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Kidney Donation

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SandiLemus profile image
43 Replies

Hello!! I'm currently testing to see if I can be a living donor for my husband. Hoping to chat with someone who has gone through the process. :)

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SandiLemus profile image
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43 Replies
LivingDonor2003 profile image
LivingDonor2003NKF AmbassadorNKF Peer Mentor

Welcome Sandi! There are several of us here that have are living donors and we would be happy to answer any questions that you have. There are even a couple of us that are Peer Mentors with the National Kidney Foundation so we have had a little bit of training to help prospective donors with questions. Ask away and good luck with your testing!

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toLivingDonor2003

Thank you. The process seems to take so long but I'm sure I'm feeling this way because I would just like to find out. :)

Sulyn profile image
Sulyn in reply toSandiLemus

Hello Sandi

I gave my husband a kidney 6 years ago and I began the process around mid April and our operation was on June 28th - so the testing process took just a little over 2 months. Some of the bloodwork was done at our local lab and other tests such as kidney function and kidney measurements were done at the hospital where the transplant was done - Columbia Presbyterian in NYC. At the end of the testing process I also met with the kidney transplant psychiatrist. My operation was done by laparoscopy and I was able to go home after 2 nights. A friend stayed at home with us for around a week, however, I was mobile and could take showers and prepare some meals, however could not bend down to pick up items. I started driving in about 4-6 weeks. During that period I tired easily; however, with each day improved. I was 64 years old. I wish you and your husband the best.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toSulyn

Thank you for responding. How amazing that you could help your husband. I have gotten such helpful information from those who have responded. I wish our process was as quick as yours but I know that everything works out as it should, when it should so I'm learning patience. :) Did you find that you're back to your pre-procedure self or do you feel tired quicker, more often? Thank you. :)

Sulyn profile image
Sulyn in reply toSandiLemus

Hello Sandi

I gave my husband my kidney when I was 64 and I am now 70. I have more energy now than I did even before I gave the kidney. This is due to walking 5-6 days a week for 40 to 50 minutes. Also we belong to the Y and I do zumba dance and use the treadmill if not walking on the track. With a healthy diet and an exercise plan we are feeling well physically as well as mentally. We try our best so that we can have enough energy to occasionally baby sit for our 2 year old granddaughter! We wish you the best with your kidney donation - the happiness it brings to you and the donor is wonderful.

katiw profile image
katiw in reply toSandiLemus

Good morning! I donated 3.5 years ago and was back to work and the gym at four weeks post transplant, resuming all normal activities. After the first few weeks where I did tire easily, I was back to my old self. No changes in my overall health and my nephrologist says I'm extremely healthy now.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply tokatiw

Wow...thats awesome!! I'm hoping to be back to pre-procedure life as soon as possible. I have a hard time sitting still...hahaha. Enjoy your day!!

SoniaBrummer profile image
SoniaBrummer in reply toSandiLemus

I think I was 100% back to pre-procedure self after 5 months. That included running and yoga at the level I had been previously. I was in the hospital for 3 days. I went back to work part time (desk job) after 2 weeks. Full time after about 4 weeks I think. You sleep like a baby - literally! I think I was sleeping 12-14 hrs a night and still taking 1-2 naps each day in the beginning. So the part time work was really because I got SO tired that I needed to go home and go back to sleep. I started doing more than just walking after a couple months. Spent time working on flexibility. Added more and more activities for a couple months and then was back to myself again. Everyone's recovery is so different. I did meet a woman who rushed hers and had to have surgery for a hernia. Don't rush into things!

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toSoniaBrummer

Thank you for your 3 responses!! All the info you shared is so helpful. I agree, we all heal differently. I currently don't sleep well and look forward to 12 to 14 hours of sleep...laughing.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toLivingDonor2003

Do you know about how many different tests I'll need to take?

LivingDonor2003 profile image
LivingDonor2003NKF AmbassadorNKF Peer Mentor in reply toSandiLemus

Unfortunately not really. I can tell you that in my case I took an initial blood test to determine initial eligibility. About 3 weeks later I went through 2 1/2 days of extensive testing. Found out a few days after that that I could donate. I worked some work and travel details (I was in the Army when I donated) and our surgeries were scheduled for Valentine's Day. From blood test to transplant was only 2 months for us. From what I can tell that was pretty quick.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toLivingDonor2003

Wow!! That was quick!! My process started in July (blood tests) and I found out I was blood type compatible. I did more blood work this past Friday and am waiting on the next step. Slow going.

