Have been sick for weeks. Went into hospital with a drowning feeling and heart rate would go up to 140/160. The drowning feeling has improved just happens after a few hours of dialysis with chest pain. My heartrate is controlled by medication now. Have had ECGs CT Scans xrays and an angiogram my heart is fine. It's worse when I'm on dialysis the feeling crappy and chest pain. Any ideas?? The drs have no idea!!! I've got a hernia in my stomach and that's painful as well.
Sick for weeks: Have been sick for weeks... - Kidney Dialysis
Sick for weeks
Hi Jinny. I had a very rapid heartbeat last year. It was so bad I had to go to hospital. I had ECGs etc and they found nothing. Doctors said all my tests were normal and discharged me. The next day I still felt awful and checked my results online. I realised my bicarbonate levels were low. Once I got that sorted I was fine. Then the same thing happened last month. I had no sleep as my heart was racing so much. Said to my dialysis nurse and again my bicarb was low. She adjusted the machine to increase my levels. I'm not saying that's what's wrong with you. However check ALL your blood tests and do your own research. Sometimes the professionals miss something important. Hope you get it sorted soon 👍 xx
If you feel like you are drowning, per haps you have too much fluid. I( spent 30 days in the hospital and they ran every test in the book ... befire they drained almost 2 litres of fluid off my lungs!!!! The hearat cath with dye killed my kidneys. They are slowly (and unexplainably) coming back. Creatine went from 6.9 to 2. YAY!
Hope you begin to feel better soon. Just dont give up. I was due to start dialysis soon but now my GFR improved to 18 for no reason that I know of. So you just dont know what will happen tomorrow.
I had chest pain during dialysis about a year after I started hemodialysis in center. They tested my blood for a possible heart attack both at dialysis and in the ER, then sent me by ambulance to a bigger hospital with a great cardiac care unit. Once there, they did an ultrasound which showed clearly that I was having Takutsubo cardiomyopathy ( a stress related heart condition where the heart balloons out on one side - I think it was the right side). Unfortunately, I could not swallow anything for a few days and then they could give me aspirin and do a cardiac catheterization. It turned out that I had a 70% blockage in one coronary artery and other small blockages. They decided to treat me medically with a statin and a daily low dose aspirin and did not have to put in any stents. I also went to cardiac rehab to regain my strength and do aerobic exercises. You do have the right to insist on getting the care you need and to advocate for yourself. Good luck in getting to the bottom of this! Take care!