Not covid vaccinated?: I would like to... - Kidney Transplant

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Not covid vaccinated?

Transplant09 profile image
69 Replies

I would like to know (if anyone) who has decided NOT to take the covid vaccine? I have struggled since the day it came out if it is right for me. I have been with my doctor at transplant clinic for 13 years and he has been on a medical leave for over a year now. Yesterday was the first time I was able to see him and he pretty much shunned me because I am not vaccinated. I have had numerous talks with my medical team and his nurse practitioner and for my situation I am not comfortable with it. Everything I read says antibodies are not produced in immune suppressed patients so why risk it? I take care of myself. My family protects me. But my doctor made me feel very "stupid" very hurt and embarrassed. Anyone else have thoughts on not being covid vaccinated?

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Transplant09 profile image
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69 Replies
Cap21_NKF profile image

I am truly sorry to hear that your doctor was not mature enough to attend to you properly. Many people are undecided about the Covid-19 Vaccine. All patients who have CKD or other kidney related issues are encouraged to get the vaccine but it is still your personal choice. I suggest you call the CDC helpline who can answer any specific questions you may have about the vaccine. You can then make the decision you feel is best for you with more information. I also suggest talking to your social worker about speaking with another doctor at your center who you may be more comfortable with. Best wishes

LisaSnow profile image

I am sorry but your doctor was only looking out for your safety and interest. If you knew you have three times higher chance of dying if you get COVID and still not want to be vaccinated then nobody can change your mind. But if you were my patient I would be really frustrated too.

littlelinda50 profile image
littlelinda50 in reply to LisaSnow

But you would not be able to guarantee after 2, 3. Or 4 doses she would have antibodies.

Alfredmynewkidney profile image
Alfredmynewkidney in reply to littlelinda50

I've had 3 vaccines and am now starting in a research study on the monoclonal antibodies in immunosuppressed patients. I'm sorry you felt your doctor shunned you. I wish he could listen to your concerns and tell where to get more information. I work in a major trauma center hospital and have seen too much COVID. There may be some protection from COVID even with no antibodies as our bodies are amazing. Prior to transplant I when I had the hep B vaccine I never showed antibodies but they felt I was still protected. That if I got Hep B my body would recognize it because of the vaccine. I am 55. Got my transplant 19 months ago. I truly believe in the vaccine. Plus i like to travel so I have to be vaccinated to travel to certain areas.

I hope you can have a productive conversation with your Dr.

Transplant09 profile image
Transplant09 in reply to LisaSnow

LisaSnow are you a transplant patient?

Alfredmynewkidney profile image
Alfredmynewkidney in reply to Transplant09

She is. She is on this group a lot

JackieShan profile image


I am a transplant recipient on immunosuppressant medication. After 2 vaccine doses, I had an antibody test and had no Covid antibodies. However, I read that antibodies are just one part of the body’s complex immune system - there are many other parts like T cells which the test does not measure. After shielding for a long time, I caught Covid in September. But, although it was unpleasant, it was not a severe case - I recovered, my kidney results were not affected and I now feel fine with no after effects; this is because I has been vaccinated. Had I not been vaccinated, I would have almost certainly had a very serious, possibly fatal, bout of the virus.

I do understand how you feel, particularly as there is so much false, unsubstantiated “information” about the vaccine around. But I researched extensively about the virus using scientific, reviewed information, and it really is best to have it - all pros and cons taken into consideration.

While people talk about personal choice, while a personal decision affects others, should it really be down to personal choice. If someone does not have the vaccine, they are more likely to transmit the virus to others, so I can understand why your doctor was reluctant to deal with you.

Please try to consider the effects of not having the virus on yourself and others, particularly the vulnerable, and properly weight up the advantages of the vaccine against the comparatively tiny, and very unlikely, disadvantages.

larrymontague826 profile image

I have had my three shots and would take another one if my doctor requested me to. I realize that you may be reluctant to get vaccinated if you have heard all the false information that has been circulating around. The way I look at it is if you trusted your medical staff with your transplant why wouldn't you trust them on the vaccinations?

Mond61 profile image
Mond61 in reply to larrymontague826

I feel that Medical staff do not have time to even look at the opposing data, they are just fed orders for higher positions, is the vaccine Safe? They are doctors not scientists how do they know for certain did they personally check...

larrymontague826 profile image
larrymontague826 in reply to Mond61

What you are saying is that a student shouldn't believe what it's teacher says, because they haven't researched themselves. I believe knowledge is passed down the line so that not everybody has to research everything for themselves.

