Had a fairly good first six months after transplant. No real problems except low BP and some electrolyte imbalances (e.g. low magnesium). Recently, had trouble with a low WBC and Nuetrophils. They removed the anti viral (valcyte) and everything returned to normal. However, they put me on Dapsone (e.g. anti-infective) and removed it after two weeks due to, I believe, dropping hemoglobin. Now that's getting better but my creatine rose from 1.21 to 1.35. Normally, my creatinine ranges between 1.15 and 1.25. My TAC was 6.1 (should be between 6-8). Since it has been unseasonably warm in Chicagoland over the past week, I thought I may have be a bit dehydrated but my Urinalysis specific gravity is 1.008. So they said I wasn't "dry" yet my urine was more yellow than usual. And, I didn't drink a whole lot on Tuesday morning/afternoon. I started slamming water Tuesday evening.
The creatinine of 1.35 has been my highest since the transplant. It was 1.33 at the beginning of November but slowly came down to my baseline (mentioned above). I'm just a little freaked out! Any thoughts? Or, thoughts from prior experience?
Also, should note that I've tested negative, repeatedly, for BK, CMV, and Epstein Barr.