I have been told by my nephrologist that Lipitor is renal protective and of benefit in lowering protein. Has anyone else been told this? I can find no information regarding this.
Lipitor: I have been told by my nephrologist... - Kidney Disease

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Lipitor is used to reduce lipoprotein, thereby lowering bad cholesterol levels, and can also have a beneficial effect on C-reactive protein levels, measured by the Crp test.Perhaps this is what has been mentioned to you, rather than simple protein levels which relate to nutrition-related protein in the body released by food intake.
I got this off drugs.com
"Lipitor can cause the breakdown of muscle tissue, which can lead to kidney failure. Call your doctor right away if you have unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness especially if you also have fever, unusual tiredness, or dark urine."
I think it's important to remember that each case is different. My nephrologist, Endocrinologist and PCP has said using Lipitor will help. My lipoprotein has gone down and my efgr has gone from 44 to 51. I do watch my diet although my doctor has not restricted my diet but I know it's important. I walk or exercise at 3 times a week I'm working on doing more. Hope this helps. Sending positive thoughts to you on this journey.
We don't know your cholesterol data. But cholesterol is a big issue if it's out of range. Cholesterol clogs and hardens the vessels throughout the body including those tiny filtration units in your kidneys Hence, Lipitor will reduce the cholesterol impact on your kidneys. See ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161... However, Lipitor can lead to other situations, especially if dosages are inappropriate, etc. My husband, a diabetic with a transplant, was placed on Lipitor years ago and has since moved on to another. (Arteriosclerosis is a big issue for diabetics.) I'd encourage you to have a conversation with your doctor to discuss positives/negatives of this and other cholesterol reducing meds.
Yes, Lipitor is renal protective (Atorvastatin Has a Dose‐Dependent Beneficial Effect on Kidney Function and Associated Cardiovascular Outcomes: Post Hoc Analysis of 6 Double‐Blind Randomized Controlled Trials, Vogt, L, et al, Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 8, Number 9, 2019).
A note of caution, however. I was on Lipitor and an ACE inhibitor, which is also considered renal protective and I still ended up with a kidney transplant! ☹️
So nothing is perfect!
I have never heard of this, but I'm very interested in any replies you may get from someone with experience with lipitor.