Mond61 profile image
Mond61 in reply to larrymontague826

non truths are passed down the line too, I'm not saying the doctors are purposely misleading anyone, i'm saying they are told what the narrative is, very high respected Doctors are questioning the narrative being pushed around the world, but are getting suppressed....the Uk government gets caught out lying every week why would the truth be told about vaccines?

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Mond61

Well one thing for sure, they know a lot more than you and I, and they do not make up things like FOX news.

Mond61 profile image
Mond61 in reply to LisaSnow

non truths are passed down the line too, I'm not saying the doctors are purposely misleading anyone, i'm saying they are told what the narrative is, very high respected Doctors are questioning the narrative being pushed around the world, but are getting suppressed....the Uk government gets caught out lying every week why would the truth be told about vaccines?

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Mond61

It can't feel very good to always choose distrust and skepticism on everyone and everything. We project how we feel inside onto everyone around us. May you be inspired or simply choose to trust again, in life and in others, soon.

Mond61 profile image
Mond61 in reply to LisaSnow

Why would you think I choose mistrust on everything? what I am choosing to question has a huge bearing on my health and you not feel slightly lied to by our Governments and big pharma and the ever changing goal posts.... I am certainly very nervous and taking it very seriously.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Mond61

Merry Christmas. Wishing you and yours the very best.

FThomp profile image
FThomp in reply to LisaSnow

Twisting the truth or making things up isn’t strictly relegated to one news station. You do realize that right? 😂

Eyak1971 profile image

You sound very sincere in your question. It would be interesting to know why your your doctor was on leave for a year, that may have affected his emotional response. Doctors are people too. When medical staff constantly are exposed to the tragic consequences of covid they can be pretty angry when they have to deal with someone who choses not to get vaccinated for whatever reason. I like you had my concerns but the pros outweighed the cons. Death is a pretty strong argument. Sorry to be harsh but that argument changed my mind. Take care and get protected.

in reply to Eyak1971

Maybe he had Covid.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to

Certainly no one is guaranteed 100% safe (we know vaccine is not 100% effective) as the virus can outsmart us by mutating itself, and host immunity can alter the effectiveness of the post-immunization responsiveness. Until more people are vaccinated to build the protection we need at the population level, we really need to understand the facts, and be grateful that vaccine are available for us to take.

Mond61 profile image
Mond61 in reply to LisaSnow

non truths are passed down the line too, I'm not saying the doctors are purposely misleading anyone, i'm saying they are told what the narrative is, very high respected Doctors are questioning the narrative being pushed around the world, but are getting suppressed....the Uk government gets caught out lying every week why would the truth be told about vaccines?

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Mond61

Do you think you or the very few "doctors" who spread misinformations about vaccines know more about science behind how vaccine inhibits viral replication, transmission, and induces damage on human systems better than scientists who study and work with the viruses for decades?

littlelinda50 profile image
littlelinda50 in reply to LisaSnow

How can they have been working with these viruses for decades when covid is supposed to be brand new? Plus I have a house full of people with covid and I don't have it yet and none of us has gotten the shot.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to littlelinda50

It sounds like you do think you know better? I sincerely hope you don't endanger people in your community.

Transplant09 profile image
Transplant09 in reply to LisaSnow

I cant believe you would say anyone is harming someone for choices they make. There are circumstances people should not be vaccinated. Immo suppressed or not. Allergies, medicine reactions, and just pure choice. Its not just covid vaccine , some can't take flu vaccine because of allergy to egg. Does this make them endanger people?

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Transplant09

By not getting the vaccinations recommeded by the health officials WORLDWIDE, these people certainly increase NOT ONLY their own risk of getting infected, BUT ALSO risk of others should they unknowingly pass it onto others. These are simple facts.

What I wrote involved nothing of intent or prejudice, but simply laying out the real danger and consequences of being dismissive of COVID and its vaccine which littlelinda expressed (by her responses). I hope she understands that her action (or inaction) affects not just herself but people who come in contact with her. Again, simple facts that everyone should be mindful of: COVID is not ESRD or cancer, you can make others sick by you getting the virus.

