Hello everyone, my husband has had CKD due to IGA nephrophathy. Recently his GFR dropped to 11. We were given a choice or PD or Hemo. We have not been able to decide which route to take. We do have three cats at home and I was wondering if anyone on PD here has had animals in the house. I know infection is a big deal with PD, I was just wondering if it would be safe to go that route.
Confused: Hello everyone, my husband has had... - Kidney Disease

NKF has a podcast "Hot topics in kidney Health". Episode 2 is about pets and CKD with an emphasis on dialysis. Hope this helps.
My husband was on HD and PD and greatly preferred PD. But we didn't have any pets in the house. Some do have them while on PD, but take precautions - keeping them away when preparing for dialysis and so forth. I hope someone with pets will jump on here and give you specifics on how they handled their furry family. Here's a link from the AKF on the matter too: kidneyfund.org/treatments/d.... Wishing you all the best as you consider the various types. It's a journey!
I have a dog that doesn't shed much and I have no issues, 3 years on dialysis and I do lots of exchanges (4-5 a day). If you can set up a room without them getting inside you should be okay, you will have to be extra persistent with cleaning before hooking up. If you do a cycler overnight then the amount of exchange is down to a minimum. Hope that helps!
My former husband was on PD (I was one of his caretakers), and it was a LOT better than regular hemo - no debilitating fatigue, better clearance (because you do it daily), and he didn't have to restric his diet much or liquids at all. The only thing to watch is that you get enough protein - PD leaches protein some. Iwould recommend the overnight cycler rather than the daytime exchanges. Less hassle and less chance of infection, too.