I am new to this blog. I am about to donate a Kidney - next week.
New member: I am new to this blog. I am... - Kidney Donation
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Welcome !!! Donating a kidney is such a wonderful act of kindness. I gave my husband a kidney 8 years ago at the age of 64. As the time approached I was pretty anxious - however, I knew that I was very well screened and knew I was healthy from having all the tests as I'm sure you did. After coming home within a few days I walked with a friend and did a little more each day. For the next 4- weeks at times I would become very tired and would rest or take a little nap. Just listen to your body, eat well, walk when you can and you will have a fine recovery. Oh, and when people offer to help you in any way, let them!!!
Warm wishes
Dear Lovesher, fantastic that you will soon be a kidney donor. At the age of 53 (9.5 years ago) I donated a kidney to one of my brothers and am happy to report that both he and I are doing well. I agree with all of Sue's comments below as they closely mirror my experience. Best wishes to your recipient and you. Please let us know how you progress through your recovery. It is a wonderful journey and thank you for your generous selfless act.
Fantastic! You will get all the help and support from this site that you need! It is an incredible gift and you will forever feel good that you did this! Let us know how you did! We'll be thinking of you!
Thank you. I'm nervous but excited too.
Take a look at these videos - they are both really good!

Sue's comments are right on from my perspective as well, except my memories are a bit fuzzier as I donated 13 years ago to my Dad - in fact, Feb 12th will be our exact TRANSPLANIVERSARY, an event which we celebrate EVERY YEAR! My Dad is now 83 and hanging in there!
My detailed memories of donation are basically gone, but, what I do remember is all the positive that's happened SINCE, which is what it's all about in the end!
Wishing you all the best as well as your recipient!
How did it go??? Would be keen to hear as I have my op soon... Hope yer well and recovering
That's wonderful! All of us are here to support you, give advice, or ask YOU for advice! You are a hero in doing this and it's probably the most altruistic decision you've ever made! Congratulations! Let us know how it goes.
That’s amazing! Hope your surgery and recovery went well!
As the thread notes, trust your body. I was tired and sore 3-5 days post op. Walking helped me. I was back playing soccer 5 weeks later.
Feel free to check out my story at Delta Sigma Phi, Summer 2014 Carnation. Page 40.
It's a rather personal and an emotional experience. Filled with highs and lows. But, I would do it all again.
Much respect to you!
Thank you for your kind heart.