Hi all, Not been on for a while but just wanted to
say my husband has just one kidney , he had cancer in his bladder and had a neo bladder made from 10”inches from his bowel to make a new bladder this was 9 yrs ago it’s come with lots of complications over the yrs but seems to be ok for the moment.
Anyway he had a Ct scan and an ultrasound on his kidney and found a lesion on it ultrasound guy said it’s probably a cyst a year ago. Then we get a call from a doctor to say it could be cancer just to prepare him. Then after that he had a letter saying they’re keeping an eye on it that was from the urologist and the Nephrologist are going to see him in July. He hasn’t had a biopsy so I’m just worried.
My dad had kidney cancer but when they found it it was too late it had spread to his bones and he died . I’d appreciate it if someone could get back to me thanks