So my husband is currently incarcerated and is still doing dialysis three times a week. He also has been taking his binders three times a day. Before he was incarcerated his phosphorus levels were normal but his latest blood test result shows that his phosphorus level is a 5.9 he can't exactly have a healthy diet while he is in there. He doesn't get to choose what he wants to eat. His creatinine is also extremely high is it a 5.7 and before it was incarcerated it was at a 3.5. it is extremely frustrating not to know exactly what is going on with him medically. I don't understand how his levels could have gone up so high in such a short period of time. I am at a loss and not sure what to do if I can do anything. This is where I believe our justice system is broken. This is more like cruel and unusual punishment as opposed to just a punishment. I know that they do not have his best interest at heart. I'm not too sure what responses I am expecting but it is so overwhelming and I needed an outlet to vent. I am more than open to any suggestions or advice anyone can give me. Thank you.
High Phosphorus: So my husband is currently... - Kidney Dialysis
High Phosphorus

When you are on dialysis, it is harder to control phosphorous. Mine goes up and down but went way up when I started dialysis. He may be on the wrong type of binder. I switched to a blocker and it made a difference. He is not being punished for having CKD. It just very difficult to control phosphorous. And since he really does not get much say in his care, he probably won't be able to get on a better product. 5.9 is not great but not also as bad as some. The justice system always seems unfair when you get caught. Jail is not a hotel.
I imagine the Prison food is full of Phosphorus and ultra processed foods, due to feeding so many. Wholesome foods are probably not their top priority, but seems somewhat ironic that they allow Dialysis 3 times a week but not address his diet, which any of us that suffer from Kidney Disease know that diet is so important to help Dialysis be effective.Can he ask his Clinic to recommend a diet for him that the Prison can provide?...Or maybe better educate him on what foods to avoid himself...They had the right to incarcerated him for Crimes he committed, but they also have the responsibility to "do no harm"
Best Wishes
They have a dialysis or kidney diet however all it really is, is low sodium
Right...there are books you could send him to read on Kidney Diets...he should try to eat as much fresh vegetables as they offer ..Phosporus is in is quite a struggle to avoid it...maybe a better binder would help him...I take Seveldemer for my Phosporus and I feel it really helps me
I'm so sorry to hear you're in this situation. Sadly, too many inmates get subpar health care. If your husband is incarcerated still awaiting sentencing, perhaps your hubby's lawyer can ask the court that he serve his time in a specific facility that's well known for their dialysis services. (This may take some research.) I sincerely hope things turn around for both you and your hubby.
These levels aren't as bad as you think although they should be better if doing dialysis 3 days a week. Can your lawyer intervene through the court system? And how does a dialysis patient end up being incarcerated!?
My creatinine is 10 and phosphorus level stays around 5.6. I am on selvemar 800 -2 thrice a day. I am on PD since last 9 months and overall doing fine. Phosphorus goes up and down and dirt affects a lot. Try to avoid any dairy products, caffeine , replace hard protein source to plant based or whey protein if on dialysis. Most of the foods have phosphorus so we can’t avoid but we can balance our diet. Protein foods are high in phosphorus so intake must watch. I have been told upto 800 mg phosphorus/day by my doctor.
Try to include gluten free items which can help to manage creatinine.
Recently I have included Ayurveda to help my health. Please check with your doctor and do your own research before including as integrated treatment.
Hope everyone stay healthy and energetic.
Once patient is on dialysis, creatinine no longer being looked it. What’s important is adequacy. Some patients have creatinine as high as 10-13. phosphorus of 5.9 is high but not as high as others I’ve seen. He needs to be on 2 sevelamer 3x/day vs just one. It’s just about fine tuning the right regimen.
Just to be clear, are you saying that your husband is receiving HD while incarcerated without a nephrologist monitoring his condition and treatment? Who is prescribing his meds and looking at his CTR X-rays?
He should increase his sevelamer to two tablets with his main meal. I increased from one tablet with every meal to one tablet with every meal but two tablets with the main meal and it made a big improvement in my phosphorous control. Very sorry to hear your husband is in prison, as if being on dialysis is not hard enough for him.
just to jump in here: my husband is on hemodialysis and takes sevelamer 800 mg, 3 tablets 3 times a day (9 total), so perhaps the dosage needs to be increased