I'm have joined this Group on Behalf of My Boyfriend who is Dire Need of a Kidney Transplant. He was weeks away from actually Scheduling his Surgery when his Donor got rejected at the last minute
Desperate for a Kidney Donor : I'm have... - Kidney Donation
Desperate for a Kidney Donor

I'm sorry to hear that, I've been in the same position with my dad being my donor, and having a surgery date and it's hard. I'm 38 years old and I've started dialysis 4 weeks ago. I know this isn't an ideal fix but it would allow you time and isn't as bad as you build up in your head. Have they talked about dialysis and going on the transplant list? What's your boyfriends current renal function?
I'm sorry it's a horrible situation to be in.
Thank you so much for your Support. He's not at the point of needing Dialysis just yet but getting close. His level is at 6 and he has less than 20 percent Kidney function.. Was so close then it all fell through... we do appreciate hearing that Dialysis is as bad as we have heard from some. Best of luck to you. I hope it Happens for you Very Soon! Thank you for Responding we Deeply Appreciate That
I'm guessing you are based in the US as they seem to start dialysis a lot sooner than in the UK. Here generally people start between gfr of 8 to 12. I started at get 2.5 which I would recommend but had complication.i was only diagnosed at gfr of 20 and coped for 18years with medication and diet. Hopefully you can delay dialysis, have you seen a renal dietician or been given any advise. You can't cure this disease but some are lucky to delay the progression.
Good luck and I hope you can try with another live donor option
Sorry to hear. I am waiting for a kidney transplant for about 6 months. Glad to hear you are a supportive girlfriend. Being a caretaker is a thankless job. Kidney disease has completely changed just about every aspect of my life. I hate this disease and especially dialysis. I have terrible periods of irritability and depression. I also hate what it has done to my family. They are in constant fear and dread that I will die. I have made my parents old before their time with worry. I hope you are taking care of yourself. I wish you and your guy much peace. Let me know how things progress.
Sorry to hear about your situation, I had a donor who backed out at the last minute, just got cold feet I guess. I have been waiting for over 9 months now, on dialysis and I have no support network to speak of. Your boyfriend is truly lucky to have someone who cares enough to speak out on his behalf and be there for him. It is not an easy road to have to go down and not for the faint of heart. Wishing you all the best.
So sorry to hear this has happened. I donated to my husband and we both recall the stress of the phone ringing with a request for another test! I’m optimistic you will find or receive another donor soon! Stay positive!
I’m 25 and I too have kidney disease I’ve been on dialysis for 4 years and have been really close to transplantation day before surgery I was rejected because my hemoglobin dropped tremendously... I’m still waiting..