3rd dose of COVID vaccine….: I am trying... - Kidney Transplant

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3rd dose of COVID vaccine….

Warrior1211 profile image
60 Replies

I am trying to schedule an appointment for the 3rd dose of COVID vaccine done at the hospital I had my kidney transplant. However, this particular hospital only offers Pfizer. I am very uncomfortable getting a different brand as CDC recommended the same brand for all three.


If possible, please share your opinion and/or experience.

Thank you.

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Warrior1211 profile image
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60 Replies

I was told to get the same if possible. If not then get the other brand. I'm hoping to get mine next week. Need to make sure I have a couple of days off in case I actually get a reaction

TX02082021 profile image
TX02082021 in reply to Alfredmynewkidney

I was able to get mine at my local CVS. My transplant center approved and my reaction was more mild than my second Maderna shot. Hope that helps!

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to TX02082021

Thank you. I got mine at HEB yesterday and the reaction is a little more than the first two shots.

OperationKidney profile image

I went through my local pharmacy outside the hospital. Grocery stores have been setting then too.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to OperationKidney

I did too.

Philly57 profile image

Currently, they are recommending staying with the same "type" of vaccine, although this will likely change. But Pfizer and Moderna are both mRNA vaccines and therefore interchangeable. You can get these vaccines at nearly any pharmacy.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to Philly57

Thank you. I got mine at a local pharmacy store too.

LBatl profile image

I would get the same brand as the first two as advised by my Transplant Team. You can schedule at pharmacies or some grocery stores.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to LBatl

Thank you and that’s what I did yesterday.

LBatl profile image
LBatl in reply to Warrior1211


Gardner-NY profile image

Hi, my spouse called his transplant center and they said he should go get this 3rd vaccine dose of Pfizer and no dr. note needed. He called Walgreens who said no dr. note needed and to come anytime with only his vaccination card. Tomorrow he will get this shot and I'll go with him. His first 2 shots he did not have any side effects. We both did alot of research on this 3rd vaccine which John Hopkins Medical has done and others too, but we seem to look at this medical location first for news.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to Gardner-NY

Thank you and I didn’t get it from the hospital this time as the hospital does not offer the same brand as my first two shots.

JackN profile image

Don't bother going to your hospital - find a pharmacy that is using your original brand and go there and get it. My hospital is still working through some administrative process - meanwhile I went to a Walgreens and got it first thing Saturday morning.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to JackN

Thank you. I didn’t bother going to the hospital this time as suggested by you.

JackN profile image
JackN in reply to Warrior1211

Great! Happy I could help. My own transplant center is now encouraging people to just go to drug stores.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to JackN


RhenDutchess123 profile image

I went to the Health Dept...they had all different kinds

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to RhenDutchess123

Thank you. How do you feel after getting the third shot?

Warrior1211 profile image

Thank you all for your great information and for sharing your knowledge. I went to HEB today and was able to get the 3rd vaccine that is the same brand as my first two vaccines. Please know that your help is greatly appreciated and does ease my anxiety.

RhenDutchess123 profile image
RhenDutchess123 in reply to Warrior1211

I havent had my 3rd yet....but other than a sore arm for a couple days...I didnt have any side effects...

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to RhenDutchess123


aben profile image

The recommendation (in the US) is to get the same manufacturer as last time, so if you had Pfizer you stick with that for all 3 shots and if you got Moderna you stick with that for all 3 shots. If you got the single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine they aren't recommending you do anything at this time because they don't have enough information at this time, so in that case you would speak with your transplant team or nephrologist to see if they have any guidance to offer. I suggest speaking with your transplant team or nephrologist before getting the 3rd shot in any case just because they can offer guidance and recommendations specific to you.

You can make an appointment online at CVS and you put in the date of your last shot, mark that you're immunosuppressed and getting a 3rd shot, put your zipcode and whether you got the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine and it will show you options of several local stores offering that vaccine and walk you through setting a date and time for your shot. Make sure to bring your vaccine card with you to the appointment. :)

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to aben

Your step by step instructions on how to register at CVS website is clear and helpful. Thank you.

