I had my kidney transplant in April 2008. Last month was my 10th birthday for my new kidney. I am doing fine. Most important thing I have found is you need to take all medicines on time and regularly. Follow up with your renal clinic and do what they say.
Just Had 10th Anniversary : I had my... - Kidney Transplant
Just Had 10th Anniversary

CONGRATULATIONS on 10 wonderful years! Isn't LIFE wonderful! I am 18 years post transplant - in fact Oct 15 is my 19th anniversary. Seems like you know what you have to do....take all your meds on time, see your transplant team/nephrologist like advised and do your labs as ordered.
How is your creatinine? Even though I am doing fine, I still "hold my breathe" waiting for my test results. I think that is part of the "game" we play.
Best of luck to you and continue to let us know how you are doing!
Yesterday was my 22 year anniversary. I too hold my breath waiting for lab results but how lucky we are to have made it this far!
Congratulations! I have mine 24 years and still hold my breath until I get my test results.
That is awesome! I’m curious as to what meds you are on
I take Gengraf, which is cyclosporine, mycofenolate mofetil, which is celcept, and prednisone. They are older drugs, but work well for me.
Hola Anne627, yo tambien tomo Cell-Cept 250 mg y Prednisona. Me gustaria conversar contigo!, seria posible? Ademas tomo Rapamune 1,5 mg, tengo 37 años de transplante renal, soy de Chile, Sudamerica. Cuando llevaba un año de transplante quede embarazada de mi tercer hijo.
Muchas bendiciones para ti!!!, Chicho

Chico, lo siento, no hablo mucho espanol. Muchas bendiciones para ti.
AWESOME! I will be 8 years post transplant in July and I think we all do the same thing when it comes time for bloods. Keep on keeping on!!!! Congrats!

I am glad I am not the only one that holds their breath waiting for lab results!!!!!
Congrats all....you are super fantastic! We love our "new" kidney!!!
Congratulations! I will hit my 1 year post anniversary on June 6th! Glad to hear I'm not the only one that holds their breath for every lab! Haha! Still getting used to some side effects but my kidney is working like a champ!
Congratulations to all of you! Great to hear how long everyone has had their new kidney! It's very hopeful to hear to those of us "newbies".
We have MyChart to see the lab. I know the results post at 905 am and I am logging in at 906. And it is for my husband! I am the donor. But my doc freaks out if Cr. Goes up even .1.
Hola Jenny0604 , no te preocupes!!! yo llevo 37 años de transplante y me pasa lo mismo que todos uds,!!! cuando espero el resultado de mis examenes!!! jajaja
salud cordiales y muchas bendiciones, Chicho
Congrats your right I thank God daily, take melds, eat health, stay connected to your team of Doctor and exercise. That has been the key to me preparing to celebrate 31 years.
Felicitaciones por tu reciente cumpleaños!!! Sigue asi!!! Yo he hecho lo mismo que tu, llevo 37 años de transplante renal, me dono el riñon uno de mis hermanos. Cuando llevaba 1 año de transpl. quede embarazada de mi tercer hijo....y los doctores nos habian dicho a mi marido y a mi, que no podria tener mas hijos. Otra linda bendicion de Dios en mi vida!!
Muc bendiciones!! Chicho
Hola, claro q si que hay que tomar todos los medicamentos y visitar al Nefrologo con examenes!! Por eso es que llevo 37 años de transplante renal !
Que estes muy bien!!! Bendiciones!! Chicho
HJtduke, Felicitaciones por tus 10 años de transplante renal!! Sigue asi y cumpliras muchos mas!!! Fui una de las pioneras en transplante renal en Chile, Sudamerica, proxima a cumplir 38 años!! Muchos saludos, Chicho
Have any of you long timers had rejection episodes or bumps in the road? Congrats to you all