I have been doing PD dialysis for 5 days and I don't like it because of the cramping is this unusual? I feel like I want to go back to doing hemodialysis in the center. The only thing I do like is PD is not four hours period. Any advice?
I don't like PD : I have been doing PD... - Kidney Dialysis
I don't like PD

I’m so sorry you are feeling cramping. Hopefully someone who has experienced this will answer. I’m writing to encourage you to keep going. My husband will be on PD a year next month and doing wonderful. He feels wonderful and so many tell us is so much better than going to clinic 3 x week. Your body will start to rid the toxins and you will start feeling better.
Dear Quita55,
I suspect, only that, but maybe you a Taking Off too much fluid. I was never on PD, only ever Hemo.- until I had a Transplant, way back, in 2013. Can you not Ask for some Advice, from Somewhere?
Sorry that I can't advise you further Quita.
When does your cramping occur ?...Is it in the draining or filling Cycle...You need to call your PD Nurse and let her know you are having difficulty...There are adjustments she can make to help with cramping...Dont give up...it will get easier...let us know what your Clinic tells you...
Hi Quita55. As Rhen Dutchess123 indicated, you may be having issues in the drain or fill cycle. But you may also have a problem with the strength of solutions. My hubby had severe cramping with the "red bag" solutions. It took too much out of him. (The yellow is weakest, green is in the middle, and red is the strongest.) So you may want to also keep an eye on the type of solutions your nephrologist has given you.
Hello Darlenia I talked with my support team and I feel much better they told me I'm new with home dialysis and it may take a while to get things right and to be patient with myself. So thank you for your time and support as well as understanding.
Glad to hear you contacted your PD team.Home dialysis team is usually competent, compassionate and supportive. They should be your first contact if you have any issues with PD.
Cramping could be from your body is still adjusting or removing too much fluid. It will take awhile to find your ideal body weight. Once the IBW establish you will know how much fluid should be removed from the body and that it would not cause you the problem
Comparing to in centre dialysis, PD is much gentle to your body and also reserve your kidney residue function . Hopefully you will get use to PD soon.
Hey, Quite, I'll be starting PD sometime in July and would love to hear what you did for the issues you were having. Will help me to know what to look out for once I start. Did they adjust your solution, or did you find different body position techniques to help with the cramping, or did you just bear with it until it began to fix itself?
I feel cramping sometime when I am draining. Almost feels like the catheter is pulling my insides out but if I change positions that seems to help (like sit up if I was lying down, etc.)
I hope you are doing better now.