"I am a 43-year-old woman, and in 2011, I was diagnosed with glomerulonephritis. I thought it would go well because it seemed mild, and I had accepted it. But now, after doing some tests, protein has appeared in my urine, and I don’t understand how this is happening because I don’t have any microalbuminuria, low blood pressure, and usually normal creatinine levels (it has gone above normal a few times). Also, last spring, I had surgery for an aneurysm in my brain, and I am waiting to get my CT scan results to see how it went. As you can imagine, I am very anxious and distressed about my serious health problems because I had hoped to keep them at a good level. Now, if I ever need a transplant, I don’t know if I will be able to do it because of the aneurysm. I am very sad, and I still haven’t accepted it."
Afraid of my diagnosis: "I am a 43-year-old... - Kidney Disease
Afraid of my diagnosis

May the Divine Mother comfort you during this time with your health issues. I know it is very challenging for you. Om, Peace, Amen.
Rough issues to face I too had had an the brain abdominal and I’ve also had cancer completed on my advice that I would offer to you is that you continue to see your nephrologist and make sure you keep an eye on your creatinine and your protein you’re doing everything fear of not knowing what’s going on with your kidneys. I would get a definitive diagnosis ask your doctor if it would be wise to do a biopsy if that’s indicated I think that’s a whole idea of getting a diagnosis profoundly important. I wish you well and we do want you to know that there is a kidney support virtually that you can sign up to at kidneysolutions.org bless
just wanted to tell you I had two Bain aneurysm one was Clip one bled and I have a small one now that they are watching but it did not kick me off the transplant list I just have to get it check but they think that will not stop me from getting a transplant I’m inactive right now cause I have low injection fraction .
Thank you so much for your response.Amd how do you manage your conditions?
I see a neurologist for like 20 years I seen a neuro psychologist she was a great help to me after the aneurysm that burst I had to learn to walk and talk again it took lots of work but I fully committed to it . I try not to let stress take over me I am under a lot of stress now cause my husband had a stroke and can not walk he is working on it but he want to come home and I know I can’t take care of him myself unless he can walk . I go to center do dialysis three time a week so that more stress . I try to put it all in good hands which is sometimes hard but I have to with my and my husband health I have great support from family and friend and my church family you have to let other know what’s bothering you for them to help you anyway they can . Oh and it takes awhile sometimes to adapt to your new normal it is also ok to be scarce but share that with others .
You are so kind and you inspire me very much with everything you told me about your life.First of all i woshcyou all the best amd have faith and courage,you will find your way through all these.Secondly i really really thank you for your encouramgment,it s all new to me and I am still scared snd adapting.
Hi! Many of us have felt just like you're feeling right now. It's nice to see that you're being proactive and asking questions. I, personally, would ask my doctor about the proteinuria and ways to address it. It's probably an outcome of your disease but other things can produce it too; e.g. utis, dehydration, over exercising, etc. Knowing what your doctor thinks and plans to do about that provides reassurance. And that reduces anxiety. It's wonderful that your creatinine is normal, or close to normal. That's very encouraging. I sense it's unlikely that your aneurysm will prevent you from getting a transplant, especially since it's fixed. When my husband received a heart stent, I believed that his chance for a transplant was over. The surgeon reassured me, noting that this would increase his chance for a transplant since the problem was "corrected"! He was right - a few months later, my husband received his transplant. He has since had brain surgery for a hematoma - that, too, was fixed and life moves along smoothly. Trouble happens with one ignores matters. You're not doing that. Keep on, keeping on!