how long do you have to wait until you can do any kind of excessice
excersie: how long do you have to wait... - Kidney Transplant

My docs were emphatic about avoiding lifting and such until the incision had really healed. You are so immunocompromised at the beginning that they can't operate for a few months and a hernia at the incision would be not fun. However, they were pretty upbeat about walking right away.
Have to agree with dexterlab, it is the type of exercise. Walking and moving is important to prevent blood clots after any operation. But beyond that you may want to not only talk to your doctor regularly but consider physical therapy to monitor your exercise routine. But give yourself credit for asking the question. You will have many more and feel free to ask on this forum as well as your medical support staff. You are at the beginning of a new journey.

Yes, my transplant center was very vocal about the importance of moving a week after surgery. I started walking a city block and every couple days increasing the distance and the length of time I was walking. this is a great time of year for it. Because of your meds you heal slower than the average person might after surgery. And for some weight lifting may not be in your future. At the 10 year point I developed an incisional hernia in my transplant scar. My abdominal nerves were not happy. I had it repaired twice and am now fine. No abdominal stress for me.
Take care and walk! Best of luck to you. Live Life!! Iam 23+ years post transplant.
I was told to walk while in the hospital and to walk daily following discharge. For the first few days I could only walk short distances, but was up to about 2 miles by the second week. The only real limitation was no lifting until the incision had healed.
oh that’s great that you can eventually get back to weight training -God willing of course! Thank you !!