It was you who projected a negative intend to what I wrote, and I can't help but wonder why?

in reply to LisaSnow

Comments definitely have prejudice in them. You said that if people aren’t vaccinated and they endanger their community. That is simply not true. That is called gaslighting. You do you let others make their own personal medical decisions. And by the way you’re not a doctor so you should not be spreading all this information to others. Every single person on this thread should talk to their own doctor AND do their own research especially because we are immunocompromised.

Ski573 profile image
Ski573 in reply to LisaSnow

Everyone needs to make The right decision for their own personal medical health. People need to stop gaslighting, bullying, mandating others that make their own personal medical choices. Peanuts are considered generally healthy but there is a percentage of the population that would die from eating peanuts. Should we mandate everyone to eat peanuts? You think you’re self-righteous in your comments telling people they’re endangering their community. That is disgusting. Do you know who’s endangering their community people like you.

in reply to LisaSnow

You do realize that the most profitable companies last year or Pfizer and Moderna, have you ever looked up to see who are the biggest shareholders of those companies? It is your politicians and government. Oh and your doctors. Doctors get paid lots of money from big Pharma. So of course they are going to say that they are safe and effective when they have been out for one minute. It’s really sad that you have fallen for all of this propaganda.

redpanda67 profile image
redpanda67 in reply to Mond61

As LisaSnow pointed out. Researchers (PhDs) and medical doctors (MDs) are not the same. Doctors, even specialists, are generalists who understand a small amount about a lot of different systems. Researchers have in depth knowledge about one small field, like viral replication, but typically have very little experience working with patients. Doctors don’t always have a solid understanding of the research; they just don’t have time to keep up with it.

This is why there are large groups of researchers and doctors that specialize in reviewing all of this information and making recommendations to physicians. Just as the American Transplant Society has working groups of doctors and researchers who make recommendations to all transplant facilities regarding the best practices for transplant patients. Within these meetings, it is common to have long debates, disagreements, even some fiery arguments, and at times even some name-calling between professionals about the research and what they believe should be the recommendations. Believe me, there are more objections, critical evaluations, and skepticism from these scientists and physicians than you will ever hear from your own doctors or in the news media.

However, after these disagreements and discussions, there is a consensus among these groups because they know they are responsible for giving doctors and health care professionals the information and guidelines they need to treat their patients with the most up-to-date and accurate information to treat and protect their patients.

redpanda67 profile image

I am very torn over the issues of the vaccine in transplant patients, not because I don't think they should not get it, I believe without question that transplant patients should get the vaccine, but because I don't like the potential for the slippery slope it creates for other suggestions or requirements from the transplant team. Despite working as a biomedical researcher in the kidney field, I was very hesitant in the beginning as well.

As mentioned before, most patients will only make antibodies after the 3rd dose, but most of the immunity comes from T-cell activation, which is the same way we respond to the flu vaccine. However, as someone who also has strong objections about other "standards" of practice in the transplant field that I am "required" to have, I understand your concern. I've had the privilege to be at 7 different transplant centers over the last 17 years, and every one of them has different requirements and standards of care they use, which only fuels my objections.

You may want to look at it from his perspective. He has fought to keep you alive and off dialysis. He has probably lost his fair share of patients from things that were completely outside his control. In this situation, you have the opportunity to control, at least in some small part, whether you are at greater risk of COVID or not. Remember, even transplant patients who have had all three doses of the vaccines and take every precaution can still get sick and die from COVID. I've worked with acute care physicians, and it is heartbreaking for these doctors to see a transplant patient lose everything to this virus. Your doctor may have just seen one of these patients in the hospital and is absolutely frustrated beyond imagination. Moreover, from a public health perspective, immunocompromised patients are the factories that create the variants because it takes longer for us to clear the virus compared to normal people. Both the Delta and Omicron variants are believed to have come from immunocompromised patients who continued to have the virus for more than a month, in some cases without symptoms. His reaction is far more complex than just being annoyed with you for not getting the vaccine.

