When I joined I had tested for stage two kidney disease, but after two more years it's shows normal. But that has been right after my forth booster shot. I lost 8 sizes in five months, ( I was over weight a lot, at 5'3" once even size 10, then after four years a perfect 8, with healthy muscles) I had maintained that healthy size for four years then lost almost all my muscle, I had skin hanging in piles, and everything looked bad. I was a size zero. I did the research, found out on CDC this does happen, so I researched like crazy. I switched to all female doctors, at VA. One looked up my date of the shot vs my notes I started taking, she confirmed it all started two days after that booster. That was April 4th, it started April 6. (2022)I'm finally up to a size 3&1/2. About half my muscle tone is back. I do not give up, It's my life and my health. You can heal yourself, or make your condition better.
Just FYI: When I joined I had tested for... - Kidney Disease
Just FYI

Sounds like you have good spirit dealing with all your weight issues. I don't think that mild CKD would cause weight loss is all.
Reread what I wrote. I did not say it was the CKD, I specifically stated it was a bad reaction to my fourth covid booster shot which had been a reported side effect ( rare) on the CDC site. It further states it can take 12-18 months to recover. It was that reaction that caused the response from my kidneys, I also stated consecutive blood tests showed it improve g until my last one was normal. Believe me, I started researching CKD, Immune responses to multiple boosters, Immune diseases, etc. I did not list all the things that occurred. The very first sign was extreme dehydration even when I started drinking over a gallon of water a day. The first sign was I opened my eyes at night and they were so dry it felt like sand was in them, I was diagnosed with dry eye disease and eye allergies which I never had. I had to use five different eye drops and cream for six months, now I just need two, 12 hours used five minutes apart, and before I was thirsty even while drinking water. Now I'm back to 2-6 16 ounce in a glass bottle. I have always drank a lot of water as a professional diver, rescue diver, lifeguard, Emt/Dmt in South florida. I only drink water or Sumatra single source coffee or organic herbal tea and pasture raised grassmilk. And the water is purified from an under The sink filter that's less expensive and better than a pur faucet filter. That costs $29 every 3 months and is so so tasting, the one I installed was $47 for a year, and that included the in line system, snaps right into your cold water, tastes sweet like artesian well water I drank as a child in Upstate New York. Once a year. Twist off and replace. I also use filters on my shower, if you take a 3 min shower ( for one person's use) it lasts 3 months and only costs $11. It gets rid of dry, itchy skin, break outs, rashes, etc. Doesn't burn your eyes of it gets in them either and your hair is softer, dinner and doesn't break. I don't have frayed ends anymore. And since I was greying, I use nature henna the same natural color of my hair. It NEVER fades, only grows our, henna also heals the hair shaft, helps it shine and protects it from air pollution, drying etc. I offer information to help as many people as I can. I am writing a book of all this, but that's only to be able to get it out to more people, I will always share healthy info to everyone I can freely in the hope it helps them, they see results, feel better then share with friends and family. And believe me, I beta read ( for free) for six author's, none of them are rich, that's a given. It's to share info. It costs thousands for someone to publish, and the only people who don't have to pay for it are already famous and rich authors because that's how the world works.
Thanks for sharing. We don't know what those little jabs can or cannot do for certain. Good luck.
My apologies for asking, but just for clarification, are you saying that the jab caused you to lose 8 dress sizes, and in turn, this caused your kidney function to return to normal, and now you’re just working on returning to a larger dress size? Was stage 2 based on eGfr only or did you also have other tests confirm kidney issues (protein in urine for example)? Have those tests improved as well? What caused your kidney issues to begin with, HBP, diabetes, something else? Has the root cause improved/normalized as well? Sorry again for the additional questions.
No other conditions. It occurred only after the bad reaction. That immune system reaction caused it, it causes all of it, the extreme dehydration was probably the mitigating factor that has resolved , it only lasted six months, there were three blood tests, the first showed sudden onset stage 2, the second up to stage 1 and the third normal. They were taken every two months. I still do not have full muscle, they literally melted. I'm taking an organic, pasture raised whey protein to help rebuild the muscles. I can still grab my top thigh joint with two fingers feeling bone. I literally looked like the pictures of the starving people in certain parts of the world in famine, all bones, every run visible, cheek bones sharp, skeletal, my sacrum home ( tailbone) stuck out further than the missing butt. I do have some bavk, but even sitting on a soft chair all I feel is my bone ( and now full body degenerative joint disease) against the chair. I bought a Dormeo mattress topper ( still paying for it) which has helped, but I can't use regular sheets because they cause painful friction on joints, I had to get microfiber ( that stretch) from a thrift store. I need pillows around every joint and the VA have me a therapeutic curled pillow to try and keep my neck supported. I have been in physical therapy 8 months every morning weekdays at 630, so I get up at 430, it takes almost an hour, but the time you park, and sign in.
Ohhhhh I see!! So your kidney damage was more of an acute condition than permanent. It is definitely important to find the right doctors for you…ones who really hear you. Healthcare in the USA is a big business and a huge revenue generator. We all must be the biggest advocates for our own health! Congratulations and I hope you get back to your normal weight soon
Thank you. The VA is a challege, to find the right doctors who respect your decisions and understand that natural methods, food and proper supplementation is important. I was pleased and surprised to find out my primary doctor, eye doctor and pain management all take Life Extention supplements like I do and use homeopathy, they respect I won't take antibiotics or meds. When one didn't know my cholesterol was just high normally, but my arteries are completely pristine, I said give me three months, I'll drop the LDL and increase the HDL. I dropped the LDL 125 points and raised the HDL by 79, just with food and I added organic citrus bergomat. She saw it herself. Bloodwork doesn't lie. My vision has consistently improved every year since 2014 as well. I only wear glasses now if I'm driving. Before I wore contacts or glasses everyday since I was 12. I stopped with contacts in 2010, and started eye exercises, esp if I'm the computer, I also constantly, indoors or out, make it a point to pick different things close and far and concentrate on them. Also, side to side, up and down and diagonally. It's amazing how much people can heal themselves. Ten years ago the VA doctors refused to even discuss vitamins or supplements or eating raw, fresh, seasonal or pasture raised, organic instead of drugs. Now all my doctors respect my decision because they see the proof.
