Hi everyone! Hope you all are doing great.
So I'm over 6 month post transplant, and as a part of my 3-component immunosuppression therapy I'm taking methylprednisolone (Medrol by Pfizer), 6mg. And my appetite is so unusually high! I'm almost always hungry. It takes me a lot of willpower and discipline not to eat everything, the app in which I put everything I ate in a day helps me a little bit, also I'm keeping healthy snacks available at home (vegetables, nuts, some dairy products as I'm not lactose intolerant). But I seem to gain weight.
I'm concerned because my blood sugar os somewhat ok (used to be 5 before medrol, now 6), and I workout a lot, but anyway my face became quite round and with puffy cheeks, and despite my whole body being quite toned (I workout regularly), my belly is bigger and super squishy and it seems like all the fat I have is in my belly. Transplant team says "Its ok, just don't gain a lot of weight". But I do not know what I'm doing wrong in this situation. Maybe my appetite is still high and I just cannot track all the calories I eat, or should I cut out some products? I've already cut out sweets with white sugar, but maybe it is not enough. Thank you in advance for your answers!