispite the sickness, dreams & insomnia nothing else has ever let me get that far. I do have an issue with the sickness which on the AM pill is really nasty. Has anyone tried coming off Champix after 1st month? How did they get on (if they did)?

Span, that's a good question and have been wondering myself.

Any past Chantix users can you shed any light on if you had issues after you stopped using Chantix

I stopped Champix after a month without any side effects what so ever. I too had sickness and weird dreams but that was it really. I found Champix really good!:)

nsd_user663_43997 profile image


Hi Guys

I stopped smoking on Jan 30th and have not smoked since. I used champix to start with, I had tried to give up on it before but failed due to the side effects. The solution for me was to simply take one 0.5mg tablet a day. This did leave me with quite strong cravings in the mornings but a bit of willpower soon got me through. All in all I only took it for about 2-3 weeks, in fact I still have some in the cupboard, I stopped before the prescription was finished and it did'nt seem to harm me ! As for the dreams.....use them ! they can be great fun, how often do you awake from sleep and can remember all of the colours, feelings and even smells from your dream !?

I think the side effects of suddenly stopping smoking, suddenly not taking a drug are both physical and mental and maybe the champix does not aid these symptoms. I for one suffered emotionally at times quite badly and as has been mentioned elsewhere, my bowels did'nt know up from down. To quit smoking is not an easy task, there are no miracle quick fixes, the champix does really help but you have to throw a big dose of willpower into the mix.

good luck guys


nsd_user663_11875 profile image

I notice alot of people just feel sick after the AM pill, I have breakfast and have a drink of water, I then try and have a snack and water again before taking the AM pill which I take around 10am so a good 2.5/3 hrs after I get up, I think the earlier you take it the more ill you feel afterwards (I did anyway) and I know when my mum changed to taking it slightly later after similar complaints the nausea stopped. I then take the PM tablet at 6/7pm after my dinner.

nsd_user663_17716 profile image

Hi all

Dont know if this will help but I have tried champix 3 times.. The first time I became ill due to a reaction with other medication so i stopped taking it after a month. I was back smoking within 3 weeks. The 2nd time the champix had NO effect on me what so ever. This time, i am coming up to week 7 and have cut myself down to 1 tab a day and i feel fine. I cut the dosage down as I was scared that i would want to smoke if i stopped the tablets. I also seem to forget the tablets alot which i saw as a positive. The only side effects now are bloatedness and the 'wind' issue. Best to blame it on the dog i guess lol x :D

nsd_user663_48073 profile image

Never thought to blame it on the dog.:D

nsd_user663_17716 profile image

The dog doesnt mind lol ;)

nsd_user663_49196 profile image

I have to take mine early as I set off to work at 7.45am and don't get a break till 10.45am.

nsd_user663_49462 profile image

Enough of Champix for me!

<<very newbie here :) Quit only a day or so but been on Champix for about 7 days. I feel horrible and now see from all the posts on the side effect it has that it is the reason for my feeling this low, sad, sleepy, nauseous, gassy and bloated. I won't be waiting till it goes into bad dreams to stop LOL. Guess I'll either try the patch or cold turkey. Would luv to hear some of your tactics for lessening the cravings and moodiness. Luv your water idea by the way. Thx guys!

Unah profile image

I've only been quit for a week but I use the patches and an inhalator. I'm using the inhalator less each day. Hasn't been too bad yet except I feel tired all the time. Better than being depressed:-)

There's lots to read about champix here.

nsd_user663_33441 profile image

I am on Champix and I am on day 23 of quitting smoking. Quite honestly, I think that most of the side effects that people blame on Champix, such as insomnia, crazy dreams, bloatedness, gas, etc are things that happen while quitting anyway, whatever method we use. I have heard patch users complaining about crazy dreams as well, and also CT quitters. The only real side effect I have had from Champix is nausea, which is the most common one. I am depressed anyway, so I wouldn't notice if Champix made it worse lol.

But I prefer Champix as the nicotine is out of my system within 3 days at the start of the quit, whereas if I used patches I would have to come off those as well at some point, so it would be like quitting twice. This is just my opinion, and everyone has to use the quitting method that suits them best. Good luck all :),

Zoe xx

nsd_user663_49462 profile image

Hey CrazySue ... wow took a bit first of all to figure out how to find the forum where I posted. Glad I figured that out. Thank you for your post. Same as you I cannot tolerate the side effects of any of those help aids out there. Nope! I won't put up with them. Guess it will be CT for me too. Hopefully I'll be able to work it through. I'm almost scared to say that I'm doing ok with the " I want a smoke" phase ... so basically waiting for the 'when will it hit me hard". As far as cravings you'd think I was famished and never ate in a week. Sheesh! Poor me huh. I will try the water thing and hope it settles that deep hunger that I refuse to give in also. Have a good day Sue. Today is day 3 or 4 and work is a different location than the norm which means it's another test. Take care!!

nsd_user663_52133 profile image


I am on day 9 of Champix so been on the increased dose for a couple of days now. I have a sore, swollen throat which is making me not want to have a cigarette already. I have cut down, just seem to be more content, dont have massive cravings. Day 10 tomorrow stop completely day.

I am unsure whether it is the tablets or I have a genuine sore throat. Has any body else had this with the tablets??? I also have been having the crazy dreams once I finally fall asleep! I read that I should fall asleep easier if I take the 2nd tablet earlier in the evening so I will try that tonight. I hope it does work as I feel like a zombie today!

nsd_user663_51074 profile image

I did read the comments on this forum before I started taking champix and was worried about all the possible side effects. The first day or so in the mornings I felt a bit sickish for a couple of mins after taking it but had no problems whatsover since.

