Hi everyone I hope everyone is doing well . Well it's been 22 years years with my kidney transplant and unfortunately I'm already at stage 4 20 percent kidney function. I have was hoping that this second time going to the dr my percent will be a little higher but no 😔. I'm so worried and scare I don't want dialysis I had a bad experience of it as a young girl that I'm afraid of it. But I'm lucky that as right now I dont have any symptoms yet the only symptom I have is I get tire but that's because I have anemia but other than that nothing else. Is it possible that I could live a comfortable live at this stage and very little kidney function??? And also should I start getting prepare for another transplant and putting myself on the list . My husband wants to donate his kidney to me since we are the same blood type.Do any of guys know any organizations for kidney transplant recipients . Anyhow, hope you guys have a happy Thanksgiving !!! and thank. You could appreciate your thoughts and comments and of course suggestions.
Kidney transplant stage 4 20 percent kid... - Kidney Transplant
Kidney transplant stage 4 20 percent kidney function but don't have symptoms.

Everyone is different and some people will stay at a certain kidney stage for some time. But I would urge you to not wait as you want time on your side. Get evaluated and listed so the transplant center can evaluate your husband and other potential donors. With a living donor you could have a pre-emptive transplant and not have to be on dialysis. Wishing you well!
HI Jennifer. I suggest the same as Transplant. Get listed now. Yes, it is possible to slow the progression down with diet and healthy living but.... kidneys will progress even if it is slow. As suggested, preemptive transplant will keep you off dialysis.
Thank u
my husband’s transplant has stayed stable at stage 3 for 13 yrs with a strict, balanced vegetarian diet. ( very low protein to reduce workload on kidney) He received an elderly kidney 13 yrs ago.
So in addition to the above suggestions you might do this. Very best wishes.
Thanks for your advice I was at stage 3 for 8 years and I had a strict diet but I lost alot of weight and use to get frequent head eaches it's hard . What types of foods are in his diet if u do t mind telling Me.
hi Jennifer, where I live you can start getting ready for a transplant at a GFR of 20. I recommend getting started now, I’ve been trying to get one for almost 2 years but I keep having new health events get in the way. My donor donated in March this year (through the living donor matching program) and hopefully I’ll be matched next month. But I still haven’t started dialysis, even though my GFR is very low (I’m at 8 right now). I have fatigue and nausea but I’m still working part time. As for donor support, my transplant center made sure his labs and hospital stay were free and they provided him with a program that reimbursed him for lost wages while he was out.
I hope this helps.
Hi thank you for ur advice im in process already