My transplant is scheduled for Tuesday! I'm incredibly nervous. Tell me about your transplant? The good and the bad please!
Tuesday is the day!: My transplant is... - Kidney Transplant
Tuesday is the day!

Dear i did not come to know anything after anesthesia was administered to me and i was only feeling back pain after i gained consciousness after transplant.
Best of Luck 😊
Brandy, best wishes ... I hope it goes 100% great ... it was difficult for awhile, it’s a major trauma to the body but be patient and I remember my surgeon drilled into my head that I MUST stay positive ... he said the doctors nurses medicines all can be great but ultimately the best healer is our attitude ... so I guess just take the recovery one day at a time and not too far down the road you’ll be feeling so much better it will be surreal ... be patient and stay positive ...
I echo the other responders. Stay positive. The post op pain gets less each day. If your experience is anything like mine it is the juggling of the dosage of your meds to get your kidney functioning optimally that takes time. Good luck

I felt fabulous after the surgery. Minimal pain that you’d expect but was out if the hospital the morning of the 4th day and took some pain medication with me but never took it once I return to home other than Tylenol. I rested and took care of myself and eight properly and things came around rather quickly for me. I even took walks every day to ensure that I got everything working correctly and that the incision didn’t sit around and get sore. I hope you had the same experience . Medication adjustment is the key work with your doctors on that and you should be fine. Praying that you have it as easy as I did I’m doing fine and my kidneyversary will be Nov 4. I’m two years old now
Congratulations and I'll be praying for you. I was somewhat nervous but excited. The Kidney took immediately which was good. After my surgery and I got out of recovery and into my room the nurses instantly had me to get up and try walking. It hurt so bad but I had to try. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days and that following Monday started my checkups at the Dialysis Transplant Institute here in Dallas, TX.

Congratulations on your transplant. Don't even think about the bad! Think about the gift. I am a living donor to my husband. He had some ups and downs but sure beats dialysis! Just realize that this is a gift that will require your care, think of it like a new puppy! Best of luck, prayers. Check in with us after.

Happy Transplant day! Lots of positive energy coming your way!
Mine went great with minimal pain after. Walk constantly in the hospital and continued once home( helped to get rid of the gas and bloat). 4 years post transplant and doing really well - Scuba Diving again
I had my transplant 3 yrs. Ago everything it's been wonderful.
Good luck with your Transplant, I had one 12 years ago & im doing wonderful. You are in pain a little at first, you have to get used to the medication but getting life back is worth it. 🙏
Hi Brandy! First congratulations on the transplant, second always remember that things will get better. Its been 2 months since my transplant, and things are going well. The things that I wish I knew are that its not an immediate fix, and it will take time for you to feel " normal ". The constant monitoring , the fatigue, and the adjustment of meds gets a bit daunting but it is a definite change. I love my new life not on dialysis and all the time I now have to spend with my grandkids. I hope all goes well with you and follow your teams directions. Best of luck to you !

How are you feeling?
Hey friends! I can't thank you all enough for your words of encouragement. My surgery went well. I'm catheter free. I'm downto one line. My incision site is a little sore but doing better. I'm actually producing urine and my creatinine is the lowest I've seen in years! Thank you all so much for sharing your stories. Please keep in touch with me from here on out! Love to you all
Amen! Glad to hear everything went well.
Hi Brandy....How did it go? I can imagine life is better. Please update us. Prayers