I found this site researching kidney disease. A year ago I had an eGFR of 23 then six months later it went up two points to 25 now it’s been six more months and it dropped to 21 which I think is the lowest point in Stage 4. I am looking for diet suggestions and maybe herbs that are good for kidney function. I am going to go start reading what is here already and look forward to learning all I can. Thank you!🙂
Hi! I’m new here!: I found this site... - Kidney Disease
Hi! I’m new here!

welcome home.id be cautious of herbs and supplements unless youve talked to your doctor and a dietician,those are the two best sources besides advocating for yourself.research research and research
Okay! Thank you very much! I am in the process of looking for a dietician now. I am making an appointment with my nephrologist on Monday so I will wait and ask him! Thanks for the advice!
16 is the lowest eGFR of stage 4. 15 is dialysis or transplant. My lowest was 18. I then started on Farxiga & now my eGFR is 48. I was diagnosed in 1978. I didn't start any special diet until 2018.
Red meat is not digested through your pancreas & kidneys. Alcohol is bad for both.
Dairy products cause kidney stones that can harm your kidneys and bladder.
Caffeine and sodium raises your blood pressure.
These are basic things to quit eating or drinking.
I wrote a long post on dieting, nutrition, exercise, what's good & what's bad nutrition.
Of course I always refer people back to their own nephrologist, endocrinologist & PCP for diagnosis and treatment. My posts are of professional education I've taught but they are only healthy suggestions.
My mum follows a Nutritional Therapy protocol and her eGFR has almost doubled to ~60 in recent years. I can send links to qualified NTs if you wish. Her nephro hasnt been helpful.
I would love that! Thank you so much for offering!
See below. I suggest you select CNHC registration, where asked. Good luck.
I’m in the U.S. is this applicable to me as well as the U.K.?
Hi. Yes you should be able to find local practitioners with both links eg enter America or USA in address for ANP link and enter Worldwide, postcode etc for BANT.
But most NTs operate online in my experience so I suggest that specialism eg renal/CKD, may be more important than location unless youre uncomfortable online?
I would like the links, please. Thank you.
See below. I suggest you select CNHC registration, where asked. Good luck.
Skyebeam where are you located? You will find all countries represented here in this forum. It is very interesting to learn all the differences with the healthcare systems. I have gone to DaVita.com for diet related to CKD recipes. The biggest thing to do is drink lots of water and cut out salt. My neph also recommended to cut out red meat altogether, which I have done and my numbers have remained steady with all that I am doing.

Check out kidneyschool.org Very helpful
Diet to YOUR labs and YOUR medical problems. When you do diet searches, the recipes you find are not always good for your particular case. Find out what's causing your kidney problems if you can, i.e., diabetes, hypertension, etc, and that's where you may start. A renal dietitian can also help with this, but I had trouble finding one who didn't offer only vegan menus which I didn't want. Then, remember the general, usual ones: keep hydrated, low salt, no NAIDS, no red meat, no dark colored sodas, check your potassium and phosphorus. It can get confusing, but you can do it. Good luck..
Good luck I was able to stay in stage 4 before I went on dialysis when I hit stage five but they thought I would be on dialysis four years ago I just started dialysis in February. A lot was from my diet I was a bad Diet Coke drinker I gave that up lots of water I stay away from red meats . All my labs were good I wasn’t high or low in anything . I kept hearing that I can see the renal dietician when I start dialysis because they kept telling me your labs are good but I was wanting more help but didn’t get it. I cut down my portions meat portion that fit in palm of your hand like when I fix chicken I cook one breast spilt it between me and my husband .my diet much of paid off cause I’m on pd dialysis and all my labs are good so I don’t have restrictions.But I’m careful. But I also found out it just not diet . It is excercise too. In stage four I walk two miles a day now I can only do one but make myself do it .
It's true about exercise. Mine is better when I exercise and lower when I don't. I have to force myself too. It's just too hot right now.
I think I am going to hire a dietician to help me. If I learn some good recipes I will pass them along