TaffyTwoshoes27 profile image
TaffyTwoshoes27 in reply to Warrior1211

I entered “Covid vaccine close to me” and was sent to vaccines.gov/It allows up you to use your location. There you will find Walgreens, CVS, local county Health Centers, etc. offering the third vaccine.

I signed up for an appointment at Walgreens near my home for tomorrow, but their online questionnaire did not ask if this would be my third shot. It wanted the date and manufacturer of my first shot. It let me make the appt for the “second” shot of Pfizer, but I believe all the shot ingredients and amounts (with Pfizer) are the same, so I don’t think Walgreens will deny giving it to me.

CVS, on the other hand, allowed visitor to their site to indicate it will be the third shot.

They do not require proof of immunocompromised situation, and since my Neph told me years ago that I am immunosuppressive, I’m getting it so I feel more comfortable going out of my house!

Georgia has only a 47% vaccine rate, and I have talked to numerous people who refuse to get vaccinated — EVEN MY DIALYSIS CLINIC STAFF! I believe Fresenius and other dialysis facilities should mandate the vaccine among their staff members. Allegedly, all nursing home staff members will be required to be vaccinated by 9/30/21.

I have not been transplanted yet, but with an 8 GFR and on PD dialysis for 5 yrs, I think I qualify.

Israel and Germany are already giving 3rd vaccine for citizens over 50 yrs old - no matter health status.

Pfizer is allegedly going to pass the approval process with the FDA tomorrow, August 23.

Good luck!

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to TaffyTwoshoes27

Thank you so much for your message; and hopefully, you will be transplanted soon. My GFR was 7 when I had my kidney transplant surgery.

TaffyTwoshoes27 profile image
TaffyTwoshoes27 in reply to Warrior1211

Well, my transplant hospital put me on “inactive” status until the results of a Heart Catheterization test this Thurs Aug 26. My Nuclear Stress test was “okay” according to my cardiologist (he saw a slight irregularity, but nothing to get panicked about), but the Transplant Hospital wants this Heart Cath test done before they will put me back to “active”.

This is my 3rd time for the 2-year re-evaluation (6.5 yrs on waitlist). I find it stressful! I feel as though if you’re TOO healthy, they keep putting off the transplant, and if you aren’t healthy enough, they disqualify you!

I am now 66 and sometimes think it will be less stressful to just stay off the list and do PD the rest of my life! I saw someone on FB that did PD for 15 yrs!

How long were you on the wait list? My sister offered her kidney many years ago, and then lied that she called the donor coordinator, and then reneged on helping at all. Very hurtful.

I’m happy for you that you got your transplant! I haven’t had one offer from anyone I know.

Bax509 profile image
Bax509 in reply to TaffyTwoshoes27

Mhusband27 - I just wanted to say I had a similar experience with several friends and family members who were all gung ho to donate, some got tested and went pretty far down the process and then for a variety of reasons bailed. It's not that I was entitled to their organs but to get hopes up then have them dashed was a very painful roller coaster so I sympathize with you and hope you get an offer soon. At one point my husband and I decided to use social media to look for a donor. Ultimately my brother in law became my donor after a prolonged waiting period (lots of issues external and internal). But the waiting can be so difficult - you have a large group of folks here who understand where you're coming from...

TaffyTwoshoes27 profile image
TaffyTwoshoes27 in reply to Bax509

Thank you for the inspiration. I guess it is in God’s hands! I started a thread a couple weeks ago about losing hope. It is doubly hard in a pandemic to be alone (not married; no kids).But, words of inspiration help!!

Bax509 profile image
Bax509 in reply to TaffyTwoshoes27

the pandemic has been especially brutal in that regard - I hear you. Try to keep reaching out in this group or whatever social support system you have. I know it's easier when you are alone with your thoughts over time to become despondent. That's when it's time to reach out and maybe get a reality check or support from a local or online friend - outside perspective can be useful 😊! But it is normal to feel what you are feeling. Take care!