I don't mean to rub those people's faces who are suffering in it but felt it important to let people know that not everyone will feel ill on it. I was disappointed slightly that you still do need some will power as I kept hearing these amazing stories of heavy duty smokers who just never wanted one at all, I still want one first thing in the morning and last thing at night but its controlable (and before anyone thinks I was a light smoker and not that addicted, I smoked within 5 mins of waking and smoked around 20 on typical day, 30-40 if I was out for the night)

So been smoking 25 years and this is 6th day of not smoking, not had any side effects at all and getting through each day, so if you have yet to start champix, don't panic, you may be one of the lucky ones like me and not experience any side effects (but if you do ... surely they are easier to cope with than the potential dangers of continuing to smoke even if unpleasant)

Hi There, how you getting on with Champix ?? I am very like yoiu, hardly any side effects apart from the odd sickness well bad sickness but thats only when i take it with a bit water no food and dash out door lol but learnt to take with a pint of water and food and have nothing!! i also smoked 20-30 a day for 20 years and still found i need a lot of willpower the want is stil lthere. but im sure it wil lget easier i only now have 2 roughly 2 days a week lasting hours each but getting less


nsd_user663_51074 profile image

I am on day 9 of Champix so been on the increased dose for a couple of days now. I have a sore, swollen throat which is making me not want to have a cigarette already. I have cut down, just seem to be more content, dont have massive cravings. Day 10 tomorrow stop completely day.

I am unsure whether it is the tablets or I have a genuine sore throat. Has any body else had this with the tablets??? I also have been having the crazy dreams once I finally fall asleep! I read that I should fall asleep easier if I take the 2nd tablet earlier in the evening so I will try that tonight. I hope it does work as I feel like a zombie today!

Hey Bella, welcome and weldone and good luck for your quit tomorrow not that you will need it! I also like you got a very sore throat and it lasted a few weeks, i think it was a genuine sore throat not one of champix, i am chmapix for 7 weeks now! i have the odd dream and i found taking it much earlier helped a lot but please make sure you down a PINT of water no less and you will have much less effects. i hardly have any infact none with food and a pint of water.


nsd_user663_52133 profile image

Hey Bella, welcome and weldone and good luck for your quit tomorrow not that you will need it! I also like you got a very sore throat and it lasted a few weeks, i think it was a genuine sore throat not one of champix, i am chmapix for 7 weeks now! i have the odd dream and i found taking it much earlier helped a lot but please make sure you down a PINT of water no less and you will have much less effects. i hardly have any infact none with food and a pint of water.


Thank you for welcome and the tip! I will try the pint of water from now on. So did you stop smoking on the 10th day or thereabouts too? Have you not smoked? Sorry for all the questions but tomorrow is feeling a little daunting...

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

You need will power no matter what NRT that you use.

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

You need will power no matter what NRT that you use.

I would stick my neck out and say that if you go down the NRT route make sure you've an inexhaustible supply of willpower! :(

nsd_user663_50109 profile image

I would stick my neck out and say that if you go down the NRT route make sure you've an inexhaustible supply of willpower! :(

i used NRT for about 5 weeks then got rid.Glad i dint do the whole 12 weeks or what ever the smoking nurse said it was as it felt like had to quit twice. wished i did it CT as felt like i was put back a month after stoping the NRT.

this i just how i felt about it. everyones diffrent and if NRT is great for you then carry on:D

nsd_user663_52133 profile image

Day 3

I must say using the Champix I haven't had any where near the amount of craving I have had previously when using patches, sprays, cold turkey etc..None at all really. Now and then shortly after taking the tablet I do feel a little sick and I have a sore throat still. Feeling good, content. Slightly worried about what happens when I want to stop taking them lol But hey one day at a time I guess :)

nsd_user663_52076 profile image

Champix issues

Dear Ana

I hear you on the Champix issues. I'm on Champix also, and swear I could write the next 10 sequels to Alice in Wonderland from what I've seen in my dreams. I also have some stomach cramps, the nausea, had the sleepiness initially. I am 3 days short of finishing my first 28 days' supply of Champix.

I have also in addition been sick with a bad bout of flu. Saw the doctor yesterday and she wasn't very happy.

What I couldn't get her to understand, however, is that even though I am really very sick right now, and my bronchial tubes and throat and tonsils and everything inbetween and surrounding them is red, swollen and inflamed, I have never felt this good for as long as I can remember. The sweetness of each single breath, untinged with smoke but instead perfumed by the myriad smells in the air which I can suddenly smell, brings tears to my eyes.

I really hope that things get easier for you. Stick to your quit. You will not regret it, no matter what.



nsd_user663_50109 profile image

Dear Ana

I hear you on the Champix issues. I'm on Champix also, and swear I could write the next 10 sequels to Alice in Wonderland from what I've seen in my dreams. I also have some stomach cramps, the nausea, had the sleepiness initially. I am 3 days short of finishing my first 28 days' supply of Champix.

I have also in addition been sick with a bad bout of flu. Saw the doctor yesterday and she wasn't very happy.

What I couldn't get her to understand, however, is that even though I am really very sick right now, and my bronchial tubes and throat and tonsils and everything inbetween and surrounding them is red, swollen and inflamed, I have never felt this good for as long as I can remember. The sweetness of each single breath, untinged with smoke but instead perfumed by the myriad smells in the air which I can suddenly smell, brings tears to my eyes.

I really hope that things get easier for you. Stick to your quit. You will not regret it, no matter what.



Think u need change doctors if she couldn't understand why u feel happy from giving up the fags. :confused: even tho ur full of cold.

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