My living donor wants to know how long her actual surgery will be. Does anyone know? Thank you in advance!!
How long is donor surgery?: My living donor... - Kidney Donation
How long is donor surgery?

Lots of variables here like which type of procedure is being done. My laparoscopic procedure was about 1 1/2 - 2 hours. There is also some recovery time after coming out of the OR.
The best thing to do would be to contact the coordinator and ask this question.
Congrats on getting a Donor and a new kidney! Good luck to both of you.

I am a living donor as well. Agree with the 1.5 to 2 hour estimate but there can be a lot of variation. Agree that your donor should go to class and call the living donor coordinator with questions.

My donorvwas about the 1-1/2 to 2 hrs
My experience was different from the others who have replied so far. Not that it matters much because you are knocked out and have no concept of time. It is a major surgery and took me 4 hours. Depending on the facility you are in, it is also considered a routine surgery. Mine was done with the University of Minnesota Medical Center - and at the time of my surgery in 2009 they were doing the most kidney transplants per year of any facility in the world.
Because mine was done in a teaching hospital, it is possible that mine took longer because there are two of everybody - two surgeons, two of every OR nurse, two anesthesiologist, etc., because there are fellows and med students assigned to your case. It was an interesting experience! I felt lucky that I had that. For example, to meet with two surgeons makes you feel really taken care of. I had my transplant surgeon, and she had a partner - he was already a surgeon in his fellowship to become a transplant surgeon. He did the entire surgery with her supervision, except for the part where they reach in and take your kidney out. She did that.