Has anyone else experienced inside arm bruises after kidney transplant surgery like this? Very painful, Tylenol won't touch it and they don't want to prescribe anything stronger.
Post-Transplant Arterial Line Bruise - Kidney Transplant
Post-Transplant Arterial Line Bruise

i have found that i bruise more easily after transplant. I thought it was my daily aspirin but it may be due to anti rejection medication side effects. I like you am still investigating.
oh honey! I feel bad for you.
No, I have not experienced anything like this, but I do bruise easily. For me it’s because of the prednisone I take. It makes my skin thin.
Are you allowed to take Arnica? I found it helped a lot after my C-sections.
my doctor thought if I had my fistula reversed that it would stop
I had extremely painful bruises just like that on my wrists for a month after surgery because of the arterial lines that I had while in the hospital. I had been prescribed tramidol for pain at the surgery site but I ended up taking it for the bruising instead. Tylenol would help a little but not nearly as much as the tramidol, though I only took that for a few days once I got out of the hospital.