I know everyone is different but my husband has 6% kidney function and isn't on dialysis. He still doesn't have any real symptoms except for itchy skin and a little tired. Any advice on how long someone can have a low GFR like that before having to do dialysis or transplant? Like I said I know everyone is different but wanted others opinions.
GFR 6: I know everyone is different but my... - Kidney Transplant

Is he working with a transplant team yet? Nephrologist? One of my friends I met got her transplant when her GFR was at 6 %. If not, I suggest he meet with Dr’s immediately!
His blood work will let his doctor know when he must go on dialysis. Don't forget regular blood work to ensure no "invisible damage" is going on.
My nephrologist said that you had to look at how the person was doing and functioning, not just the numbers. With me, it was the trend in the numbers that got him to send me to the transplant team.
I was only working on 8% with no symptoms except for itchy skin no blood pressure and not on dialysis I was told once they went to 8% I would be getting a stent in my arm luckily I hot a kidney before that happened . I'd speak to your transplant team . Good luck
I'm at 10%. I'm always tired and fatigue quickly when doing minor tasks such as walking up stairs and painting. I've had night time itching for the last two years. I'm on the list however my Nephrologist says I'm doing good and no need to start dialysis any time soon.
I went down to 8% - then went on dialysis but no symptoms was working full time plus a 2 hour commute.
Hi, my GFR was 11 two months before I received my transplant. I had the surgery for a fistula in case I had to have dialysis. I actually was out shopping the day they called me for a transplant. I never felt bad before my transplant. I was lucky and grateful to have received my transplant I actually came home the next day and did not have to take any pain meds. I had pain but not so bad. He should be prepared as it could happen quickly. I was on the list as soon as my GFR got down to 17. I was on the waiting list for 320 days.
He is in the danger zone, he should talk to his doctor and consider starting dialysis as soon.
Thank you for replying!