What does this results mean? Do I hav... - Non Hodgkin's Lym...

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What does this results mean? Do I have cancer or is there any chance of getting it in future?

Riyasat profile image
11 Replies


For last 1 year my CBC showed persistently high lymphocytes(5000). I was worried that I may have cancer. So I went to a doc and did a test called immuophenotyping. Today I got my report. But I don't understanding anything it says. In our country medical treatment and counselling isn't developed like other countries that's why so many confusion comes to mind. I want to know what this results means and what is the significance of it. Do I have cancer? If not but seeing the report is there any chance that I will have a cancer in future? (Sorry for my bad English). Lot of love and wish you beat of luck friends. I am 28 years old btw.

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11 Replies
SqueakMouse profile image

Hello there Riyasat😍❣️. I just saw your post and I wanted to say how sorry I am for the stress and worry you've been struggling with😢. The possibility of any disorder or disease is frightening enough without having to carry that possibility alone, without clear direction or support from your physician or a clear explanation of what your symptoms and test results might mean😳. You must be feeling so isolated and scared and confused, and my heart breaks for you😔. So the moment I finished reading your post, I wanted to let you know that you're not alone in this--your message has been read, so you don't have to wait any longer in worry or fear than you already have😍 I'm going to do my very best to answer your questions (and so will others on this site, as soon as they find your post; there are so many wise and selfless people in this group that have proved time and time again that they not only possess a great deal of knowledge, but they also have compassionate hearts--so I gave no doubt whatsoever that you're going to receive a lot of support and advice before long, so hang in there, you're in the right place😁), but since it's about 2:30 in the morning here (I haven't been able to sleep due to severe side effects from a recent IV), I think I should wait until daybreak before I try to give you the feedback you're requesting--I want to give you the most accurate information I can, but trying to do so in the middle of the night on no sleep isn't exactly conducive to fulfilling that intention🤣. I just wanted to send you a note tonight, so you would know that someone has heard your concerns and promises to address them as accurately as possible very soon😋. But I do have a few questions about what you wrote?; I just want to be sure I understand your situation correctly, so I can give you the details you're most in need of. You mentioned your lymphocytes being high, and that the numbers have been trending upward for quite awhile. How long have they been elevated? Are there any other test results that are abnormal or low normal? Besides the irregular test results, do you have any symptoms or signs that are abnormal for you? I can help you gain some insight into the CBC results and the immunotyping (of course, I'm not a medical professional, so I can't give you a diagnosis or final interpretation of your test results, but I'm familiar with the meaning of the various components of a CBC and what the numbers could mean. So if you'd like me to, I'd be happy to read your results and explain the basics about what each test is looking for and what your numbers are telling you and your doctor about what's going on with your body (and/or what's not going on with your body, if the results don't show any glaring abnormalities). One thing I can reassure you with: Given that your test results are back and your doctor hasn't called you or asked you to schedule an immediate follow-up appointment, it is highly unlikely that anything serious is going on with your health, much less an emergency like cancer. In many cases of moderate to serious disease (including cancers), time is of the essence, so if your doctor received any test results of yours that even suggested you might have such an illness, I have little doubt that you would be contacted sooner rather than later, in order to either undergo further testing or begin a treatment regimen as soon as possible. In my experience, the old cliche which states that "no news is good news" almost always applies in these situations, so I'm thinking you have nothing to worry about😋 But as I said, having a look at your numbers will help clarify the situation, and hopefully calm your fears and restore your peace of mind😍. Meanwhile, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and will be ready and eager to support and assist you (with your test results and/or on any other subject related to them) if and when you ever need that😊 Best wishes to you❣️

Riyasat profile image
Riyasat in reply to SqueakMouse

Thank you so so much .. God bless you a good health strong heart and peace of mind .. yes I am worried about my situation because here in our country medical sector is so much poor in terms of quality assurance .. (my english grammer is not good) .. people like me who dont really know much about medical are very confused and kind of frustrated .. my lymphocytes are high for 1 year now (5000) .. my red blood cell little bit high and MCV little bit low .. Neutrophil percentage is below the range .. and often i have red rash/spot/patichae on my hand chest neck back .. my skin is itchy but it was not always like that .. last year i lost about 7 kg due to tension or maybe sickness i dont know .. and sometimes i see some infection type spot inside my mouth .. my doc didnt tell me to go home right away after seeing this report .. he said he wont give anymore test for now but he told me to come after 6 months with a CBC .. I want to know is "polyclonal" cells means cancerous? My immunophotyping report summary says this -

1. Approx. 83% cells mature cd3 positive t cells with altered cd4, cd8 ratio. A cd3 positive , cd5 negative, cd7 positive cluster is seen which needs further followup.

2. Approx. 10% cells are cd19 positive b cells which are polyclonal ..

What does this summary mean?

Thank you again .. lot of love ...