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to TaffyTwoshoes27

Please don’t…we are here for you and understand what you are going through…Take care…

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to Bax509

How true!!!! We all are in the same boat here and understand. I don’t like when people giving me false hope. Like what you said, it’s not that we are entitled but at the same time, we don’t deserve lies from anyone either.Glad that you got your well-deserved kidney. How are you doing with your new friend?

Bax509 profile image
Bax509 in reply to Warrior1211

Getting stronger all the time, labs are good - hell, labs are GREAT. The first month was kind of tricky with a low-grade rejection treated by enormously huge doses of steroids (which of course create a whole other set of issues)...But gradually things are looking up and I can't wait until Covid and my docs allow me back in the world! My donor had a rough couple of days in the beginning but was back to work part time in a month and is feeling great now. Very very grateful.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to Bax509

I, too, can’t wait for the COVID to be under control…I haven’t seen my mom for more than 3 years and was planning to celebrate her 80th birthday this year in September. I guess we have to celebrate her 81st birthday instead.

in reply to Bax509

It really takes a very special person to donate a kidney. In fact, there are only 6500 living donors each year in the United State. My wife donated as part of a four person swap last September. I tell her “du bist ein Engel” “you are an angel”. I received a kidney because of my wife.

I also had three people willing to donate. Two of the three were totally committed. However, one had diabetes snd the other committed just as my wife was accepted.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to TaffyTwoshoes27

I sure do understand what you were talking about as I had the same experience. When I first found out that I had CKD, my sister said that she would be willing to be a donor. However, she never called the donor department or mentioned giving me one of her kidneys. It hurt tremendously. Then, my husband went through the evaluation process and he was barely be able to be a living donor. Although he could be my direct donor, we decided to participate in the SWAP program in hope of being able to help others (my husband’s blood type is O and mine is B). I was on the waiting list for about 4 years. Transplant was on December 11, 2018 for a two-way SWAP.Good luck and don’t lose hope. We all are here for you.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Warrior1211

I didn't know SWAP program requires such a long wait! You had to wait 4 years after you got in?

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to LisaSnow

I apologize that I didn’t make it clear. I was on the general/national waiting list for 4 years. Then my husband got the clearance as a living donor. If I were to continue to wait for a deceased donor, I was told that it might be 12 years wait because of my blood type. The SWAP took about 2 months to finalize…

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Warrior1211

So happy for you that it worked out!

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to LisaSnow

Thank you…

TaffyTwoshoes27 profile image
TaffyTwoshoes27 in reply to Warrior1211

Well...we O+ people seem to have the longest wait these days -- at least in my region (GA). They are now predicting 10 years -- even with the new initiative to widen the distance for receiving kidneys in our area. We have 3 Transplant Facilities in GA: 2 in Atlanta area; one in Augusta.

There are, I think, 2 hospitals close to my sister in Spartanburg, SC, but even after I asked her to help me, she would not reply to my email.

I am afraid to worsen (if possible!) our already strained relationship. Maybe some day!

Thanks for your words of encouragement and your relating to my feelings about family issues!

Dmbyrne profile image

Go to CVS, Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Kroger. They all are offering Pfizer. I got mine there Sat am. I provided my vaccination (Covid) history card and told her I had a kidney transplant 4 years ago. That’s it, very easy experience. Good luck!

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to Dmbyrne

Thank you so much for the information. I am happy to hear that your experience was an easy one.

Sdey22 profile image

I got jab#3 at the same pharmacy where I received #1 & 2 of Pfizer. CDC guidelines did mention you should try to get #3 of the same manufacturer 'IF POSSIBLE'. They indicated it was OK to receive either the Pfizer or Moderna.

Also, your transplant center/Hospital should also be able to put your mind at ease by confirming the official guidelines . Most centers have sent out letters to their patients (via health portals etc)

At this time, for folks who are immunocompromised, many pharmacies have supply of both the vaccines - you could call before going over or check before making an appointment. I have heard, Walgreen pharmacies are offering both, so you can ask for the one you need/want.

Good luck!

