My creatinine level is up, should I worry? - Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant

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My creatinine level is up, should I worry?

Tuna14 profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone,

I got my transplant 8 weeks ago. At start things were great, creatinine went down quickly but for the last three weeks it was going slight up and now I’m at 135. I will be sent to do a scan but I just want to hear about your experiences regarding this. Also, when did the creatinine stabilised?

I’m freaking out a little bit!

Thank you all :)

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Tuna14 profile image
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13 Replies
yahoo999uk profile image

HiThis is exactly what happened to my creative level in the first year post transplant and then it started to decrease little by little and has now stabilised 4 years post transplant at 104.

I hope my experience reduces your anxiety


Tuna14 profile image
Tuna14 in reply to yahoo999uk

Thank you really helpful ☺️

OperationKidney profile image

It can take a while for things to stabilize especially given you're still in recovery and meds are likely not stable. Mine was up and down too for a while.

Blue-Quilter profile image

The short answer is NO, do not worry about this. From a practical, get-thru-life lens, when has worry ever helped? Never, right? It can give you high blood pressure, acid stomach, maybe worse. Don't do it!

From a recent transplant, still-in-recovery lens, this is totally normal. All your blood work will fluctuate. You're likely still having weekly labs, so your medical team is watching you closely. They'll adjust your meds as needed. Listen to their advice.

And finally, from a is there anything else you can do lens, yes. Walk a bit every day, 30 minutes or 1 mile if you can. If not, work up to it. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day. It's amazing how staying properly hydrated favorably impacts all your labs. And get enough sleep at night. I can't prove it medically, but when I'm running on empty, my labs look as bad as I feel!

Hang in there and keep us posted.

DexterLab profile image

I am 2 and a half years post transplant. My creatine bounces between 1.1 and 1.4. Meds have been steady. It is disconcerting to see it go up, but has always come back down, do far. Good luck.

OriginalDanSuush profile image

Try going plant based or eat a lot ofOrganic vegetables and greens. Make sure you get around 30 to 45 minutes of any exercise a day. Also stay hydrated drinking around 2 liters a day. Staying active helped me a lot

LBatl profile image

Stay hydrated, my Team recommended six bottles of water a day. I learned how to make it taste better by using a fruit infusion pitcher. The best water I ever had. Also, I think your number is 1.35which isn't that bad. At eight weeks out it will probably fluctuate, mine still does at 13 weeks out. Don't freak out yet, it sounds normal. Hang in there!

Eyak1971 profile image

Have to agree with everyone else. Your level Will develop a base line and you will fluctuate. But as mentioned keep hydrated and exercise. Take care and do things that make you happy.

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

It is very common to have your creatinine jump around those first couple of years. Your doctors' are working to get you on the right meds and the right dose. I even had 2-3 kidney biopsies that first year along with the dose of my immunosuppressants changed several times. My creatinine settled down after the first year and has pretty much stayed there for the last 20+ yearsBest of luck to you! Just know that some recipients do have an early rejection episode. The transplant team always checks out creatinine changes. If caught early, a rejection episode can be reversed.

vikkijayne profile image

Don't freak out mine goes up and down each time I get a urine infection but it comes down slowly xc

Lifechanger1 profile image

I had similar reaction. I’m 1yr 3 months from transplant and my number has been 1.08 last 4 months. Just listen to your doctors, make exercise a daily routine, walking is the best, and keep a maintain a healthy diet. It will work out just fine. Best of luck!

Bax509 profile image

I agree with other posters about "trying" not to worry - often easier said than done but if anything has worked for you in the past, try to pursue it. So much of this post-transplant stuff is out of our control. Just do as your doctors and coordinator have instructed post-transplant. Don't try anything new without discussing it with them. As far as fluctuating creatinines go - I was transplanted in June. I had a low-grade rejection in the first few weeks. They did a biopsy which is the gold standard for determining true function of your kidney. I am about to have another one (not from high creatinine - which was 1.02 - but from a lab drawn as a part of a research study that I'm in). It's frustrating and scary but I'm trying to "lean in" to the fact that this will be a roller coaster for awhile. My pre-transplant nephrologist told me recently that my "job" before transplant was to stay healthy as possible and my "job" post-transplant is to manage my immunosuppression and protect the new kidney. Good luck to you!

Parkerbarker profile image

I read others replies and hope you stabilized but this happend to me and i got a scan and biopsy and biopsy showed my kidney being poisoned by tacrolimus dose which was too high for me.I actually had to mention the correlation to my dr ffs.when he got biopsy results found out 50% damage to kidney!so switching me to sirolius but damage done.i got the old drink more water bullshit too ,which does help to a point but better monitoring on the meds is key.

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