Go ahead and get your fistula. If you wait too long you will need a chest port and they arr dangerous. Start investigating dialysis clinics in your area so you can pick the one you like and not the one that can fit hou in. Transplants are not always a perfect solution. There is much they dont tell you that I have learnef first hand from recepients. Personally, at 59 on dialysis for 7 months, I would rather have dislysis thsn another kidney. Someone younger may feel different. Come to term with the fact that your life will require diffrent management but can still be very meaningful.
Dialysis fear.: Go ahead and get your... - Kidney Transplant
Dialysis fear.

Wise words and thanks for sharing your experience. I am around the same age as you and have stage 5 CKD. I have been to the local dialysis centre to discuss the various types and pros and cons of each but have not gone any further than that. They did cover transplant and the fact that this requires anti rejection medication and you can't go out in the sun for the rest of your life.
I think that a lot of you have misconceptions about having a kidney transplant and how wonderful life can be after. I am almost 19 years post-transplant (1999, when I was 49). Yes I do take anti-rejection drugs and will for the rest of my life. Are there side-effects? Yes, but if you have a good transplant team they can help you to work them out, with lower dosages and sometimes changing meds.
Until I retired in 2016, I worked full-time and had a very rewarding career running a nonprofit. My husband and I have taken trips across the USA. I have hiked the high-line trail in Glacier National Park. We travel at least once a year to the Caribbean or Mexico. And yes, I am in the sun. I am just very careful to use sunscreen and have had no problems. We have been to Europe and explored where my grandparents were born & raised.
I am having a wonderful LIFE post transplant thanks to my 16 year old donor and the goodness of God and I have a hard time understanding how someone wouldn't want the same quality of life. Because of one person's experience don't let that stop you or afraid of a transplant. I can understand someone's apprehension with the need for a 2nd transplant, but your quality of life
My husband had a tough time with in Center dialysis so we went to training and did home hemodialysis for a year prior to dialysis. I am a RN but you don’t have to have a medical background or a partner with medical background to do this. You could also do peritoneal dialysis at home. Discuss options with your doctor. The doctors work for you! Ask questions. It is your choice. There are many options all with pros and cons. Best of luck.
I have my transplant 24 years. Prior to that, I had a transplant that failed to work. I caught a hospital infection that caused me to go into a coma. I survived, went back on dialysis for a year before receiving the kidney I have now. I was on home hemodialysis a year and a half before the first transplant. I get side effects from the meds and get skin cancers, but I live a normal life. I am going to Hawaii in a little over a week. My life felt very restricted on dialysis even though I did well on it.
Everyone has to do what is right for him or her. Good luck to you.