Hello, I've donated my kidney to my old man around 3 years ago. We're both fine with regular check ups every now and then. Recently, I've started hitting the gym again 3 years after the operation. With my last check up, all my statistics were normal with the exception of about Medium-high cholesterol (which prompted me to work out again). Unfortunately, I'm getting hooked again to working out (was working out quite often before the surgery). I'm 29 years old now and I would like to know if Protein shakes/powder have any effects on people who have donated their kidneys? I have one kidney right now... My dad said I was all right now since I gave him my left kidney...
Protein shakes for Kidney Donor? - Kidney Transplant
Protein shakes for Kidney Donor?

Cial: Since you have a functioning kidney that is good enough to maintain normal test results in periodic check, I guess there is nary a reason why you cannot take your favorite protein supplements as any normal person. You, the normal guy, donated a kidney. The other kidney is working. Well? Jerem
Hi Cial,
I know this post was 9 months ago but I encourage you to reach out to the Transplant Center you went to and ask to speak with the Registered Dietitian regarding any sort of nutrition/protein/herbal supplements. As a general guideline, the Transplant Center I work at discouraged use of nutrition/protein/herbal supplements after kidney donation. So many of these products contain ingredients that can interact with prescription or over the counter drugs, are not regulated, and haven't been studied in people with a wide variety of health conditions (including having one kidney). The Transplant Registered Dietitian would be able to investigate any supplements you were interested in to make sure they are safe. Excessive protein intake may harm the kidneys and you want to protect what you have left! It is likely that you will be able to meet your nutrition needs with real foods (meat, fish, eggs, plant protein), and won't require the use of supplements.