While I understand it is still your choice to not get vaccinated, you also have to be prepared to deal with the reaction of others from that choice. As Cap21_NKF suggested you may want to speak with a social worker or find someone who can answer your specific questions about the vaccine. You may also want to ask for more information about the newly FDA approved prophylactic antibodies for COVID-19 which are given every 3-4 months to help protect patients who have been unable to get the vaccine, or who do not produce their own antibodies.

littlelinda50 profile image
littlelinda50 in reply to redpanda67

They can't answer the one question I have and that what is the long term affects. What happens if I get 3 or 4 shot and a booster get no antibodies and then 5 years down the road I loose my kidney. This has not been a easy road for me and my transplant center sucks big time. When I informed my transplant doctor people in my house had covid she just sent me a link to the CDC. I told her I already read that and asked what I should watch out for and got no response. She also sent me a link to a site I can check medications that will react with my transplant meds because I guess she is done with that now too.

in reply to littlelinda50

Exactly the same for me. NoOne can answer those questions for me either. And now they are finding that the shots are lowering peoples immune systems and that’s the last thing that we need

PuggyWuggy profile image

Wbile it is true that most immunosuppressed people do not develop the amount of antibodies that other people do, wwe probably develop some in varying degrees from person to person. I think that even a low level of antibodies is better than none. I am sure your family and friends are careful around you, but covid has shown over and over again that it is very sneaky. I have had three shots (and have not "grown any green horns". I am eagerly awaiting my next booser. Whayever you decide, I wish you good luck and good health in the new year.

Transplant09 profile image

I guess I need to say over the past two years my body has started processing meds differently. I have had to lower my tacro doses, lower blood pressure doses because blood pressure is getting lower and heart rate is very low. And even benadryl at a quarter of a tablet knocks me out for hours among other med changes. I just have it in my head my body will "overload" or something with the vaccine. And I do not know why my dr was on leave. Nurses and other drs will not say. With this being the first time to see him since the vaccine has been available I didn't get to discuss any of my issues and his thoughts for my particular situation.

littlelinda50 profile image
littlelinda50 in reply to Transplant09

You talk to him, others, and read about it and make your decision. What ever it is get it or don't I support your decision 100%! As of right now I won't get it.

in reply to littlelinda50

I agree your response 100%. I have yet to get any of the shots. And I will not until there’s more information. I agree that everyone needs to make their own decisions after they’ve done their own research.

in reply to Transplant09

Maybe talk to another doctor? You need to do what’s absolutely comfortable for you. You know your body better than anyone does. This is absolutely your choice. Good luck to you!

Gardner-NY profile image

My spouse has had three Pfizer shots and he is still not protected from covid19 due to his antirejection meds. I love what redpanda wrote and cut and saved it for my own resource to have. What is a concern no one wrote about is if you do get covid19 whether vaccinated or not, and I hope you do so--- the hospitals all over the country are filling up with people with positive covid19 cases mostly, and I'd be very concerned the care you would get with your donated kidney would not be superb due to the overworked, overstressed medical teams working so hard for over 20 months. Maybe you may not get a bed at a local hospital when you need it. I truly hope you do the right thing for yourself.

littlelinda50 profile image

I am not vaccinated either and I am getting ready to reenter the health field. I to read and hear from others that even after 3 shots they have no antibodies. Plus NO ONE knows the long term side effects this shot will have on our kidney! I have had so much happened to me after my transplant that I don't feel safe taking the shot. I had a severe reaction to a medication they give all their kidney transplant patients it was so rare that a doctor asked if he could do a paper on me and of course I said yes. Interns came to see me because most doctors only read about it and never see it. I was accidentally put on prednisone and now I can't get off of it and it has made my life miserable. I back you 100% on not getting the shot and don't give in because of what others say!

Transplant09 profile image
Transplant09 in reply to littlelinda50

This is exactly how I feel. I worry about kidney damage.

Darlenia profile image
Darlenia in reply to Transplant09

Please be aware Covid is very capable of damaging kidneys, along with other organs. While you're pondering, be mindful you are in control of your thoughts. You make the decision to let your supercomputer mind either run on logic or emotion. I'm sure you'll make the decision that is right for you. Bottom line, death is permanent. There are no "do-overs".

in reply to Darlenia

You’re right. Death and injury are permanent. And I know more people that have died and or are permanently injured from taking the shots. So either decision you make there is risk with both.

redpanda67 profile image
redpanda67 in reply to Transplant09

While I understand the concern about long-term side effects, vaccines are not like drugs taken on a daily basis that can build up or continue to cause problems to the body, like some immunosuppressants, prednisone, and mood stabilizers. The components of the vaccine are eliminated from our bodies within a matter of days. Any adverse event is noticed within days of the vaccine such as the sore arm and flu-like symptoms which are the most common. Any longer effects are gone within a few weeks.

mRNA-based vaccines have been in development for more than 30 years. It has only been in the last 10-15 years that technology has allowed scientists to overcome stability and delivery issues with mRNA vaccines that have allowed them to start clinical trials. The first clinical trial for an mRNA-based vaccine started in 2010 for rabies and the flu vaccine in 2015.

