Hello everyone, I had a kidney test back in 2017 which showed my egfr at 61 and my family doctor requested I have another one done in four months to check again. My next test showed my egfr at 84 and I didnt really do anything different during that time. Also all my other tests are good, no protein in urine, good bun, good potassium ..etc. Then in the following years I had about 8 more tests done which showed a high of 77 and low of 62 averaging about 70. Im a 41 year old guy.
I was refered to a nephrologist but I am being seen by a NP instead of an MD and she is stumped. I have good blood pressure, no diabetes, not taking any medication, eating home cooked meals, no salt, etc. I had an MRI done and it shows my kidneys to be normal with one small simple cyst. She doesnt know what causes my egfr to be so low. I dont know what to do, should I change doctors and find someone more experienced?
Why did my egfr fluctuate so much that first time and hasnt gone back to those two extremes since? It went from 61 to 84 in four months and it has stayed in between those two numbers, never under or over in three years.