My grf ws 62 last august and now results today said 53. Since 2008 i have always been between 51-59 and was surprised whewn i saw 62. Repeat test in 2 months. Any suggestions on how people raised their GRF as would like to connect and know what they did. I drink about (4 )16.9 bottles of water a day and 2 10oz cup coffee (am and early afternoon). I was told to get cranberries as they help and would like to know how people raised theirs as dr is concerned for the big brop and creatine was 1.12 but all the other numbers were fine. Any help or suggestions would be great. Thanks
GRF NUMBERS: My grf ws 62 last august and now... - Kidney Disease

You don’t mention how old you are but an eGFR of 62 is “normal” for people at or over age 50…why are you concerned about a one-time 9 point drop….additionally it’s called eGFR (emphasis on the E…that stands for estimated…) while eGFR is used by doctors to track the “state of the kidney function,” after an initial diagnosis of CKD, in the literature to physicians from the NIDDK they state to “
Whilst not a big drop and a fair eGFR for your age, did you check the potential for lorazepam side effects that I suggested in your Kidney Disease post 1y ago?. I know youre trying to wean off it but please check side effects of a new one too as kidneys are common targets.
Here's another link
I have been off lorazapam for over a month and taking tradazone with melatonin for sleep and all my other numbers were in range except the grf and my creatine which was 1.12 probably becauce if the drop since 2008-2022 my grf always ranged from 51-59 and was shocked to see y62 last august as i drink 4 bottles of water and 2 cups of coffee a day
Yes my mum was also pleasantly surprised when she reached an egfr of 76 a couple of years ago from a starting fig of 36 post-nephtectomy. But it then gradually reduced to latest 50 - ~typical for 1 kidney. Hopefully we can keep it at least around that 🤞🤞
Mum is drug-free with her progress likely due to a personalised Nutritional Therapy protocol.
Hello Anne no reason to be worry about. There are many explanation for which creatinine can fluctuate. Expecially when all others renal values are in range. Maybe worth to ask for 24H urine test next blood test you are planning. rgs
Be happy and enjoy your life. Don't think there is something wrong. Keep going your periodical test and stay relaxed.
my eGFR was 59 when I found out I had CKD. I looked on line at National Kidney Foundation and Mayo Clinic websites. Reviewed their lists of foods I shouldn’t be eating. Mine were cola and ice cream. I eliminated them from my diet, cut down on salt and increased water intake. 6 months my eGFR was 72. Check to see which foods you regularly eat that may cause a drop. I never drink coffee and never take NSAIDS but if they’re something you use maybe try cutting back? Good luck.