i was just put on two mg of ozempic and i was wondering if it helped or harmed?i read a recent study that says its beneficial to ckd people,another that warned against it.both my pcp and nephro gave the ok but wondering what to expect?
ozempic: i was just put on two mg of ozempic... - Kidney Disease

Did they put you right on 2 mg or did they step you up. Most people start with .25 and work up. I have been on Ozempic for over two years and my husband for almost as long. His CKD improved. I am on the lowest dose because I got pancreatitis from it. But I had pancreatitis before. I do not take enough to lose weight. But my A1c is 5.3 and has been for a year and half.
my a1c is 5.5 right now and they put me straight on that dose.i didnt know anything about a lower dose.thanks for the information.im gonna be watching to see what this does
Holy smokes. Are you trying to lose weight? I would be concerned that they did not titrate you so your body gets used to it. It will change your bowel movements, either way more or way less. I would speak to the doctor about jumping it at that level. It might make you hypoglycemic with that A1c. Are you taking insulin too? If so, be careful.
Your fasting blood sugar at 5.5 mmols/l, is in WHO's normal range who.int/data/gho/indicator-... and only the start of pre-diabetic range for Diabetes UK diabetes.co.uk/diabetes_car...
I presume youve seen my replies to other posts on GLP-1s? If not, see healthunlocked.com/user/use...
Totally supposed to start at lower doses and work up to 2mg.
thanks for the info.i just got stuck on the dose no explannations etc.my husband is royally p.o.d at the doctor.im hoping i dont get pancreatitis...
ok.calling today
Giving you a virtual hug! 🫂
Hi S_dillow 😊🌿🌸🦋
I have a negative results to report. Not to scare you but educate you. I started Ozempic in August 2023. The first jab I got a bad headache straight away. Then with additional jabs I started getting severe stomach pains then severe nausea. These 2 very unpleasant symptoms stayed with my whole experience while using it. It definitely curbed my appetite as my GI issues were ever present. Then by the second month I noticed my GI tract wasn’t functioning normally. I stopped using ozempic when I wasn’t able to have a BM anymore. I was well on my way to having bowel paralysis. Now it’s 10 months later and my bowels are still not normal but I am able to go thank God. I only lost 6 pounds while on Ozempic. It wasn’t worth it to me. I then moved on to GOLO capsules which had resulted in the same results w/o all the pain nausea. I quit that too.
In all fairness to these wonderful products I don’t believe I was ever a good candidate to try them at all. I’ve always had GI problems and to complex to describe. Not ever had normal bowel function. I know now that my GI tract has been permanently damaged from using Ozempic.
My advice to anyone without normal GI functioning is beware on trying this. I’m a patient with over 70 comorbidities with severe type 2 diabetes and multiple autoimmune diseases and I have just accepted that I’m going to stay 200+ pounds till the end of my days and although I don’t like this no control over this due to failed thyroid and very little sleeping it’s just my road to travel. I’m thrilled not to have severe GI pain anymore.
I hope this hasn’t scared you but it will help you or anyone else that has GI problems to begin with be sure to give thorough consideration to trying anything that might cause serious GI complications because I’ve read where too many others who have to live with much worse outcomes than mine.
Best wishes for success in your journey my friend.
Love and prayers
EJ 😊♥️🥰🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋
TWO mg? I started out out on .25 mg for a month, .50 mg for a month, then onto 1 mg, against my better judgment. I know it doesn’t happen to a lot of people, but I got violently ill after one dose of the 1 mg, and it took me 5 weeks to recover. I would definitely question that dose unless you’ve already worked your way up to it and had no ill effects.
no that was a straight dose.im keeping tabs on whats up.
Well, in my case, all the distress came at once. I was fine one day, and the next I was retching like crazy, with my stomach literally doing flip flops. I had stomach pain so bad, I couldn’t have eaten if I tried. I ended up going to Urgent Care, where I was tested for pancreatitis and gall bladder attack. Thankfully, neither issue was the case, but I was sick for quite a few weeks. I’m not saying you will experience any issues, I just wonder why the doctor would start someone out on the highest dose, when the general rule of thumb is to start out small and increase by a half dose more, a month at a time? That being said, I hope you have great success!
God bless you for your fortitude! I have many problems and go through my depressive states, but to be honest, there is always someone who has more issues than I do, and in some selfish way, it makes me feel better. Blessings to you! 🙏🏼
Good on you Barbara. You are keeping it factual. I don't understand how Userotc gets away with it. Well done. A private business advising on diet: I did not know that. I thought it was all just flaky well intentioned advice.
A private business would make it unethical.
thanks.i havent been able to reach anybody yet...but as its a weekend theyll probably call me monday.if i dont get them first.
thanks.i havent been able to reach anybody yet...but as its a weekend theyll probably call me monday.if i dont get them first.
Even the leaflet that comes with the Ozempic pen tells you to start at .25 for a month. Then .5 for a month etc. Perhaps your Dr just meant for you to get the higher dose pen then follow microdosing instructions to titrate up slowly?
nope.they just put me on 2mg flat period.still dont get it
If you can’t get hold of your doctor soon then have a chat with the pharmacist who supplied it to ask if there are any dangerous side effects to look out for when starting at a high dose. Pancreatitis and low blood sugars come to mind but perhaps if you haven’t experienced any side effects then you’re okay to continue the 2mg. Pharmacists are highly trained and often know more about new drugs than doctors. If not they certainly have access to the information you need
Hello, has your GFR gotten any better on Ozempic?