Athlete/meds/ "gas shoulder" post surgery? - Kidney Donation

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Athlete/meds/ "gas shoulder" post surgery?

KarenHope profile image
14 Replies

I read, here, about "gas pain" in shoulder post surgery. What causes it and did you experience it? Did you have medication dosages lowered? What about antibiotics, immunizations? I do kettle bell and spinning. It sounds, from reading through our site, that these will be off limits to me for six months. Having been more or less and athlete all my life I believe six months off will deteriorate my body to such a degree it will be questionable to return to pre surgery status - 'cause I am in the beginning of old: let's call it 70.

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KarenHope profile image
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14 Replies
Happydonor profile image

Karen -- I was warned about the gas pain in the shoulders/upper back following donation but fortunately it never materialized.

KarenHope profile image
KarenHope in reply to Happydonor

YAY. I'll go for that :).

marcyc profile image
marcycNKF AmbassadorNKF Peer Mentor

The gas pain is caused by the gas they give you when they inflate your abdomen for laparoscopic surgery. It will dissipate in a day or so. Better if you get up walking. Limitation of activity such as weights is more like 6 weeks. You can walk, run..ask your surgeon or transplant coordinator.

KarenHope profile image
KarenHope in reply to marcyc

I live in a different state than the state where the surgery takes place. I will attempt to be recommended to a nephrologist near me for follow-up. I am thrilled to be on this site with all of you. From you all I learn much, very much and will come here for continued questions, eventually to share whatever happens with me for others, too. I wish we had a research set-up so that in ten, twenty , and for the younger folks much longer; follow up.

I understand that it's the anesthesia that causes the "gas pain" in the shoulders, and it was suggested that your bring some GasX to the hospital with you so you can use that to help alleviate the pain. I think if you take things slowly and don't overdo it, you don't have to wait 6 months to do ANY physical activity. Do something low-stress to keep healthy until you can get back to spinning and any other more rigorous activity. Interestingly, I heard you can't be a kidney donor after 65, so good for you!

KarenHope profile image
KarenHope in reply to Crocheting-Cricket

Thank you. Yes, being an athlete all my life kept me in good shape so that 70 is the new 60. Only 60 is way younger to me, now. My skin in some places is just beginning to show that old age crinkle. This is my beginning of winter, which, thank goodness, I love. It was ballet most of my life and then rigorous exercise classes in which I adapt the classes moves into ballet form. I have to because that's the ways my muscles roll.

vegiedonor profile image

You should be back in shape within 6 weeks at the latest. Us old folks are pretty tough although I wouldn't advise any bungee jumping for the first two weeks. I think we have to many out of shape medical providers giving over cautious advise. Wait for your surgeon to give you the okay. I had "gas" pain for two days. Mostly annoying during the day and just took a OTC light medication (one tablet)l at night to get to sleep. What's weird is having pains on the other side of your body from the surgery nowhere near your kidney. But that I'm told is normal.

KarenHope profile image

Thank you. Also, ha, okay no bungee jumping.

If you get that gas pain, what worked for me was taking a walk, then having someone apply pressure to the shoulders. One palm on each side and squeeze. Almost like a massage but just a targeted hard pressure. I felt like it broke up the gas that collected in the shoulders so that it would dissipate or I could pass it. I don’t know if it was mental or really made sense from a physiological standpoint but it worked for me and that pain is gone now.

That same technique worked after my laparoscopic appendix removal.

KarenHope profile image

Good to know!

Lolly2721 profile image

I am also an athlete and had some "gas shoulder" for a few days. My husband massaged my shoulders one night and walking around helped dissipate it. I am being told to take it easy as we ease back into the activities that made us healthy enough for donation to begin with. I'm being advised to walk a lot more and ease into my jogging and weight training. Maybe you can slowly pedal a stationary bike when released to do so and work your way up. It will work out for you, I just know it!

BigTerp44 profile image

KarenHope-Gas pain for me last 3 days post op. Walking was best way to relive it. Felt more like a cramp but it was a small price to pay. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I am now 53 and play competitive soccer every week. I try to watch my diet and water intake. Best Wishes.

Crocheting-Cricket profile image
Crocheting-Cricket in reply to BigTerp44

Thanks for your comments! Did you take any GasX to help the pain, too? Seems like that is highly recommended on this post.

cielito profile image

I don’t think GasX would help as the air is not in the digestive track but out in the body. It does surprise me that I am just now getting that pain at two weeks out. I was hoping I was in the mend. Walking, Tylenol, and massage seem to help

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