Just picked up a copy of my results from may labs my BUN is 9 my creatinine is 1.09 ans eGFR is 55 evwrything seems in normal range except for eGFR. Dont really know what the other levels mean... Anyone
Labs: Just picked up a copy of my results... - Kidney Disease

To better understand your labs and their meaning try going to labtestsonline.org and once there click on the TESTS tab and then on the INDEX and you'll be able to search for any tests on your labs and have it explained in lay terms. It will also give you a general idea as to what is "normal" and help you develop questions for your doctor when you discuss the results. Hope this helps.

Yes... Thank u
My last GFR was 53 and my Dr said that’s almost normal, just did labs again this morning and hoping it’s stayed the same.
Hope is a good thing. Just remember to stay the course with your diet, exercise, and meds. Don't get too high when the GFR goes up or too low when it drops a bit.

Mine was 56 in July and now in January 50. It's very scary.
My test were all in a year of each other and first 106 next 80 n now 55 dropping 20+ in a year not to mention i found out i was going through menopause last year. Hopefully i will find out a lil more on Monday with the kidney specialist im tired of not knowing... All i know is Its been a long 2 weeks exited to finally have some answers
I think doctors somehow lose the ability, after a few years, of knowing what it's like being a patient. We are scared by test results like this. My doc never told me when my level was 56 or 54, but casually mentioned it at 50 on my detailed print out sheet only. It was written: Chronic Kidney Disease. That's down right scary! So when I got home I messaged you on the health portal asking her what I should do about the kidney disease, This was her answer (probably a cut and paste from another source.)
Hi Barbara,
I understand your concern. Sorry for the delay of my reply. I have been too busy this week. Here are some answers to your questions.
What is chronic kidney disease? - Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is when the kidneys stop working as well as they should. When they are working normally, the kidneys filter the blood and remove waste and excess salt and water.
In people with CKD, the kidneys slowly lose the ability to filter the blood. In time, the kidneys can stop working completely. That is why it is so important to keep CKD from getting worse.
What are the symptoms of CKD? - At first, CKD causes no symptoms. As the disease gets worse, it can:
-Make your feet, ankles, or legs swell (doctors call this "edema")
-Give you high blood pressure
-Make you very tired
-Damage your bones
Is there anything I can do to keep my kidneys from getting worse if I have CKD? - Yes, you can protect your kidneys by:
-Taking blood pressure and other medicines every day, if your doctor or nurse prescribes them to you
-Keeping your blood sugar in a healthy range, if you have diabetes
-Changing your diet, if your doctor or nurse says you should SHE DIDN'T
-Quitting smoking, if you smoke
-Losing weight, if you are overweight
-Avoiding medicines known as "nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs," or NSAIDs. These medicines include ibuprofen (sample brand names: Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (sample brand name: Aleve). Check with your doctor, nurse, or kidney specialist before starting any new medicines - even over-the-counter ones.
-Avoid dehydration
You don't have to see a nephrologist at this time. Should there be any further progression of your kidney disease, I will refer you to nephrology.
Dr. Y
Yes that is very scary maybe u need to fins a new primary care dr. I am also looking for a new primary care dr
My health insurance people were shocked. They are sending me a list of doctors to choose from
Wow... I cant believe she sent u that... Theres a paragraph that says "that's why it's important not to let CKD get worse" Well how does she expect u to not let it get worse if u dont know u have it cuz she failed to tell u ur diagnosis...
That is barbaric to send a patient something like that. I mean good lord if you weren’t scared stupid before you would be after reading that. I am absolutely gobsmacked 😶