There have been almost 9 billion doses of the mRNA vaccine which is one reason why scientists and doctors are so confident about this vaccine because the rare side effects that can happen only become more "visible" when enough of the population has had the vaccine. The two that have been identified are myocarditis with adolescent males at the highest risk (mRNA vaccines) and blood clots in women under 50 (J&J and AstraZeneca). For myocarditis, the risk is about 12.6 cases per million with nearly all cases being mild and resolving without complications. For risks of clotting with the J&J vaccine is about 7 in every 1 million, and most of these are in women who have underlying risks for clotting such as hormonal birth control.

The risks for catching COVID-19 are far greater. People with COVID19 were 16x more likely to develop cardiac problems, including blood clots and myocarditis than the normal population. An analysis published in Nature Reviews Nephrology in July 2021 showed the incidence rate of acute kidney injury was nearly 28% for persons hospitalized with COVID-19, 78% for those who are intubated, and 20% of those patients requiring dialysis.

in reply to redpanda67

Are you a immunologist?

in reply to

And it’s the first time they have put this mRNA technology into a human. That’s not something I’m willing to risk for my body.

shash8363 profile image

First of all, I can understand how you feel. As a transplant patient, I feel it is difficult to think straight - on one hand there the high rate of mortality in transplant patients and on the other is the risk of long term issues with the vaccine. Also the misinformation out there does not help.

Here are some points that may be helpful (helped me):

1. Vaccines are not fool proof. Yes, you should take all the precaution even with the vaccine.

2. Yes, family can protect you. But there CDC has said that vaccinated family members can still carry the virus (weak symptoms).

3. I had zero antibodies after the 2 jabs and did have some after the third. If there is a 4th that improves it, I will take it.

4. Research is still on but our transplant team told us that antibodies is just one factor. Other factors like T Cell/memory cells that is not measured (Like JackieShan mentioned) Some related study (small sample, but helpful)

5. Long term effect on the kidney- there is no indication regarding longer term negative impact. That does not mean they will not find something in the future..but that can be true with with everything... But I feel this is the time to trust the doctors (the same community that we trusted with the transplant).

6. For me the high mortality rate (fact and data is there) beats the long term possible (if any) issues with the vaccine. Also, please look up the long term issues from Covid infections...

Hope this helps. While you may think your doctor overreacted, look at it from their point of view - they are trying to protect you, their other patients and themselves.

Hope you have good holidays!

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

Your doctor is not looking after your best interests! My nephrologist told me to be the first in line for the vaccine. I am 22 years post transplant and have had both shots of Moderna and the Pfizer booster. No issues except a sore arm.If I am not mistaken, the Study at Johns Hopkins showed 47% of those transplant recipients did not have antibodies after 1st dose of vaccine. I have not seen data regarding antibodies after 2nd dose or booster. And JackieShan is so right about the importance of T cells. I do have COVID antibodies!!

Stats: Unvaccinated - transplant recipients, 4 that have COVID, 3 will be in ICU on ventilators and 1 will die - quoting my doctor!

Right now there are 23 patients in Wyoming Medical Center with COVID. Of those, 22 are unvaccinated, of those 22, 15 are in the ICU on ventilators. Again, quoting my doctor!

I don't know about you, but those are not the odds I want to be a part of.

Don't forget that being immunosuppressed you are at a greater risk for COVID, and have a much greater chance of losing your transplant.

For me - not getting the vaccine could have been the biggest mistake I ever made if I got COVID.

Are you really willing to risk your transplant after 13 years?

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador in reply to WYOAnne

Sorry, meant to say your doctor IS LOOKING AFTER YOUR INTERESTS! Your health interests should be of great concern to you too!!

