Hi my name is Michaelynn.
I donated my kidney to a member of my church three years ago. We did not know each other personally at the time so this was considered an altruistic donation . It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and I would encourage anyone who has a physical ability to donate a kidney to do so.
Bill is the conductor of or church choir and posted in the church bulletin that he was in need of a kidney. When I read is appeal, knew in my heart I going to be a match and this was going to be a reality. When I went to the hospital for an informational meeting, I recognized Bill and his wife from church and I walked up to him and said "Hey , I think I have something you need" and we begin our relationship there. We chose to keep a donation process open and I updated him on every step of the screening process. We experienced a couple of setbacks. He had a small stroke and had to have some major dental work done prior to the surgery, which did delay things. We did some fund raising together on the side to cover our expenses. I know this can be a tricky matter and is sometimes frowned upon but we got overwhelming support from our community. We were able to cover his dental expenses and out of pocket costs and my out of work expenses with no problems whatsoever . We drove together to the surgery. Out hospital rooms were right next to each other and we became great friends . One year later I joined the choir. I figured if my kidney was already a member of the choir I would have no problem getting in ! Now we see each other all the time in church and around town. We celebrate our kidney anniversary together every year. I can see every day what a difference I have been in his life. We have a special bond few others have. If you're considering donating a kidney for a friend a loved one or even a perfect stranger I can tell you that you won't regret it !