Social contact/ Covid: I was wondering how... - Kidney Transplant

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Social contact/ Covid

Patsy2 profile image
23 Replies

I was wondering how others deal with being in the public with Covid and how limiting social contact like eating at restaurants, church community etc.

I know it is what I have to do and it is tough to not be able to do the things I used to do, especially because I am an extrovert

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Patsy2 profile image
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23 Replies
LisaSnow profile image

What is the rate of transmission where you live? Are you fully vaccinated? How many years out from your transplant? How much immunosuppressive meds are you on? All these factors will affect your risk of getting the COVID.

I live in the lowest transmission rate state but I still always wear a mask in public where other people are around. I do takeout more than dine in. I socialize with others outdoors mostly, or indoor with double masking. So far I am enjoying these "arrangements" and patiently waiting.

PostivelyJo profile image

I live in central London. I’ve been to 2 packed theatres recently , wore a mask ( especially on exiting when it was packed narrow corridors - imagine an old London Theatre) . I get the tube to various places not peak times and have eaten out….I have had 3rd jab. I am careful ( my children would say not careful enough ) but I want so much to live …. Does that sound reckless… I don’t feel worried but I’m reasonably careful. I could get hit by a bus ?

JackN profile image
JackN in reply to PostivelyJo

As an American visiting London I could definitely get hit by a bus.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to JackN


PostivelyJo profile image
PostivelyJo in reply to JackN

That’s very funny

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to PostivelyJo

I just went to a concert myself . Yes we all had to wear mask but people were still coughing randomly around me. Did I feel "safe?" No not really but I wore the best mask I have and never touched anything without sanitizing afterwards so it was a good experience.

manbreak profile image

I have been out and about shopping going out eat and in and out if hospital I wear a mask indoors I'm now on my 3rd transplant and am on triple immune suppression med. Think if your sensible you will be ok

KathleenMA profile image

I’m five years post-transplant and triple vaxxed. I still wear a mask when grocery shopping or at Target, I have not been to a mall. I dine outdoors only but I think with winter coming I’ll eat indoors but on slower nights, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays. I did fly to NYC to see a show. One hour flight, double-masked at airport and on flights and other than the show (which required proof of vaccinations and mask wearing), we stayed outside. I did a home COVID test three days later and was fine. It’s a real challenge though trying to be safe and still live your life and see family, friends.

JackN profile image

I'm fully vaccinated including the booster but I have no idea how immune I am. So whenever I'm inside I'm there for < 5 minutes and I double mask. I will dine outside if the tables are spaces far enough apart. I live in MA where transmissions rates are low.

in reply to JackN

Same here! I’m just over a year from transplant, am 3x vaccinated, and pretty much avoid anything except occasional outdoor dining. Fact is, I don’t know how immune I am to Covid.

Kbristow profile image

I am triple vaxxed and continue to wear mask in public indoor spaces. I've had 3 antibody tests all showing I do have antibodies, but yet to find out the level of protection. I attend church online and rarely dine at restaurants and only outdoors. The vaccine rate is high where I live but I still avoid groups. I do still see friends in outdoor settings and only if they are vaccinated.... I did fly to Hawaii recently and debated whether or not to cancel the trip. It was planned before the Delta surge, and the trip was a rare opportunity where my college-aged kids were available. We stayed at an air-bnb instead of hotel and rented a car so we could drive to hike at hidden trails and play at remote beaches. Bottom line: I'm continuing to live my life but taking precautions..... On another note, I attended a webinar last week where two doctors from the Johns Hopkins Antibody Observational Study shared the latest data. You can watch at

Gardner-NY profile image
Gardner-NY in reply to Kbristow

Thanks for sharing this 2 hour webinar that The National Kidney Foundation hosted with the John HOpkins Medical study information and so much more after that. I just watched it all. If I had known about this, I would have watched it 'live' on 9/19. My spouse of over 40 yrs had his kidney transplant Nov 2018 and the first 14 months were filled with major medical problems with kidney function including a rejection episode. We both lived in isolation as much as possible this timeframe and it rolled into covid19 March 2020. I work at a university and he is retired, but July 2021 I had to return to work, and luckily a remote office location was found for me due to his health. We are both so tired of living this way, but trying our best to focus on 'today' and not ahead. If I look ahead at things, I get quite depressed due to all the normal things we want to do , but cannot do them safely now due to covid. glad our marriage is strong enough to get through this. Thanks for this website to listen to what others are going through. It has helped me alot. Stay well.

