8th day!: its my 8th day without smoking! i... - No Smoking Day

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8th day!

nsd_user663_2207 profile image
13 Replies

its my 8th day without smoking! i should be putting the flags up but no, im very low and tearful whats going on! the slightest thing makes me cry, a week before i quit my smokes i quit pot, i got this problem, for the last couple of nights i have been sleeping for a few hours then waking nearly every other hour, so my question is ,is it the lack of pot in the system or the lack of nicotine? or both? but i'm determine not to smoke and still going strong even with the tearful lows thanks for listening xx

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nsd_user663_2207 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Aw big hugs tucksie x x x x

The withdrawal from nicotine is worse!

And day 8 can be another poorly day in many peoples quit x x

It will pick up again very soon x x

The sleep is also common x x

Hang tight stay strong and go with the flow x x x x

Try herbal teas before bed I use one called 'sleepytime' it is nice and relaxing x x

Also drinking water regularly throughtout the day helps a lot!

I do hope you feel better

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Tucksie

Sending you a big hug lovely. I was terribly tearful around the second week. For me it was the realisation what smoking a cigerette had become to me and how very sad that was, and also that my life has to completely change - for the better but it is scary. Even last week I absolutely sobbed - and I do not cry easily at all. But I felt miles better afterwards so let the tears flow and we will be here to help wipe your eyes and set you on your feet again. You are doing brilliantly - double figures on Wednesday and your two week marker on Sunday. Take a deep breath and keep going. Remember what NS4M says about how the cravings only last 3 - 5 minutes and before you know it they will be gone and you can move on.

Have you started saving your ciggerette spends? I think you should do this and then treat yourself to something you would have never normally bought as considered tooo expensive. I bought some Dr Marten Boots yesterday with mine - last pair I had gave up the ghost some 14 odd years ago and at £50 a pair I have never been able to justify buying some ....until now. Cos the money would have been smoked if I hadn't so either way it would have gone. So have a think about what you would really like and start saving.

Take Care and remember you are not alone.


nsd_user663_2207 profile image

thank you, for replying its nice to know that someone is listening and been there,

i had a sleep this afternoon as i say im not sleeping so well at night,and feel better, its cheered me up to hear you say its double figures on weds it WILL 10 days!, lol its hard sometimes to look ahead,

i like to say to stay strong to every one its hard i know!

is there anyone on day 8 going on to day 9 tomorrow?

this is a great site, and will be recommending to anyone whoes quiting lol dont no anyone at the mo there already here xxx:D

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi Tucksie,

You are doing brilliantly, please feel very proud of yourself.

Everything you are feeling is completely normal and you just have to work through it.

I don't sleep very well either but it will get better, I found that the worst two days for me were day 3 and day 9 so yours is day 8 but it is nearly over now and you will probably feel so much better tomorrow.

Keep looking forward and you will soon get through it,

Stay strong,

Befly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Hey Tucksie big well done to you.

I also have given up nicotene and pot, if u ever wanna chat send me a private message.

WELL DONE AGAIN!!!!! Your life will only get better without the evil weed!!!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Tusksie

You are doing really great this is not an easy thing we are doing so be very proud of your self. Things will improve but you will get some shit day but you will have more good than bad. be strong your doing fab. Linda xxx

nsd_user663_2207 profile image

My own personal hell!

Day 9!!

Day 8 was bad, but nothing like today, went to work with my armour well and truly secured, all people see is what i want them to see.

Came home from work, OK but feeling numb, empty, but in functioning mode, but coping, do u know the feeling?

Then omg! i mean OH MY GOD!

The trigger as normal is my husband "J" the slightest wrong word from him, my whole world explodes, i become this extremely angry, outraged crying ugly, wild thing, that don't know where to channel all these horrid feelings, so shouting all sorts of crap, i'm slamming doors, upstairs, bedroom door gets it, wardrobe gets a kicking, anything movable gets thrown! across the room, I'm wanting this dreadful feeling out of my! crying and shouting the words, i can't cope anymore, (not sure how long this has gone on for but it felt like ages), in rage i go downstairs make a rolly, take myself up stairs and


I have not got the answer to the one!,

Not impressed in doing so, didn't enjoy the smoke which i thought was crap, plus i smell like a ashtray yuck!!!

Now its just tears and more tears,

l know husband "J" is my trigger, BUT he is also my SUPPORT hes UNDERSTANDING, hes Great always there, when\i need him and hes the one that picks up all the pieces and directs me in the right direction.

fell asleep, awoke looking like i have lost a love one! (puffy dark eyes), but the truth is, i feel that i lose sight of the real me in those dark movements, and who's walking around in my place, i don't recognise her?

tears flowing as i write this, QUITING THE SMOKES is the hardest thing i have ever done, hoping this slip will be the last!

OK, back on the wagon, I'm not taking this laying down, tomorrow day 10, is nearly here!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

smileys.smileycentral.com/c... Hi tusksie

So sorry your having a bad day had a lot of craves myself since tea time thats why i come on here. Just think day 9 is all most over I bet things will look a lot better after a good sleep. Please keep strong will be thinking of you Linda xxx


nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Aw tucksie. I'm so sorry you've had such a bad day. I'm sending you a big hug hoping tomorrow you'll feel better. I hate the nic demon SO MUCH! :mad:

Don't you be too hard on yourself, a bad day is just a bad day after all and there's not much you can do about it now. Besides it's sure bad enough without it needing to be turned into a bad week or a bad month ;) You're back on track and you're not giving in, that's what matters, cheer up and be strong!

nsd_user663_2207 profile image

thank you

thanks im ok, just having a bad day like yuo say tucksie x x x

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Hi Tucksie,

Please try and stay focused on what you started out trying to do, you have come a long way and you don't want to slide back into smoking. You had one cig and it was horrible and you smelt like an ashtray, so just keep that thought in your head and stay strong. You can do it, otherwise at some point you will have to go through all those first 8 or 9 days again. It does get easier, honestly!

We are all here for you, so next time your hubby triggers you off just take a deep breath and come on here and scream!

Stay strong honey,

Befly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx237

nsd_user663_2207 profile image

befly thank-u and everyone else

thank -u for the words of encouragment, day 9 was hopfully my worst day! i know i will have more, i'm being strong, i had a very good day yesterday day 10, its day 11 today, just getting ready for work, wishing everyone a good day and yourself befly, take care tucksie xx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Great to see you on the other side of a bad time still smoke free and positive x x

~Buffy x x

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