Mond61 profile image
Mond61 in reply to WYOAnne

I have had two astra zeneca vaccine Jabs, I contracted covid on the 28th Dec21, positive by flow test, I was asked by my Kidney consultant to get a PCR test to re confirm the result, unfortunatley due to a shortage in the UK he nor I could get the a test, On a positive PCR test it activates the NHS to call and arrange Mono clonal antibodie treatment within the first 5 I could not get a test, I missed out on this treatment, the only help I had was, reduced my Mycophenolate from 1000 a day to 500, 250 morning 250 evening, and double my Prednisolone from 5 mg to 10 mg daily.... I tested negative on day 6 and day 7, the main part for me was the first night Massive headache, fever to 39.5 degrees, and generally wiped out, this lasted until 4pm the next day, then I was left with no more than a head cold, stuffed up head, and slight headache....I am back riding my bike now, feel 70% back to strength, fingers crossed I'm over it now

in reply to WYOAnne

If I were you I would be firing my doctor. To tell you that they will be on a ventilator and die? That is just instilling fear in a patient that they will be forced to take a shot that doctors make a ton of money for. No one should ever be put on a ventilator without trying every precaution. And that is why so many people died. Because they were given the wrong treatments. If they were given the correct treatments all of those people would have lived.

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador in reply to

Everyone is entitled to their opinion!I was quoting the stats at WY Medical regarding COVID as told by my doctor. Stats are stats and can't be made up.

A lot has been learned over the last 2 years about COVID and treatments.

Ski573 profile image
Ski573 in reply to WYOAnne

I couldn’t agree with you more. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some stats are made up and I’ve seen a lot of that over the last two years. You are absolutely correct. They have learned a ton in the last two years. And I’m glad that I stuck to my gut and made my decisions.

desperateboy profile image

Vaccines are not perfect. At the first time , they were telling cool stories about effectiveness. But vaccines does not work that well even for healthy people. Now omicron story...


I would understand if you were a healthy person and asking this question. But you are a transplant patient. Transplant is not a treatment it is a supportive treatment which decieves your immune system for the kidney. So on this condition while living not a normal life but living by chance , thinking about vaccine's safety is strange.😀

I am vaccinated (2 dose) but it is getting much more bullshit. Nowadays , I wish I get covid. I am bored getting vaccines and want a natural immunity. they will not stop if people do not start taking actions against vaccines. Before the vaccines come out, I heard some tx patients getting through it like flu but depends on the person. On the other hand however healthy people die.

JackieShan profile image


I thought that I would just share my Covid Antibody results with you all on here.

I live in the UK, am a transplant recipient and have taken part in the Melody Study (NHS and Imperial College, London):

I took an antibody test after my second vaccine and the results showed no detectable antibodies.

I contracted Covid in September 2021, but fortunately, as I had been vaccinated, it was not a serious case. This indicates that although I had tested negative for antibodies, there are other parts of the immune system at work fighting Covid.

I had my third vaccine (or booster) in October 2021.

The results of the at home test, taken today, 17th December, indicate that I now have IgG (middle line) and IgM (bottom faint line) antibodies.

I believe that some people on here have mentioned about transplant recipients/immunosuppressed people generally not making Covid antibodies until after the third vaccine dose; this would tend to support this hypothesis, although I did have Covid after the second vaccine dose.

I have just read that I am now eligible for a fourth vaccine dose 12 weeks after my third which I will certainly have. I continue to wear a mask and follow safety precautions.

Posting this for information sharing and interest.

Thank you to everyone that has posted on here - I have learned a great deal.

Covid Antibody Result
LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to JackieShan

I assume this antibody kit you used is for "regular" antibodies, not spike protein antibodies? How cool to be able to buy a kit to test at home!

Quercusalba profile image
Quercusalba in reply to JackieShan

Thank you very much for sharing your detailed information. Would you refer me to your reading that you are eligible for a fourth vaccine dose 12 weeks after the third please? I would like to know about that and possibly pursue it as well. I am a transplant patient and have had three Pfizer vaccines. Thank you.

in reply to Quercusalba

My transplant nephrologist said I would be eligible for a 4th shot, a booster, six months after my third, full dose in August '21. He's the director of transplant nephrology (MD, PH.D) and has really taken an interest in COVID and kidney transplant patients. I believe he's tired of seeing his patients in the ICU. Anyway, every time I talk with him he gives me a little 5 minute review of COVID. Cool!

Quercusalba profile image
Quercusalba in reply to

Thanks. I was told that too . . . in October. But guidance from medical science-based sources continues to evolve as they learn more, like all science. 😊

Eyak1971 profile image

Life decisions are hard and unpredictable. As transplant patients we have made many. Only time will tell us if we made the right one. So at this special time of the year - my gift to everyone who responded to this post - may your decision be the right one and the best for 2022 and beyond.