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to Sdey22

Thank you so much for your reply. I got my #1 & #2 at the hospital but the hospital doesn’t offer the same brand for #3. I began to worry and tried to reach out to my coordinator for guidance. Unfortunately, up till now, I still have not heard from her. Thanks to all of you, I was able to make a comfortable decision and got my #3 shot too.

Kimmy930 profile image

I believe Walgreens and CVS suggest you just walk in. I received my #3 booster Friday by just walking into my Walgreens. This is where I received 1 & 2. Call before you go to find out what vaccine they are using.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to Kimmy930

True, it is important to call ahead of time to find out if the 3rd shot is offered. At first, I thought all locations would offer #3 but in reality, that’s not the case.

TaffyTwoshoes27 profile image
TaffyTwoshoes27 in reply to Warrior1211

I would try the internet first. I got my #3 at Walgreens yesterday, but they had only 2 people behind the Pharmacy counter and they were busy as heck! Phones ringing, ppl pulling up at the drive-up window for the Covid test, prescriptions, etc.

Go to vaccines.gov and find closest place to your house. You will speed up process immensely if you make an appt at Walgreens, and print and fill out the Walgreens 2-page form before you go. They’ll make you fill it out when you get there. I moved ahead of the line because I had filled mine out at home & I had an appointment. They want your CDC card, plus they wanted my Red, White & Blue Medicare card (even tho I showed them my Humana Medicare card). They’ll add your #3 shot to your CDC card.

My appt was 2:45 pm and I thought it seemed crowded (abt 10 ppl waiting for scripts, Covid tests & vaccines).

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to TaffyTwoshoes27

Great tips…much appreciated…

Bax509 profile image

I'm in Oklahoma and the drug store CVS is offering both Moderna and Pfizer

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to Bax509

Great! Thank you.

Gardner-NY profile image

The Walgreens had Pfizer vaccine but the pharmacy had way too many people waiting around, so we left and went back to the pharmacy at Hannaford grocery store where we live in NY. I hope you also do your research about the very limited abilities these covid19 vaccines give whole organ transplant recepients due to taking antirejection meds. I've kept up with John Hopkins medical on this topic and a few other medical establishments in the US and abroad and wish more antibodies would occur for this category of people,like my spouse with a kidney transplant. Please don't be 'care free' thinking after 2 or 3 vaccine shots you are safe against covid, because you are not.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to Gardner-NY

Thank you so much for your message and reminder! Indeed, we need to be extra careful.

Gardner-NY profile image

HI , I hope more people are doing research on whole organ transplant and covid19 vaccinations. This is all new to medicine and that is why its imperative people and others that live in the same home as transplant recepients know about this topic . The national news rarely ever covers this topic indepth. Take care and do something you enjoy for yourself today.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to Gardner-NY

Thank you for your encouragement…I will try to pick up my hobby again—knitting and crocheting…

4MyHealth2 profile image

What does your transplant team advise? Have you tried CVS or Walgreens? I got mine at CVS; it was an easy process and they provided online verification of booster receipt. I was able to add to my facility patient info.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to 4MyHealth2

I was unable to reach my new post transplant coordinator. I finally went to a local grocery store to get #3 as suggested from the wonderful individuals in this forum.

4MyHealth2 profile image
4MyHealth2 in reply to Warrior1211

Great! I’ve had my transplant over 7 years, but just joined. Much bigger reaction this round for me - high fever, achey muscles and joints, nausea and fatigue for 2 days. So glad I did over the weekend as was completely out of commission. Had you experienced the same?

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to 4MyHealth2

Hello, sorry for the late reply. The injection site was more painful than #1 & 2 and lasted for two days. I had Moderna for all 3 shots. Hope you feel better now.

PinkCashmere320 profile image

I was able to get my 3rd Moderna shot last week at CVS. My harm hurt like heck and the next day I awoke with a piercing sinus headache and was very congested. I took some Tylenol and store brand Nyquil and was down and out for the day. The next day everything felt a lot better.

Warrior1211 profile image
Warrior1211 in reply to PinkCashmere320

Thanks for your message. Glad that you were able to get #3. Hope you feel better today.

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