More and more In realizing the important part that mindfulness has played in my cancer journey and recovery from the side affects chemo therapy. As I progress through recovery, and get stronger every day, I find there's this temptation to rush more stuff into my days.....take on more at work.....(you know the drill).....I'm more exhausted now than I was a year ago, or at least it feels that way. This week I reminded myself that "I" am a priority on my list of priorities, too. In my haste and hurriedness I had forgotten about the peace that comes with living in the moment. Today I'll recapture that feeling and seek the peace of this moment and release the tension of trying to do too much, and just breathe.....I am well......I am whole.....I have everything I need.
The importance of mindfulness in reco... - Non Hodgkin's Lym...
The importance of mindfulness in recovery.

Mindfulness has taught me to slow down and pay attention. I found it particularly useful in reducing the number of panic attacks I would get when I would dwell too much on the future. It taught me to stay in the present and breathe and enjoy being here now and let the future take care of itself, a very hard thing to master.
Belinda, you are well on your way to incorporating mindfulness into your life. I have learned that there is no need to rush *most* tasks and chores. I used to stop and ask myself if what I was anxious about today would really matter in a year from now. In *most* cases it would not.
I mastered mindfulness so well that I do believe I have now lost my mind! 😉
Fantastic post Belinda. I have taken a mindfulness course too. I have lapsed recently but you've reminded me how important it is to keep practicing.😃