I am attending and participating in what was originally a four person wedding in TN. Turns out the grooms family are all attending and arriving from Colorado. We had planned on staying in a cabin together. Then, I discovered none of these people are vaccinated for covid and their below average children aren't vaccinated against anything. TN is bad enough when it comes to compliance. My husband and I booked a hotel room and my best friend ( bride) is mad at me. Obviously, she nor the idiot she is going to marry picked up on anything I had to convey about the danger to me or anyone else involved. There is a possibly I may not attend at all.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to

I am sorry that they are not considerate of their family's health... Can't believe she got mad at you.... 😪

in reply to

We didn't go because of the situation above and The Groom's Mother was infected with shingles from one of the kids. My bestie understood.

mingmiley profile image

I got mederna the first shot, after 15 minutes, my heart felt like some really heavy metal pressed hard on it to the point I couldn't bring up my breath. after that my heart felt weak for a few weeks. so I wouldn't dare to get the second shot now.

Mond61 profile image

I have had two astra zeneca vaccine Jabs, I contracted covid on the 28th Dec21, positive by flow test, I was asked by my Kidney consultant to get a PCR test to re confirm the result, unfortunatley due to a shortage in the UK he nor I could get the a test, On a positive PCR test it activates the NHS to call and arrange Mono clonal antibodie treatment within the first 5 I could not get a test, I missed out on this treatment, the only help I had was, reduced my Mycophenolate from 1000 a day to 500, 250 morning 250 evening, and double my Prednisolone from 5 mg to 10 mg daily.... I tested negative on day 6 and day 7, the main part for me was the first night Massive headache, fever to 39.5 degrees, and generally wiped out, this lasted until 4pm the next day, then I was left with no more than a head cold, stuffed up head, and slight headache....I am back riding my bike now, feel 70% back to strength, fingers crossed I'm over it now

littlelinda50 profile image

I got covid and I survived. I didn't even got to the hospital or my transplant center. I was the last in my house to get it. I had a fever and felt achy. Not much of a cough. My ears hurt the most. My O2 level was high through it all. I got sick Sunday morning and today is the first day I actually got out of bed but I forced my self to get up and take a shower. Hope this helps. I am not sure about getting the shot but if I do it's not because I got covid and I am really curious if I have any antibodies from having it.

Powerfalcon profile image

Hi, On a personal note, I used to take a lot of supplements, natural. methods of healing before my transplant to stay healthy,. Once I chose to accept my friend's kidney to save my life I realized I am also accepting all the drugs and protocols of the transplant team. I can no longer randomly take anything without it being checked for counterindications. Same with the vaccine. My nephrologist tells me how many of his patients have died and are in the hospital whenever I ask and it really helps me stay the course. I have taken my booster and he says that many of his vaccinated patients have done well with Omicron despite no antibodies. He thinks we just don't know what the b cell and t cells are doing for us from the vaccine yet. We are taking the vaccine for ourselves but also for all the communities we live in, I need to surrender to the truth of the miracle that we are alive past what my "due " date would normally be. Best wishes

larrymontague826 profile image

With all due respect to you, I would trust a man and organization that has spent a life time studying viruses. I don't know what sort of research you are speaking of, but it could in no way compete with the experts. I have heard non vaxers say they wouldn't take the vaccine because they didn't know the composition of it. I asked him what the composition of an ASPIRINE was, and of course he didn't know, but took them all the time. All I can say is it is up to you to do what ever you think is the way to go.

Ski573 profile image
Ski573 in reply to larrymontague826

I’m sorry but your statement makes me laugh. I’m glad that you blindly trust. I choose not to. I choose to do my own research and ask a lot of questions. And that my choice. You don’t think it’s sad that a doctor doesn’t know what’s an aspirin? Do you eat anything without looking at the ingredients? It’s the same thing. Why would I put anything in my body without knowing what it’s made up of. Especially after I have been given such a gift I am going to treat my body very well and feed it only healthy ingredients. And don’t call me a derogatory term like anti-VAXer when you don’t know me. Just because I don’t trust in an experimental shot does not mean I’m an anti-VAXer. You can’t prove to me that it is effective. No one can. Majority of people are sick right now have been vaccinated. Explain that to me or I should say why don’t you go and parrot the people you blindly trust.

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