Bax509 profile image

I'm struggling with this too, Patsy. I'm only a little over 3 months out from transplant and of course under pandemic protocols for 18 months as well. I'm triple-vaxxed (got the first two before transplant) and have been very careful but itching to get out. Unfortunately I live in a high transmission area so I'm having to remain "under wraps" for awhile longer. Very very angry at the folks who are helping to keep this pandemic going by not getting vaxxed (leaving out of course the people who have medical exemptions).

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Bax509

At only three months out, definitely stay put. Most transplant centers do not recommend traveling by air within the first year, even before this COVID pandemic started.

Bax509 profile image
Bax509 in reply to LisaSnow

Have no plans to travel by air. Will be driving to long-postponed memorial service for father-in-law who died in March though. Burial service outside is ok but church/reception inside is tricky for me - will clear it with my docs. Was mostly referring to wanting to get out locally - go to restaurants, do things I used to be able to do. But I am well aware of my limitations - it's just frustrating after so many years wanting to feel "normal".

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Bax509

Time flies by too fast trust me - just ask those who are still waiting for my (way past due) work products 😫.

klb36 profile image
klb36 in reply to Bax509

sorry to say i am not vaccinated i am 37 years transplanted I work more than 800 hours in overtime in a grocery store. I have done everything i can to keep myself safe but please don not blame me this is a virus that is like the flu will never go away. just use some good judgment. I have lived 37 years with these drugs that knock out your immunity and back then hand sanitizers did not exist and if you look there were many viruses that could have killed us. walk in my shoes first for 10 years then judge me after 37 years

Bax509 profile image
Bax509 in reply to klb36

well this is a new-ish virus and I guess we'll see what happens but in the meantime we do know that cases go down when mask use, social distancing & vaccination goes up. And that people die as the virus successfully mutates when people choose their own "research", anecdotal experience and refuse vaccination. Billions have been vaccinated since the spring and the evidence for its success is pretty overwhelming. I prefer to make my choices of activities based on what people who know a lot more than I do say. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it hasn't happened to a very large number of people. Look at the flags across the national mall in DC.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to klb36

Nobody comes here to judge you for your choices. I do worry about your lack of protection though. I don't know why you didn't want to be vaccinated but do wish you stay extra careful, and get COVID 19 test regularly if you can. At my university, the students who have exemption to not get vaccination are required to take COVID 19 test once a week, every week, and must have mark on in public at all times. This is to protect everyone and to prevent the virus from further mutating, which may render vaccine ineffective.You take care.

Eyak1971 profile image

According to Moderna CEO there should be enough vacines for everyone by next year but the problem will be for people to take them. So we have a long wait and if other countries are like the U.S. it will be years. So whatever you chose to do presently to make yourself safe, great. I limit my interactions and no longer work part time as a teacher. I do go out to eat and to the mall but wear my mask and watch my distance. I do many activities outside and have bought exercise equipment since I no longer go to the gym. Family makes a big difference and I appreciate their time with me. Other generations have survived and so shall we as long as we put people first. Take care and find your path. Note - I am glad that I live in an area that was proactive when covid hit and continues to be..

Seabreeze-127 profile image

Patsy, After my transplant in May, I was extremely afraid to go out because of covid . The isolation effected my mental health so I had to get over some of the fear. I need to get out with people. I am comfortable being with friends and family who are vaccinated. I do walk every day which helps me a lot. I still order the bulk of my food on line, I don't go to big box stores and I only do outdoor dining. I am going along as to what the doctors say and do what is comfortable for me.

horsie63 profile image

Here it is July 6 2022 and Covid has not gone away and has mutated several times pretty much rendering the existing vaccines/booster obsolete. We are now at Omnicron B4/5. The US never did get to herd immunity. It's still circulating but the rate of hospitalization/deaths has gone down. Everyone that can catch it whether vaxxed or not is likely to get it. They consider it to be endemic now rather than pandemic.

horsie63 profile image

To add to my reply...just 2 days later on July 8 I got Covid after having 3 of the shots. My husband had gone to a wedding in another state and brought it back to me. Out in public I wear a mask and work from home when rates are high but couldn't avoid it in my own home.

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