Good morning! I recently had labwork done and had some alarming results. My EGFR is 51. Creatinin is 1.25 and (Bun) is 26, I am a 55-year-old female who doesn't smoke, drink, and I exercise regularly. My EGFR was 69 a year and a half ago. I just redid labs this morning, but of course, I am anxious about the first results.
Newbie: Good morning! I recently had labwork... - Kidney Disease

youre in the fifties still and thats good.once you do get the final results ask about a nephrologist if needed.
Bonjour,le néphrologue vous demandera de passer des analyses complémentaires et de ,contrôler votre tension.,c est important ,elle ne doit pas être haute
I'm a newbie too and can totally understand your feeling of anxiety. I have no advice other than to say have courage as best you can.
How was your blood pressure?
just breathe your numbers are good but can understand your anxiety glad you redid labs cause depend on the day they can change like if you are dehydrated can make a difference . Keep exercising watch your sodium . And welcome to the forum
creatinine can be falsely elevated by being dehydrated or intense exercise the day before. Certain medications like ACE inhibitors can cause a cosmetic rise. Certainly wait an see. GFR will drop with age also, though this seems a bit rapid. A doctor may ask if any kidney disease runs in the family. Also your blood pressure could still be elevated even if you exercise and are at a normal weight. Lots of factors to discuss.