SqueakMouse profile image
SqueakMouse in reply to Riyasat

Good evening, Riyasat 😍❣️ Please please forgive me, I didn't receive an alert when your reply posted so I haven't known it's been there for the last two days😬 I think I'd better start checking every day regardless, just in case😋! But it was a delight to receive your message; despite your concerns, I think you have a real gift for writing😍❣️ You truly do utilize English language and grammar extremely well, so I think you should be very proud of yourself😋 And you provided very clear and helpful information in answer to the questions I asked in my earlier post; thank you so so much for taking the time and trouble to do that☺️. Those details will be very beneficial when I evaluate what those numbers might be telling you about your health, and I'm going to get started on that right away😍 In the meantime, I thought TigerM's replies were extremely wise and very accurate, with the added benefit of having personal experience with the elevated lymphocytes and the potential testing/diagnoses/treatments that could result from that; since your doctor had recommended the "watch and wait" response, I would agree with TigerM that keeping yourself as calm and optimistic as possible for the time being is a really good choice😊. I'll be writing again very soon, once I piece together all the rest results you so kindly supplied, and I get a chance to type up a summary of what they all might mean for you😋 Best wishes, and hang in there!--my thoughts and prayers are with you😇

TigerM profile image

Riyasat-Much love and prayers to you. Like you my lymphocytes were in the 5000 range. The initial notice was that I may have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) but I was never informed. About 18-months later I started having extreme fatigue and that made me go to my doctor. Further testing, flow cytometry, nuclear PET scan, and bone marrow test ended in a diagnosis of b-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). I have been treated with 4 rounds of immunotherapy and have just completed my retesting which I will meet with my oncologist next week to cover.

You may be in the potential early stages of some form of cancer, or you may not. Elevated lymphocytes can occur for other reasons. You've been told to return in 6 months because for most of the slow growing types of cancer the initial treatment plan is "wait and watch." My wait and watch period just happened to be the 18 months I was uniformed. Once my diagnosis was confirmed I immediately entered treatment but only because of the 18 month wait.

I realize this is a very crazy time for you. A couple of suggestions...do NOT scare yourself by looking for trouble. Instead ask your doctor specific questions. Like "Do I have cancer?" or "Are you looking for cancer?" Also, and this is the most important advice I can give you, YOU are not a statistic. You are you and whatever is happening is specific to you. Do not look for statistics that tell you that you are going to die. Look for the information that tells you how you are going to live.

Immunotherapy is magic compared to chemotherapy. It weakens the bad cells and energizes your own natural killer cells to kill them. Immunotherapy has changed the landscape of cancer treatment and survival. Stay focused on the positive and ask the hard questions!

Oh and the difference between monoclonal and polyclonal simply means the cells generate from a single cell (monoclonal) or multiple cells (polyclonal).

P.S. I did some dietary work with a nutritionist that helped with energy, sleep, and peace. I'll add you to my prayer list!

Riyasat profile image
Riyasat in reply to TigerM

Lot of love ... ❤❤❤

Riyasat profile image
Riyasat in reply to Riyasat

How old are you?

TigerM profile image
TigerM in reply to Riyasat

61. The docs told me I have an old man's cancer and I'm a woman. Overall I am in excellent health with no risk factors. These types of cancer are not that predictable I think. Please ask your doctor what's happening! Also please let me know what you hear. I want to be able to pray for you.

Riyasat profile image
Riyasat in reply to TigerM

You are a good person. You write some lovely words. Thank you do much.

SqueakMouse profile image

P.S. What country do you live in, Riyasat? And what kind of doctor have you been seeing (the one that's ordered the blood tests)? Do you have relatively easy access to quality medical care, such as living near a large city or suburb? And that doctor (or clinic, or hospital) that you've been seeing...do they accept your insurance (if you have any in your country), or would you have to pay for any tests, treatments, appointments, or procedures out of pocket? Do you have a good support system (friends/family/partner either living with you, or living nearby) who you can talk to, and who could help with things like driving to follow up visits, etc.? Please forgive me if these questions are too personal; you can absolutely decline to answer them, I wouldn't be upset in the least😍. I was only asking because (depending upon what your test results suggest) I can recommend different options based upon what's available, affordable, convenient, comfortable, and feasible for you😋

Riyasat profile image

Thank you so much .. i live in bangladesh its a under developed country. But i live in the capital where modern medical facilities are available. Those are not very far from where i live. You can suggest me whats the option. I am not filthy rich but i have enough money to diagnose the causes. Right now i just want to know the meanings of my results. And some people are saying your results are polyclonal blood cells this is not cancerous. Only monoclonal are cancerous. Is it correct? Listen dear knowing is very important for me. Because if i come to know the meaning of my results i will understand the urgency of diagnosis. Then if needed i can even consider going foreign country to seek more developed medical care. But first i have to know whats going on.. and at my age is it normal? Thank you

Sp0513 profile image
Sp0513 in reply to Riyasat

Hi Riyasat, have you had your re-testing yet?

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