SoniaBrummer profile image
SoniaBrummer in reply toSandiLemus

Sandi - so wonderful to hear that you are thinking of donating!! I gave in 2009. I had blood work done and then a 1-day session of extensive testing. I don't remember some of the specifics, but I think from the time I first called the University of MN Medical Center to the time I was approved it was about 2-3 months. They do the most kidney tranplants in the world (I think it is something like 5-8 per week) so their process is pretty efficient.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toSoniaBrummer

That's an amazing thing...donating your kidney!!

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toLivingDonor2003

A user by the name of Russelj1 has a question below regarding being a living donor...can you answer him? Thank you!!)

Hi, Sandy! What a wonderful thing you are wanting to do for your husband! I was a living kidney donor for my husband in May of 2016 and would be happy to help answer any questions you may have. I am also a peer mentor for living kidney donors as well as for dialysis patients.

I see you have already asked a couple of questions, but I can only answer according to my experience as I'm sure, different hospitals will have different methods. We went through a local university hospital, and I was required to do two full days (approximately 8 hours both days) of medical testing. Both days I had to have several vials of blood drawn. I also had to have a scan done to view my kidneys. I had an EKG, other tests, and overall the best medical exam I have ever had in my life. I was asked a series of medical history questions and had to answer questions in order to determine if I was emotionally ready to be a living donor. It is a big decision, after all. The hospital was very strict about us having a strong care team. If you are able to donate to your husband directly or through a cross match, you will both be in need of home care for a while as you will not be allowed to drive or do other everyday tasks. We were fortunate to have wonderful people from our church help us. My process happened rather quickly, although it seemed like an eternity. I was watching my test results come in through my patient portal and was pretty sure I was going to get the approval, but I had to wait for the official say so. Hang in there. I know that the waiting can be the hardest part.

I hope I helped a little. If there is anything else, please ask me, and I'll again answer to the best of my abilities. Good luck! :-)

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply to

Thank you for responding!! You know, I was telling my husband a few weeks ago that testing should just be a couple of long days at the hospital. I'm just being impatient, I guess...hahaha. Luckily my sister has been saving her vacation so she can assist my husband and I. We're very appreciative and fortunate that she's willing to do that. I get a little nervous if I start thinking about the whole thing too much but its mostly due to the unknown at this point. This forum has helped though. Thank you.

in reply toSandiLemus

I'm glad you are finding this forum helpful. I understand completely what you mean about being nervous about the unknown. One thing that I kept reminding myself and my husband about while I waited for the results and then while scheduling the transplant was that the hospital would never approve me if they didn't think I was healthy enough nor a good match for him, either. They want the transplant to be a success, too, for their success rates to be high. You are so fortunate to have your sister there for you. My husband's sister was the last piece to our care plan, as she was the one person who could live with us for a couple of weeks after. I wish you and your husband patience while you wait for your results.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply to

Thank you!!

Michaelynn profile image

I dontated my kidney 3 years ago, I would be glad to answer any questions you might have.

Russelj1 profile image
Russelj1 in reply toMichaelynn

I am interested in donating mine. I have had a neck fusion and i have been I am on painkillers . Does thisaffect the decision on whether you can give? Everything else is fine. Thanks

Michaelynn profile image

I donated a kidney three years ago and I would be glad to answer any questions you might have

Michaelynn profile image

As stated above you will have an extensive to make your your body won't be advert impacted. We knew from the first bloodvtestvwevwere a match, but it took 7 months for the final approval. Then we experienced a delay because if my recipients dental health, of all things . Sickness can effect your teeth, so I would advise your husband to get clearance from his dentist now to save time. Bill had a haveca lot of work done so that added about 2 months! We had our surgeries in April Fools day! I'm impressed with the husband and wife above who did theirs in Valentine's Day. It is truly and act of love! We too got a lot of community support, Bill and I belong to the same church. We were strangers before but have a strong bond now. He was the choir director and I a parishioner. One year after the surgery I joined the choir, so you can imagine how meaning ful that is. I had nonill effect my blood pressure is still quite lie, remarkably! Recovery was a long road. I thought it would be all right to go back to work at four weeks but I was still very much exhausted and took another two weeks off . slowly but surely get back to your old self and right now you would never know that I'm down a kidney.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toMichaelynn

Thank you for responding!! Yes, I thought it was odd too when my husband had to get a dental clearance. I figured he just needed to get EVERYTHING checked out. recovery was a bit longer for you? I figured I would be back to work after a couple of weeks.:)

Michaelynn profile image
Michaelynn in reply toSandiLemus

It can be done, but I was really exhausted. I needed 6 weeks. We did fundraising so that I wouldn't be impacted financially.