Wow!! That’s truly inspiring. You’ve done the work, and it’s certainly paying off! Never knew you could improve your eyesight by doing eye exercises 🤯. I wish they would actually teach us this stuff. They’d still make money off of us and we’d have a better life quality.🤷♀️
I'm surprised too be cause I was born with a lazy eye and the egg donor was a selfish drug addict who never did the exercises. All she did was drink alcohol, do cocaine, shoot up heroine, smoke two packs a day and pot, so I was born with no depth perception, and my twin brother was born dyslexic with alcoholism, he committed suicide by age 25. So exercises immediately after birth can cure weak eye muscles, I started researching why and how eye sight issues happen. Much of it is about eye health and the shape of the eye, and that can be changed ( to an extent) with eye muscles. I'll never have perfect vision, but I can hear cheap dog whistles, I can hear is someone has a wet or dirty mouth and it drives me nuts ( look up misophonia) my whole like I have heard sounds that no one heard and was told I was crazy, even the tech went I went in the service tried to say I cheated. Let me tell you, you are locked in a dark, sound proof glass box, with headphones on, a clicker in each hand and you click when you hear sounds. You can't cheat or guess. I had to do it twice, I only got better. That was when I was 17. When I was 49 I had a test, I thought I had missed certain tones, it like there were " less" in the rest I assumed it was because I was older. ( supposedly you lose certain high pitched tones from infancy, then toddler, then teen, then adult, then senior, etc) But I can STILL hear sounds infant's hear. I thought I heard the doctor in the room across the hall so called out, " So how many sounds did I miss? " But then I heard her heels coming from a distance, she just looked at me for a minute, being the smart add I am, I said, " WHAT??? " Why are you looking at me like that? She said, " I was nine doors down on the right with the door shut". I didn't believe her. I said it was impossible and repeated her entire conversation she was having. That's when she told me I not only had better hearing than my VA tests, but a broader spectrum, mostly in high pitched sounds which I hate. Misophonia is when sounds do not go into the right part of your brain. Instead of going to the hearing section, each sound diverted to an emotional section. High pitched sounds irritate me, anger me, frustrate me, wet mouth sounds ( dirty mouth, spitters, those who always have too in the corners of their mouths, dentures with no glue ( constant sucking) open mouth chewing, disgust me even make me nauseated and piss me off, however, low sounds, bass thump, low frequency thrum, these sound calm me immediately, relax me, soothe me. I haven't owned a tv since 2012. Can't stand it. I have a tablet, but I have to turn off most commercials, esp that new, annoying screetchy, misogynistic nature valley camp commercial about bagels. I have to just turn off the tablet and walk away. So Google eye exercises, specifically focusing on near, then far, than intermediate. If your eyes are tired of you have a tension head ache, look out at nature. Focus on the farthest tree, don't strsin, focus on one you can see almost perfect, once it focuses, go to something very close, then intermediate. Your eyes relax and it can even end the headache. And if you have blue blocker on your computer or tablet or phone, use that too. I also can't handle artificial lights esp bright white, they cause migraines, I switched to faux Edison bulbs, led, warm almost burnt tone. Besides going organic and chemical free this stopped my migraines in less than a year. Haven't had one since 2013.
I could not agree more. If you do not do the research and put in the time your health will go to hell in a hand basket. I am currently on dialysis and have been on an off the transplant list because I am more times than not, AMA. *I am now the Engineer on MY health train. I started with a creatine of 6.9 three years ago going 3 X times a week for 3.5 hours and now I am going 2 X a week for 2.5 hours and creatine is at 2.9. As long as insurance pays doctors and clinics I was a cash c ow to them. Every time I sit in that chair they get paid handsomly. Up until nearly 4 months ago, I let them hold the transplant list over my head and did as I was told, then after the second tiem in less than 30 days I had to have my catherter replaced, that was it. The Dr. that removed the original catherter and then the replacement catheter said both times that there was nothing wrong with eith of those two catheters. No infection and no malfunctions. That is when I took over and started watching my numbers on my monthly blood work and my physical reaction to the dialysis. I decided to go twice a week. That got my Nephrologist's attention (finally, after 3 months of begging). Did a 24 hour urine test and all of a sudden was given medical approval for twice a week. Stand strong, do you research and listen to your body.
I had a similar situation when I was on PD. I kept track of my progress and there came a point when I felt that my prescription could change and I called in to the PD center and talked to one of the nurses. She argued and said she didn't agree with what I thought it could change to so I asked to talk to someone else. They contacted my Neph and he agreed with me. That really peed off that other nurse and she didn't like me much after that. You do have to watch out for yourself.
That's Awesome! We are out best advocate!
What is a boost shot?
Booster. The fourth covid booster. Two days after it the severe dry rye, dry mouth, dry throat, dry skin and chapped lips happened in the middle of the night, severe dehydration, those were the first sign of my immune system having a severe reaction. Everything else followed.