Michaelynn profile image
Michaelynn in reply toMichaelynn

I can tell you this was one of the greatest things I ever did. You are so lucky to be able to help your husband like this. God bless you both!

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toMichaelynn

Thank you. I'm happy to be able to do this for him and its pretty exciting that I've gotten this far. I hope so much that I'm his match!! Thank you for sharing your experience with me. Blessings to you!!

marcyc profile image
marcycNKF AmbassadorNKF Peer Mentor

I donated a kidney to my husband in 2015! I would do it again in a minute. The time it takes can be frustrating but be assured that they are keeping you safe! Glad to answer any questions. I am also a RN of 40 years.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply tomarcyc

That's wonderful. Yes...this experience is teaching me patience. I'll be glad when we can get everything taken care of. Blessings to you!!

AH21015 profile image

Welcome Sandi! And donated February 2015 to a stranger! I would love to answer any questions you have.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toAH21015

Thank you. I know everyone is different but what was the healing process for you like?

AH21015 profile image

Well I had a few complications NON-kidney related (GI issues that were trigger by surgery) so I was in the hospital 10 days. But typically its a 2-3 day stay. I could drive on week 5 or 6. Back to work after 9 (I work on my feet in ER but sit down jobs are faster) I was working up around 8. Pain was not bad at all, I took tylenol for pain maybe 2 days.

Hi! I have been approved to donate a kidney to my boyfriend. We are tentatively scheduled for November 13. He has to have a couple more tests done before they will clear him for surgery, so we won't know for sure until October 20th. I have had to learn patience as well. I started the process in July and did all the testing in August. I know it's not really a long time, but it certainly felt like it. I am excited to be able to do this for him and hope that we are able to go ahead with it on Nov 13. I would be happy to keep in touch with you on how things go. Good luck!!!

Maddisson profile image
Maddisson in reply to

Wonderful news! All the best on the 20th!!

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply to

Wow!! The process seems to have gone quickly for you. How exciting!! I have an appointment with my Rheumatologist on Halloween to see if he'll clear me to donate. Fingers crossed!! Yes, please keep in touch as I'd like to follow your journey!! Enjoy today!!

Karen_Isaacson profile image

Hi! I was blessed to donate to my dear friend even tho we have different blood types. Lots of blood work, a nuclear med study of kidney function, EKG, sessions with MD,MD, social worker. They want to make sure you are very healthy (and not in much danger of needing dialysis yourself),and thoroughly educated. Age is not a deterrent. The criteria are actually less strict if you are over the age of 50. It was a fantastic experience that I liken almost to childbirth!

Happydonor profile image

Sandi -- I donated my kidney 7 years ago at the age of 53. Great experience and really no complications or changes in life style post surgery. It did take 4 to 6 weeks to get full energy back but I had pain from the laparoscopic surgery for only 4 or 5 days. I needed no pain meds 5 days after surgery. I can exercise regularly and had full strength and endurance back maybe 6 months post surgery. I see that a number of others have already posted replies to you but if you need other info don't hesitate to reach out. As others have said please avail yourself to all of the information and support that the National Kidney Foundation provides prospective kidney donors

Best wishes.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toHappydonor

Thank you for responding!! Sounds like you bounced back pretty quick. I hope to do the same. It's an exciting yet scary thing. I find the more I know, the more anxious I get. Hahaha. Thank you and enjoy today!!

Boomop profile image

I was not a match for my Cousin but you can then op to the kidney Pairing Exchange and your husband will still get his kidney

All the best......

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply toBoomop

Yes, I'm happy to help someone else in need if I'm not a match for my husband. So far, I'm matching up pretty good. Just waiting on my appt with my Rheumatologist to clear me. Have a great day!!

marcyc profile image
marcycNKF AmbassadorNKF Peer Mentor

Hi Sandi, I was a living donor for my husband in 2015. I am also a RN. The process can feel slow and stressful because you want this transplant for your husband. But know all the testing is to keep you safe, first and foremost. I faced some disappointment because his younger brother backed out and I felt that I was his last hope as he wasn’t doing well on dialysis. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Please feel free to ask questions.

SandiLemus profile image
SandiLemus in reply tomarcyc

Wow...thank you for responding. Slow process, indeed. I go in today to see if my Rheumatologist will clear me to donatea. Fingers crossed!! What a wonderful gift for you to give your husband. I'm hoping to do the same. Enjoy today!!

marcyc profile image
marcycNKF AmbassadorNKF Peer Mentor in reply toSandiLemus

I have osteoarthritis and the one thing I miss is Advil. The transplant team tells you to never take NSAIDs. Hope your Rheumatologist has some options for you.

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